No longer preparty deal breakers

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No longer preparty deal breakers


Post by SixT9er »

Couldn’t think of a better title than the above for this topic, oh well here I go

When I first started going to the houses I had some appearance deal breakers or at least avoidance flags with Ladies. Things that would immediately rule them out for consideration. Now the list is down to a few things.

Items that I’ve changed on
Smoker, if a Lady smoked I went elsewhere as I can’t stand the smell. Now as long as her breath and body don’t smell of cigarettes I’m good

Tattoos, I’m not really a fan of body are because I think a woman is beautiful as they are. I also found it distracting. I quickly came to realize that the majority of Ladies, not all have some sort of ink and if I wanted to enjoy this world I’d better get over it! So I got to know Lady Aries who is very inked up and we hit it off through pms etc. so went and gave her a try and had a great party.
Now I pretty much look past the ink with a minor exception of facial ink, I admit that still bugs me

I’m sure there are a few others because I was pretty uptight when I first started going lol

Now the few that I still have:
Bad odor, as I said if she smokes but doesn’t smell like it I’m a go but if she smells like an ashtray forget it! Then of course just other bad odors but I really haven’t come across that yet

Sloppy Drunk, happy or buzzzed I’m fine but stumbling slurred speech I don’t care how hot or how low the cost would be I’m not interested

Extremely bad breath, if I can’t talk to her then forget it. 3 worst culprits: Cigarettes, Booze, Coffee

What used to rule a Lady out for you but you now will consider her?
Last edited by SixT9er on Tue Nov 21, 2017 4:02 am, edited 1 time in total.
A Lady can ask any price and the client can always walk. If you accept her offer it's on you so don't bitch about it!
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Post by rachelvarga »

Goes both ways.

Attitude- i can't' stand nachismo arrogance.
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Post by SixT9er »

Rachel Varga link wrote: Goes both ways.

Attitude- i can't' stand nachismo arrogance.
It should go both ways!
You shouldn’t party with anyone you don’t want to
A Lady can ask any price and the client can always walk. If you accept her offer it's on you so don't bitch about it!
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Post by SexyLexieJames »

For me it is the machismo as well... saying "I don't have to pay for sex." I hate that line. Its so degrading to our amazing clientele and I won't stand for it. [/size]

I also have a limit based on how intoxicated the client is... I don't wanna risk a drunk guy peeing or puking in my bed or on me for that matter.[/size]
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Post by rachelvarga »

Lexie James link wrote: For me it is the machismo as well... saying "I don't have to pay for sex." I hate that line. Its so degrading to our amazing clientele and I won't stand for it. [/size]

I also have a limit based on how intoxicated the client is... I don't wanna risk a drunk guy peeing or puking in my bed or on me for that matter.[/size]

Oh yeah the old "I don't pay for pussy" line. Lol.  We know thats bs.  I agree about our customers. It is insulting to them and although they don't deal with the amount of stigma we do,  they still deal with the stigma. A lot of guys outside LPIN don't get. It's not just pussy. It's really good pussy.

No seriously.  It's an experience. People spend money on the most ridiculous things so what's with spending your money on a brothel giri?