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Post by rachelvarga »

firefighter link wrote: The LPIN Awards are more honorary and significant being voted upon by impartial brothel clients only.  It would be inappropriate and a conflict of interest for brothel personnel to vote on their own awards.  There were 121 Official LPIN 2018 Awards Registered Voters when registration ended on 12/31/18, and this list of verified voters and informed patrons overshadows 1,000 anonymous people who have never visited a brothel.

LPIN Awards accepts donations, but haven’t solicited the services of a professional fund raiser such as GoFundMe yet.  The LPIN 2017 Awards budget was $943 including Crystal Art trophies, certificate frames, and web hosting.  In addition, there was a $300 cost for bond paper certificates, banquet programs, extra certificate frames, printer ink and special awards.  LPIN Awards needs committee members to administrate and fund future contests.  Two of the six committee members are over seventy years old and two more are very close behind, so younger committee members are needed to continue the contests.  I hope to serve on the committee for two more years.  I'll be seventy-three years old then, and I plan to resign.

LPIN Awards Voter Registration has been simplified since voter verification was implemented in 2015, and a reliable ballot casting and vote counting system has been retained for the contests.  The LPIN Awards committee is proficient in the administration and use of the Simple Machine Forum and it adequately serves the purpose, so it will be retained for the time being.

The LPIN Awards annual meeting is traditionally held at IB and Sheri’s Picnic, but people may contact the committee with questions and suggestions throughout the year.  Rachel Varga's suggestion of a Rookie of the Year award is a good idea.  However, the rules are not discussed at the banquet due to time constraints and since this special event is reserved to honor and present certificates and awards to LPIN Awards finalists and winners.
You can't get voters using an archaic system. I don't understand why people don't understand this. Without simplicity a site will die. Period. Fact.

So basically nothing changes. I'm done with this subject. It's a complete waste of time. I'm not even reading anymore of this thread. Smh
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Post by elkogfe »

I just thought I would post a question.

Does anybody have any great ideas on how we could have a brothel awards that would get more people involved?

Meaning more people then just mongers?

What if we could get 1000 voters.  ???

We have many Lookie loos here how can these  type get involved?

Wouldn’t it be awesome to have an awards that really felt like it had amazing value and numerous voters.

Just a  thought..

Nothing negative against the current LPIN awards. Just looking to improve and grow our industry.
Last edited by elkogfe on Wed Jan 16, 2019 10:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by rachelvarga »

This is a good question. I think there are many ways to do this. Some things may seem critical of the current awards but it's really just constructive criticism. Some things have limitations because of money so that is a factor.

1.  Accept anonymous donations. It costs money to make the trophy's and rent the hall and so on.
2.  Make registration and voting as simple as possible. Use a service like surveyminkey where each voter gets an anonymous ballot and it is all calculated on the backend.
3.  Expand the awards. I have been talking about a Rookie of the Year award for a long time.
4. The lpinawards site was built quickly because of time constraints. It coild now go to regular site. I would have that done for free,  but have a mock up made first so they could see what I mean.
5. Having once a year to discuss things at the picnic is not practical. Need to do this throughout the yearvia discord or something.

I believe there is a really good foundation that can be improved upon.
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Post by Cobia »

Ok, I have a question not an answer.  Do you think all the fighting and attacks and privacy threats on a board might turn people off on the awards ? 

Just food for thought......
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Post by Wildfire »

Cobia link wrote: Ok, I have a question not an answer.  Do you think all the fighting and attacks and privacy threats on a board might turn people off on the awards ? 

Just food for thought......
Rewards are way overrated and can cause friction between people.
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Post by SixT9er »

I would like to see more voters also but they have to be real Brothel patrons. It’s nentioned there are a lot of lurkers. They are lurkers because they don’t want to get involved.
How to verify a person is a legit patron is the challenge. Houses/Ladies could help but if all the houses didn’t participate then just the houses participating would benefit in the voting.
If there can be a reliable way to control registration so only qualified people are registered and they only vote once I’m all for it. The current process came about because there was no verification and we had people making multiple handles for multiple votes.
I would like to see the BOY be reduced to 3 finalist as there are only 7 total to pick from.
A rookie of the year would be nice
This will never happen but it would be nice to have the winners awarded for the year before over half the next year is over. Maybe it’s as simple as for the 16/17, 17/18, 18/19 “season”
Rachel won for 2016 but many think it was 2017 because of when the award is given.
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Post by Mikey »

As a member of the wards committee and host of the banquet (for the last couple years), I can say we're open to anything that will increase the level of participation, and maintain the integrity of the vote. On the subject of new categories keep in mind the awards cost approximately $160 each, and the committee foots the bill for them. So if anyone is inclined to join the committee or make a donation, it would be greatly appreciated.[/size]
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Post by rachelvarga »

Awards are important because we don't get any recognition any other way.
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Post by rachelvarga »

The committee doesn't need more members. No need to join to donate. Just set up an anonymius donation.

All this stuff has been brought up before. I'm not going to say anything else because it's so frustrating. All these things are easy to do.
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Post by Midwest Couple »

We loved the awards celebration last year and it was an amazing way to meet so many of the faces we've come to know on the boards. 

As it is, there seems to be a fairly independent group of voters, with no affiliation to a brothel, using their experience to vote... and they only requirement seems to be that you've somehow proven you're a real person!  Not exactly a strict requirement.  We met great people who were strictly bunny lovers, Mustang Lovers, and even folks like crappie who represented Elko very well! 

Nobody knows or really cares who votes for the Oscars, Emmy's, Grammy's, ESPY's, ... heck, even the MTV award shows!  It's the event itself that is the draw and the C*MC/LPIN event was done VERY well on the budget that's allowed. 

For us, the best way to get more people involved is to have more attendance and involvement from the ladies and the individual brothels.  Make the event itself a marketing opportunity to see and be seen, and stop squabbling over who actually wins.  Get more "stars" to show up, and more fans will follow. 

Thanks to all those who have worked on this for so many years.
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Post by SixT9er »

This is the time to share ideas and provide solutions so when the committee gets together they can discuss these at that time. Ideas without viable solutions don’t help. Rachel provided some solutions to registration and fund raising. Just saying we need more voters doesn’t solve anything.
The voting contingent is set for this years vote and the process will not change for this year but helpful, useful real input can reshape the future awards
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Post by rachelvarga »

I do not agree that awards don't matter. They do, especially in this industry. Ladies get no credit for the hard work we put in. Awards give ladies something to strive for. I am proud of mine, and it's a symbol of something I worked for. I'm not about participation awards or the , "Your award is how many clients you have or repeats." I usually hear that it's just a popularity award. DUH! Usually from losers with bad attitudes. To some extent it is but there are other factors. When I won it was a popularity vote complaint but that was shot down when Roxy won. She didn't campaign and won so that proves that it's more than just a popularity vote. A lot of people see it like it's not a big deal BUT they aren't an actual working girl. Our job is one of the most disrespected and hated by society. We deserve an award!

The hardest thing for these awards is growth. Everything else is moot if you don't have voters. That's the first thing to figure out. The industry is not expanding and the future demographics are not very good. Millennial don't have as much sex as generations before. They have a social justice attitude. Save everyone and all that crap. They want things as easy as possible

Here is what I would do to make it as easy as possible for voters:

1. Redesign the site as a simple one page site with a few subpages. The reason a forum was used was because there was pressure to get it done due to time restraints. A nice simple professional site with clear instructions will cut down on any confusion. I'll get it done myself.

2. Take donations. There are plenty of ways to set up anonymous donations. Need money for site, banquet hall, awards, and other things. The amount needed could be easily gathered.

3. Voting - There are sites that you can setup to do the voting. You simply set it to send each member an email and in that email is a link that only works for them. They click it and make their choices and done. They don't have to log in at all. The link is different for each voter. You can't double vote and it calculates the tally for you.

I can setup #1 and #3 for free. I can make a mock up for the committee to make it how they want and I can set up an example of the voting. I can recommend solutions for #2.

The whole point here is to make it as easy as possible for the voters which will get more voters.

I want to say this is not a criticism of the awards committee. I do understand they put in a lot of work to make this happen for us. These are just my ideas.
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Post by Midwest Couple »

Ok ... after seeing how passionate Rachel is on this, we felt our reply needed a little bit more constructive suggestions.  So, we'll try. 

In regards to funding:
- Can we set up "vendor tables" and have business pay $100 to market their goods.  Whether this be brothels, websites, other awards (AVN), adult toy/clothing stores, Pokher Knights ... could we generate funds to help support additional awards AND relieve the financial stress of the committee members?  Granted, it would add to the work load to make it happen.  Heck, if there's enough revenue - maybe there's be an opportunity for "swag bags" to be provided to the ladies who attend. 

In regards to our desire to have more participation from the brothels/ladies:
- We could make more of an effort at sponsoring the ladies so they don't have to pay to attend.  Given Rachel's suggestion for the donations, maybe we could also have one that provides sponsorship to houses. We'd imagine the expense for ladies outside of Reno to attend is substantial.  Both in expenses for rooms and travel as well as lost revenue if they can't work away from their work place.   

Last edited by Midwest Couple on Thu Jan 17, 2019 7:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Vanityaffair »

The awards committee was built because of unfairness in the past. The committee has worked hard to make sure all is fair and right when it comes to voting.
1) I don’t believe courtesans or lurkers should vote due to unbalancing of votes. Example if I’m the only girl at The Desert Club I cant persuade any other girl to vote cause there is no one else. Where at a larger  house you can get all the girls to Swade the votes to a certain girl in house. Lurkers can have multiple handles and can unbalance the votes. Trust me I know.
2) I was ROOKIE COURTESAN my first year in LPIN. It was an honor and my first time in a brothel made me work harder. I was proud and gave me a sense of self esteem to become better and nicer to people.
3) I would like to get the date changed fir the banquet. The reason is I start almost immediately to book a hotel and they are already booked in advance. They have the same conventions big ones in Reno the weekend we chose for the banquet and the hotels get sold out and the prices go high sky. Also some people miss it every year cause they can’t make it on that same weekend.
4) if people did donate and award for a new ir certain catagory it would expand recognition and make people happier. I’m all for it.
5) I like the idea of tables with brothel merchandise on it.
I have many more ideas but these are my main. I see we are all getting bent out of shape about the awards before the awards which does not lead us into a positive energy on voting. Maybe award issues should be discussed at a certain time of year not before the awards. Maybe set up a meeting a certain time of year. Also people forget that jagged has his best interest in all the courtesans so we do get recognition as a courtesan through him.
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Last edited by Vanityaffair on Thu Jan 17, 2019 9:50 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Vanityaffair »

While we are still on the roll of awards. Why don’t we have an award for the 26 incher. I will definitely  pay for that award.
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Post by SixT9er »

I’m all for recognizing the Ladies and would donate to the trophy fund or whatever as long as it stays confidential.

Not sure about having a drop box at the houses as that would make them responsible for it and doubt many would want that.

I firmly believe the voters need to be Brothel Patrons not just anyone. I do have mixed emotions on Ladies voting for various reasons incl what Vanity noted.

I agree with MWC the more participation the awards get from the houses as attendance and the Pool Party the Mustang throws the better.

Let’s all remember we’re dealing with a sensitive  subject that as Rachel points out is looked down upon by the vast majority of society so anything that is done is going to be done within the small community of Brothel goers.

I wonder how many actual voters there are for the various awards in sports and entertainment vs the number of participants. Considering how small the percentage of the population that goes to Brothels I think a voting pool of 100 is pretty good. You can’t make people register to vote and you can’t make them vote just because they are registered. There is no quick way to increase the number of qualified voters and qualified voters is what imo gives legitimacy to the winners. The voters are verified Brothel patrons.
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Post by TC »

For COY, I personally feel it's up to the clients to vote on who provides the best customer service experience.

However, the ladies know which other ladies have the best chemistry. Maybe there could be a Dynamic Duo award for a stellar two-girl combo. That way providers can vote and clients can maybe get tuned into a party they wouldn't have thought of otherwise.

Maybe an MVP award for both LPIN and staff to recognize people who have made invaluable contributions to morale.

Could "fun" awards like best ass that everyone could vote on be a thing, or is it preferred to keep the awards in more of a service capacity?

Rookie of the Year is a great idea. Would a veteran of the year be good too or do providers feel it draws too much attention to age?
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Post by elkogfe »

well said Rachel.

Rachel Varga link wrote: This is a good question. I think there are many ways to do this. Some things may seem critical of the current awards but it's really just constructive criticism. Some things have limitations because of money so that is a factor.

1.  Accept anonymous donations. It costs money to make the trophy's and rent the hall and so on.
2.  Make registration and voting as simple as possible. Use a service like surveyminkey where each voter gets an anonymous ballot and it is all calculated on the backend.
3.  Expand the awards. I have been talking about a Rookie of the Year award for a long time.
4. The lpinawards site was built quickly because of time constraints. It coild now go to regular site. I would have that done for free,  but have a mock up made first so they could see what I mean.
5. Having once a year to discuss things at the picnic is not practical. Need to do this throughout the yearvia discord or something.

I believe there is a really good foundation that can be improved upon.
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Post by elkogfe »

Cobia ,

It should not.  The awards is to recognize the girls so let's work on that!  And we are all here for the GIRLS right?

just my opinion.

Cobia link wrote: Ok, I have a question not an answer.  Do you think all the fighting and attacks and privacy threats on a board might turn people off on the awards ? 

Just food for thought......
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Post by elkogfe »


I have offered before....I would be happy to contribute.  Assuming we are all working towards growing this.  I love the awards and have been a part of it for over 15 years.  I just want to help it grow.

Mikey link wrote: As a member of the wards committee and host of the banquet (for the last couple years), I can say we're open to anything that will increase the level of participation, and maintain the integrity of the vote. On the subject of new categories keep in mind the awards cost approximately $160 each, and the committee foots the bill for them. So if anyone is inclined to join the committee or make a donation, it would be greatly appreciated.[/size]
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Post by elkogfe »

I really like this post.  I am open to helping in any way I can.  Resources or a donation..

I think we also need a monger of the year award.

Rachel Varga link wrote: I do not agree that awards don't matter. They do, especially in this industry. Ladies get no credit for the hard work we put in. Awards give ladies something to strive for. I am proud of mine, and it's a symbol of something I worked for. I'm not about participation awards or the , "Your award is how many clients you have or repeats." I usually hear that it's just a popularity award. DUH! Usually from losers with bad attitudes. To some extent it is but there are other factors. When I won it was a popularity vote complaint but that was shot down when Roxy won. She didn't campaign and won so that proves that it's more than just a popularity vote. A lot of people see it like it's not a big deal BUT they aren't an actual working girl. Our job is one of the most disrespected and hated by society. We deserve an award!

The hardest thing for these awards is growth. Everything else is moot if you don't have voters. That's the first thing to figure out. The industry is not expanding and the future demographics are not very good. Millennial don't have as much sex as generations before. They have a social justice attitude. Save everyone and all that crap. They want things as easy as possible

Here is what I would do to make it as easy as possible for voters:

1. Redesign the site as a simple one page site with a few subpages. The reason a forum was used was because there was pressure to get it done due to time restraints. A nice simple professional site with clear instructions will cut down on any confusion. I'll get it done myself.

2. Take donations. There are plenty of ways to set up anonymous donations. Need money for site, banquet hall, awards, and other things. The amount needed could be easily gathered.

3. Voting - There are sites that you can setup to do the voting. You simply set it to send each member an email and in that email is a link that only works for them. They click it and make their choices and done. They don't have to log in at all. The link is different for each voter. You can't double vote and it calculates the tally for you.

I can setup #1 and #3 for free. I can make a mock up for the committee to make it how they want and I can set up an example of the voting. I can recommend solutions for #2.

The whole point here is to make it as easy as possible for the voters which will get more voters.

I want to say this is not a criticism of the awards committee. I do understand they put in a lot of work to make this happen for us. These are just my ideas.
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