Things not to ask

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Re: Things not to ask


Post by SixT9er »

I haven’t watched the vid yet but I guarantee I’ve asked st least 12 of them if not all!

Some you ask out of nerves, others because you become comfortable with the Lady and others probably because we’re men and we’re stupid!
A Lady can ask any price and the client can always walk. If you accept her offer it's on you so don't bitch about it!
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Post by Cloudysky »

This topic has come up on the Mustang forums. There is a Youtube video that directly addresses this topic. The courtesan who made the video currently works at the Chicken Ranch which is why I wasn't sure if it was appropriate to post at the Mustang forums. The youtube channel is "Illumin8 Blake". The title of the video is "15 Things never to say to a Prostitute." Her choice of wording, not mine.
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Post by Mollyblythe »

Cloudysky link wrote: This topic has come up on the Mustang forums. There is a Youtube video that directly addresses this topic. The courtesan who made the video currently works at the Chicken Ranch which is why I wasn't sure if it was appropriate to post at the Mustang forums. The youtube channel is "Illumin8 Blake". The title of the video is "15 Things never to say to a Prostitute." Her choice of wording, not mine.
I wouldn't mind some of these, as long as the asker is perfectly courteous if I respond with a polite, "I'm sorry, but I don't share that information." I understand curiosity and nerves, definitely! Small talk can be awkward.

It's really only when people push for information (and unfortunately some do) that you've stated you don't want to give that it becomes rude, in my opinion.
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Post by MrTShirt »

I would say several of the questions would be common questions in a settings such as at a bar, or in a store, on an airplane etc.
Also, some guys would be very nervous in a one-on-one setting, and are looking for things to say to keep the conversation going.

The girl looked like she was very capable of handling those questions.  But also, along Molly's comments, the girl looked like she could handle a guy that became "pushy".
I could see why she would be popular.

However, to add to her list:

Question 16:  Discount for a 26 incher?

Question 17:  Discount for someone 150 years old?  (She did say older men are better lovers.)
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Post by strike one »

for anyone that doesnt want to watch all 30 minutes these are the 15 things she says and why.

1. what made you become a prostitute?
its a sensitive subject. or not easy to talk about. or it can be depressing. it can come off as condescending. it doesnt apply to all ladies.

2. do you have a significant other? do you have kids?
no prostitute will give you a straight answer. its too personal.

3. im going to rescue you from this horrible life of sexwork
they are there by choice. they dont need rescuing. its weird for a client to say they will save her from a brothel when the client visits brothels.

4. whats your real name?
worst possible question to ask. stalking is a problem. she had abusive relationship where they would use her legal name. so she doesnt like using her legal name in her personal life.

5. this job looks so easy
she has to be available 24 hours a day. and cater to each client she barely knows. its an insulting thing to say.

6. give me the nice guy discount
if you have to ask then youre not a nice guy. there is no nice guy discount. she will work with budgets but there are limits -
1. she wants to make money
2. doesnt want to get kicked out of the house
3. theres a hierarchy among the ladies. charging low prices could turn other ladies against her if word gets out she does cheap parties

7. im hot. fulfill all my fantasies for free - and if you dont then youre a bitch
this is like going to a taxi and asking for free ride because youre hot

8. i bet you all just screw each other for the hell of it all the time
shes a sex worker. she doesnt throw it out for free. a taxi driver waiting in a taxi line doesnt go to other taxi drivers also in the line and ask to go on a joy ride. not all ladies are bi. it feels like the client is fishing for sexy stories for free.

9. tell me how much you love giant cocks
10. does size matter? cuz im kind of small.
she combines these 2 questions into 1. she says mental attraction and social interaction are higher then physical attraction. doesnt care about what size unless its too big it might hurt. if its bigger than 8 inches pay her more since it takes longer to recover. if youre small and keep talking about it she thinks its a fetish and youre fishing for free extras. humiliation costs more.

11. does your family know youre a naughty girl?
why does it matter. check her youtube if you want to hear her talk about her family. its a sensitive subject. it could be fetish thing so fishing for free stories.

12. anything about daddy issues
some ladies have issues with their parents. from her experience most ladies seem to have normal relationship with their parents. if they did have issues they wont tell you because -
1. its depressing to hear before a party
2. its a fetish you should pay for
3. its too personal

13. talk to me for free. you cant possibly be busy. this isnt stealing money from you.
this happens at the the bar and in dms. its keeping her from other potential clients. takes energy from other things she could be doing. like eating before an appointment. if youre doing it in dm you arent the only one.

14. what the craziest thing youve ever done?
she likes to maintain client privacy. if she does talk she gets clients permission first. seems like fishing for free stories.

15. when will i get this for free?
if you come as a client you will always be a client. like going to a bakery or coffee shop and saying i hope you will eventually give me your stuff for free. she doesnt have personal friends currently because shes hustling. she does talk about certain longtime clients that she views as more than just clients.
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Post by SixT9er »

Change my answer after reading questions. I’ve only asked about 5-6 of them
A Lady can ask any price and the client can always walk. If you accept her offer it's on you so don't bitch about it!
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Post by TC »

I now know not to ask what brought them to LPIN. In my case it wouldnt be concern/trauma trolling like Bunny has experienced, but if it's a daily annoyance I sure don't need to add to it.
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Post by Mollyblythe »

I don't mind at all if people are just curious about what brought me to make an unconventional career choice, and I openly talk about my other/main career (copywriting & academia...), but I understand why people don't want to be asked what brought them to a brothel. In some cases, there's a weird sense of condescension or a tone akin to "why would you lower yourself to this?"--as if we're supposed to feel bad about it or think it's a terrible choice--when that's not how I think of sex work *at all,* so I'm not really sure how to answer.

I agree on not asking about significant others/kids or if family knows. Families of origin can be abusive and not everybody wants to think about that right before they're about to have a great time!  ;)
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Post by Prospector Bob »

Talk about a Lady's previous work & family have all come up in conversation but I've never asked about them directly. Never told a Lady I wanted to save her from prostitution. Once, I asked a Lady her real first name, but only after partying with her several times. Without hesitation, she gave up that information. I think comfort in knowing I wouldn't tell anyone else is why she told it to me. I have learned other Ladies' first names but that info was volunteered in conversation with them. The same with other personal info; volunteered, not asked for.

I've never, ever even thought of asking if a Lady likes small or big dicks. It would be the last thing I'd ever think of. If she's totally satisfying the Little Prospector, who gives a shit how big some other dudes dick was. The stupidest question...  : :)
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Post by Dr. Who »

I watched the video and I can see how some of those questions can get to a working lady after awhile, especially if the customer is an asshat and being inconsiderate/condescending.

Personally, I never ask the ladies any personal questions, since it's none of my business.  Although, a lot of lades that I've partied with have shared personal info on their own.  I think for many of us customers, making small talk can be awkward at times, especially when you're sitting with a half-nekkid lady and your brain turns to mush ...LOL.  So, I can see where some guys may ask some personal questions without really thinking logically. 

I've also been asked some rather personal questions by a few ladies, so this situation is not just one sided.  Although, I don't mind sharing my personal life with the ladies that I know and have partied with since many times they've done the same.