Seeing someone’s favorite

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Re: Seeing someone’s favorite


Post by MrTShirt »

Look at it this way:  You can tell KevinZ you appreciate him keeping BarbieGirl around until you could get to her.
Besides, maybe she was happy to go from an amateur to a professional.
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Post by SixT9er »

Thought about this while reading comments on the Mustang board between Chuckar and Ironman. Ironman knowing Tori is a favorite of CC’s mentioned he asked if it were ok if he saw her? Now if this really happened or not I don’t know in this case but believe it did as IM is a pretty conscientious guy and wouldn’t want hard feelings. CC’s response was it was up to Tori not him and it was fine by him.
Guys have asked me this question regarding my favorite and I always encourage the guy to see her. This has bit me in the ass a couple times but I keep doing it because I know if I’m her only client I won’t be a client for long because she’ll go broke and leave the biz! The Lady needs other clients so she stays in business and I need her to have them so she’s there for me when I have the opportunity to see her.
I believe most guys feel the same way and encourage others to see their favorites.

As stated before, I just don’t want to be there when she takes them behind the green door! Lol
Last edited by SixT9er on Mon Jan 07, 2019 6:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by billwh »

SixT9er link wrote: Thought about this while reading comments on the Mustang board between Chuckar and Ironman. Ironman knowing Tori is a favorite of CC’s mentioned he asked if it were ok if he saw her? Now if this really happened or not I don’t know in this case but believe it did as IM is a pretty conscientious guy and wouldn’t want hard feelings. CC’s response was it was up to Tori not him and it was fine by him.
Guys have asked me this question regarding my favorite and I always encourage the guy to see her. This has bit me in the ass a couple times but I keep doing it because I know if I’m her only client I won’t be a client for long because she’ll go broke and leave the biz! The Lady needs other clients so she stays in business and I need her to have them so she’s there for me when I have the opportunity to see her.
I believe most guys feel the same way and encourage others to see their favorites.

As stated before, I just don’t want to be there when she takes them behind the green door! Lol

What a great and timely subject for me! When I first posted on this forum, I mentioned my LONG-ago ATF, whom I saw almost exclusively for 6 years. I say almost, because back in the day before cell-phones, the internet and texting, I did a lot of correspondence by snail mail and sometimes I went to see her and she had already left for vacation, so I availed myself of whoever was there! I can count those "extracurricular" sessions on one hand.

In brothel life as well as real life, I have always picked a favorite and stuck with her. Now in real life if you find out your partner is screwing somebody else, you will likely not be happy about it. But in brothel life, you should consider it a good thing. The woman is not going to stay in business just from what I am paying her on my infrequent visits. It's actually to my benefit if as many guys as possible are seeing her (and paying her, of course).The more successful she is, the more likely it is she'll stay in business.

When it comes to feeling jealous or possessive, I keep this mantra in mind, regarding what I'm doing when visiting a brothel - no matter WHO it is I'm visiting!

"This is a business transaction, not to be taken personally or seriously"

A few other things I keep in mind: " -------- is a courtesan. It is her JOB to have sex with different men for money. They like her sex just like I like her sex. ( and, once again) This is a business transaction, not to be taken personally or seriously".

I know it's easier said then done, but those mantra ARE the truth. And the truth is supposed to set you free. When you put all emotion aside and look at the truth, there it is in black and white.
Last edited by billwh on Mon Jan 07, 2019 7:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Bigfoot »

What?!! Ironman partied with Tori?!!! He didn't ask ME if he could.  That guy is on my sh*& list.
But seriously, I'm all for my ATF partying with other guys.  If it wasn't for other guys partying with her and leaving reviews I probably would have never found her.
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Post by TheImpsDelight »

I can think of one time where I was sitting drinking in the bar between parties. A guy who I would describe as an asshole, for various reasons, walked in and got a drink. He started scrolling through the list/pics of the women at the house, eventually asked me who my favorite was. My response was "well, I'd tell you, but I'd rather have her all to myself." He never did do a party. Came back to the bar after the tour to angrily complain to the bartender about the prices (this was at a rural brothel too). By the time he left he was very close to getting kicked out, lol.

That's pretty much the only time where I wouldn't give recommendations/encourage parties with a particular lady that I happened to like. Not that the person I was referencing there was a "ATF" (definitely my favorite for the trip though); maybe I would think differently if that were the case?

It's the name of the game though. For all we know that ATF has ten other folks who consider her a ATF. Or more.  :P
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Post by MrTShirt »

TheImpsDelight link wrote: I can think of one time where I was sitting drinking in the bar between parties. A guy who I would describe as an asshole, for various reasons, walked in and got a drink. He started scrolling through the list/pics of the women at the house, eventually asked me who my favorite was. My response was "well, I'd tell you, but I'd rather have her all to myself." He never did do a party. Came back to the bar after the tour to angrily complain to the bartender about the prices (this was at a rural brothel too). By the time he left he was very close to getting kicked out, lol.

That's pretty much the only time where I wouldn't give recommendations/encourage parties with a particular lady that I happened to like. Not that the person I was referencing there was a "ATF" (definitely my favorite for the trip though); maybe I would think differently if that were the case?

It's the name of the game though. For all we know that ATF has ten other folks who consider her a ATF. Or more.  :P
She should thank you.  It sounds like the guy was a loser from the start.
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Post by SixT9er »

TheImpsDelight link wrote: I can think of one time where I was sitting drinking in the bar between parties. A guy who I would describe as an asshole, for various reasons, walked in and got a drink. He started scrolling through the list/pics of the women at the house, eventually asked me who my favorite was. My response was "well, I'd tell you, but I'd rather have her all to myself." He never did do a party. Came back to the bar after the tour to angrily complain to the bartender about the prices (this was at a rural brothel too). By the time he left he was very close to getting kicked out, lol.

That's pretty much the only time where I wouldn't give recommendations/encourage parties with a particular lady that I happened to like. Not that the person I was referencing there was a "ATF" (definitely my favorite for the trip though); maybe I would think differently if that were the case?

It's the name of the game though. For all we know that ATF has ten other folks who consider her a ATF. Or more.  :P
I agree if you’re sitting there waiting for “your” Lady there’s no way Youre going to recommend her to some dude who just came in!

On a side note it’s not cool to go to the Lady you got recommended to when you know he is there to see her and told you as much. Some guys think this is funny or a sport, I’m not one of them. Especially if the guy is who recommended the Lady in the first place. Just wait your turn and have a little respect for your fellow patron
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Post by TheImpsDelight »

Well I wasn't really waiting for that particular lady at the time - just chilling in the bar. Didn't have an appointment with her until the next day. The guy was just enough of an asshole that I wasn't going to let him know who my favorite was. That's really the only time I won't give out recommendations.
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Post by FumbleNutts »

Absolutely encourage guys to see lady's that have been good to me! I've endorsed many of my favorite ladies that I've partied with. I want those type of ladies to succeed in this business  :)

On another note since you mentioned Mustang Forum - I joined since I visited, but have yet to get administrative approval for the board  ??? I was looking forward to posting about how much I enjoyed my visit there.
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Post by Cobia »

I had a guy "try" to geo me while I was still booked with a lady. She winked and said she would be right back.  She was and boy was he surprised at her price at that time.

That geo shit is not going to get it for me.
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Post by Slednx »

Ahh yes....does this bring back memories and a nice story to share about seeing someone's favorite.

Summer of 2011 and I am on the Bunnyboards and keep having my posts fucked with by KevinZ who was a moderator. This continues on for months, his tactics were much like that asshole Over-da-hill. Delete, edit with no explanations, he would even do it on my reviews. This time his ATF was Barbiegirl and he spent all day and night bumping her threads to the top. He was head over heals in love with that chick. Finally, I told him, keep fucking with me and I am gonna go bang Barbie. He was fumed over such a threat, he could not stand me and knew I was partying a lot then and with many ladies.

So, finally on a Saturday night in January of 2012, I went in and did just that. Partied with her twice that night and they were great! Then, I wrote the review the next day just to rub it in his face. Poor guy, all he could do was delete the review but by then, I was having the last laugh! Sometimes, it is a game and a lot of fun.

Barbiegirl was an incredible party and I saw her a few more times over the years. Would not have even been on my radar had it not been my nemesis' ATF. ?
Last edited by Slednx on Mon Jan 07, 2019 2:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by rachelvarga »

No one needs anyone other client's permission to see a girl. It is between the girl and the client.
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Post by Dirk Diggler »

Perhaps my point of view is a little different on this subject. I would tend to steer away from a lady if they were a "known" ATF should the opportunity present itself. I also tend to steer away from parties with COY winners and longstanding nominees for similar reasons.

One, their reputation is well deserved and I would imagine in most cases they provide amazing parties, yet like stocks past performance is no guarantee of future results as I have found out in both cases firsthand. Just because one person or multiple individuals have great chemistry with a particular lady, it doesn't mean you will though it's difficult to not go into a party with a COY winner or runner up without higher expectations which in of itself can be problematic.

Two, I don't feel like they need my business at all, which isn't a bad thing, but they might not be as "hungry" as the lady that gets less attention and they may not be as committed to stellar service. This isn't a knock on's just human nature that we all have likely experienced with restaurants, barbers/stylists, and other service providers. Initially they are focused on providing the best service possible because need and/or passion is driving it but as they achieve success their standards and service begin to trend down.

To be clear, I know these are generalizations that certainly do not apply to every individual or lady in LPIN. I also am not firmly opposed to partying with any lady I feel good chemistry with, but these are factors I weigh in my mind along with many more before making a decision to party or not.
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Post by Cobia »

Rachel Varga link wrote: No one needs anyone other client's permission to see a girl. It is between the girl and the client.

There are some that need to be reminded of that.
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Post by Ironman »

Rachel Varga link wrote: No one needs anyone other client's permission to see a girl. It is between the girl and the client.
99.9 percent of the time you would be right miss Rachel. However if you consider the guy a friend its a nice gesture. Anyone with half a brain on forms like this one knows who my ATF is was whatever Prospector Bob asked me in 2013 if I would trip if he partied with Kristine I said no I am not there. But if the 3 of us were ever in the building at the same time. I was calling I saw her first rites. PB'S response text was lol OK you can do that.

Yes he probably would have booked her anyway but he asked me because he considers me a friend. Its a little bit different when you know the guy and consider him a friend. A year earlier 9er probably has forgotten this since it was back in 2012. He asked me a similar question about the girl that was,essentially my number 2 when Kristine wasn't available back in those days I of course said if you can agree on price go for it. As I recall they never booked because something came up. Would 9er have booked my number 2? Yes did he have to ask no! But I thought if was a nice gesture on his part so I did the same for Chuck because I know Tori is his current main squeeze when he walks in a brothel. I communicate with Chuck often he tolarates my song and dance at his expense on Instagram and doesn't get all bent. So it was purely a gesture I showed Chuck because I consider him a friend.  I had the same courtesy shown me even if it was years ago. So I thought I would do the same for Chuck. Even though I knew he wasn't going to care. We all know its a paid service you girls are there to make money. We know this that is not the point. Its just  a little different if you consider the guy your friend and you know you are looking to book with a lady he has warm and fuzzies for. It doesn't mean you won't book the lady regardless unless you can't agree on terms. But at least you did your buddy a solid and asked first. You just may not wait for the answer.?
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Post by Ironman »

SixT9er link wrote:

As stated before, I just don’t want to be there when she takes them behind the green door! Lol
OK now I never had to witness this with Kristine I always left when we were done or she did
I did  however have to Witness this with Whitney in 2015 when she was still going by Kassie. Now I watched her go back with several guys no big deal.

However if you know the guy its a little different. I had to waich her walk back with my closest friend on two separate nights back in 2015. It didn't bother me persay but if was a  little weird. I bowl with this guy he fronts the coat of my air fare and hotel every summer when we go to Vegas and he has lent me money for things in the past and helps keep my secrets from certain people so he is a good friend how we got in that situation? 3 weeks before our December trip in 2015 he drove up to Reno to see Godsmack he decided on a whim to go to MR so he text me says he is going to uber over to MR any suggestions.  This is like 4 am at the time
But I am at work so he knows I am awake.

I respond back Kassie (now goes by Whitney)

We like a similar look and type so of course he liked her.? So yes it is weird if you know the guy walking back with a girl you have a history with. We don't do this anymore. ?

Case and point he likes Leah on my last trip I was hanging out in the bar at MR this one lady was talking to me. Don't recall her name. Saw me go over and briefly speak to Leah and check her out a little. I forget exactly how the conversation went. I had already decided I was eventually book with Tori or Charlotte again. Anyway the lady who's name I can't recall asks why I not just book Leah I said no my buddy is coming in probably in the next hour or two and will book her. She said so you grab her first. I just said laughed ?? Said no we don't do that anymore it just is a little weird if the guy is your close friend. She was like ?? OK I guess that is understandable. She wasn't convinced though I could tell.??

I will point out there is more to that story in 2015 that I won't tell on here. I will just say an issue popped up on the second night because of the arrangement my buddy and I were trying to pull off that weekend with Whitney. It my buddy and I still laugh about this but because of something that happened that second night we both agree it is probably better if we not try and do that again.? Things can just get a little weird and bottom line its better for the girl if she not have to deal with us both on the same night anyway.

Hence the reason why even though Leah was wearing that mini and heals real well my last trip my interaction with Leah was going no further than to tell her my friend was going to be in in an hour or two to see her that  night. Rumor has it though Leah really knows her way around a mattress.?
Last edited by Ironman on Tue Jan 08, 2019 7:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Ironman »

Bigfoot link wrote: What?!! Ironman partied with Tori?!!! He didn't ask ME if he could.  That guy is on my sh*& list.
But seriously, I'm all for my ATF partying with other guys.  If it wasn't for other guys partying with her and leaving reviews I probably would have never found her.
I would have given you the same courtesy BF if I was booking a certain lady you told me to tell her that her baby daddy said hi.??. For the record I never crossed paths with her so unfortunately I never got to deliver that message to this particular lady sorry my friend maybe next time.?
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Post by Ironman »

Chuckar chaser link wrote: on one hand I wouldn't want a lady to have to try and be my favorite. I just want a lady that we just click. So many different personalities the lady that is my medicine is another guys poison.

On the other hand if she is your favorite  because of the way she parties with no personality taken into account then I would want the lady to be my favorite.
Thank Roxanne but you got my thinker thinking to early in the morning. LOL
Thinking when you first wake up is dangerous Chuck be careful buddy.?. I  also highly doubt a lady goes into a party with Client X Y or Z, with the goal of becoming the favorite of the person in front of them at the moment it just works out that way.?
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Post by Cobia »

Reckon I am different .  Looks like to me a lady would want to be your favorite  for several reasons.
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Post by SixT9er »

I believe if a Lady gives you a great party then continues to do so the odds are pretty good she’ll become a favorite if not ATF.
I would think that would be the goal of every Lady because if you are a favorite that means repeat business
A Lady can ask any price and the client can always walk. If you accept her offer it's on you so don't bitch about it!