Brothel Lawsuit

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Brothel Lawsuit


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Post by AQuietMan »

Well, this should be interesting.

I can just hear the cross examination in my head now...

Lawyer: "So, when you applied for your sheriff cards, on multiple occasions, why didn't you tell the police then about your situation?"

Woman: "Well..."

Lawyer: "So, you lied to the police when you said you willingly were choosing to engage in legalized prostitution?"

Woman:"Well, umm"

Lawyer: "And, why are you suing the entire legal brothel industry when you worked at just one brothel in that industry?  You never worked at a number of other brothels, so even if the brothel owner at the brothel you were working at was aware of your arrangement with your boyfriend, shouldn't you be suing him, instead of entire industry, which operates according to state guidelines?  If other women, as you allege, were doing this unwillingly, why aren't they here filing their own cases?  And what about the multitude of women here that have signed this affidavit prepared for the court that re-iterates that they work, or have worked, in the Nevada brothel industry willingly, and by the rules?"

woman: "Umm"

Lawyer: "Note that these other women signed this affadavit willingly, knowing full well the penalty of perjury.  Some have even went so far as to  prepare the letters I've submitted which reinforce their voluntary and willful participation in the Nevada brothel industry, and that they've made this decision on their own, and were not co-erced by anyone to become legal providers at the Nevada brothels.  So why should your applying to the Lyon County Sheriff's office for your own Sheriff's card, which also involves a background check into your criminal past btw. be taken as anything but a willful choice on your part?  And if you lied to the Sheriff's office, how can we trust anything that you've said to this court?"

Woman:"But I was..."

Lawyer: "Is this your signature on this Sheriff's card?  You were the one present when the clerk asked you to sign this document in the Sheriff's office when she watched you sign this paperwork, which the clerk has already attested to?"

I doubt that they would televise these proceedings, but it'd be must see TV to see this woman squirming on the stand.

It'd be sad in a way, too, but since she chose this avenue, well she's made her own bed here, so opening herself up to cross is part of the process.  If what she alleges did happen, well there are other individuals to blame here, that are part of the legal process to become a legalized courtesan in Nevada.  If Lyon county officials that were working at that time were complicit in any way here...

Unfortunately, it involves the Bunnyranch empire, and there have been multiple suggestions of this sort of thing happening in the past under Dennis' watch, so whether BR was complicit... well I think they'd have to put Dennis on the stand, or maybe Suzette in his place.  Of course, Suzette was involved in operations, so IF the lady's allegations could be proved under Suzette's watch, since she was a manager under Dennis, RIP... well.

Still, since this woman didn't work at all of the Nevada brothels (say The Dovetail, Mona's, Bellas, Sheris), I definitely see the lawyers filing a motion to limit the scope of the case to places where she actually worked, unless she wants to sue the county(s) in question for damages if it can be proved that county officials were complicit in allowing this alleged trafficking by her boyfriend.  But I'm not a lawyer, I'm just guessing here.

I think the brothel side can make a strong case here, as they have multiple steps and laws in place to combat any 'illegal trafficking'.  But of course anything can happen in a courtroom, so I guess we'll all just have to wait and see.
Last edited by AQuietMan on Mon Feb 25, 2019 10:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Mikey »

I wonder if her "boyfriend" has been arrested for pimping and sex trafficking? If not, why not?[/size]
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Post by SixT9er »

Problem is no matter how good a case is made for the Brothels, that they have done nothing wrong it won’t get the headline. “Sex Trafficking in Legal Nevada Brothels” gets the headline no matter if true or not and the Legal Brothels once again get the black eye and negative attention
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Post by niceguy eddie »

"Reno-based attorney Jason Guinasso, who’s representing Charleston on a pro bono basis"

This is the same guy who was spearheading the brothel ban campaign in Lyon County.

And he picked the worst person to represent, as she has zero credibility:

Here are some bits from:

"Neither the general manager nor the accountant at the ranches has been able to find any record of Rebekah Charleston ever working there…and not one supposed co-worker or customer remembers her.

Of course, it would be extremely helpful to know exactly when Ms. Charleston claims to have worked in Lyon County – a detail she conveniently omitted in her column.

Why is this important?

Because if she claims to have worked there after she got out of prison in 2007, she must have lied about her felony criminal record or used a fake name and ID in order to obtain a work card from the sheriff. "

And if she’d lie about that, what else would she lie about?

In fact, what it appears Ms. Charleston is deceptively doing is taking her experience working as a prostitute in an illegal brothel in Texas in the early 2000’s and using that to smear Lyon County’s legal brothels."

Also: "According to a CBS11 I-Team report back in January, Charleston was arrested “for money laundering and tax evasion” as part of a “high-dollar prostitution ring” operated out of “a very unlikely place – an upscale Denton home” in a Dallas suburb where she lived with her pimp."

According to a CBS11 I-Team report back in January, Charleston was arrested “for money laundering and tax evasion”" as part of a “high-dollar prostitution ring” operated out of “a very unlikely place – an upscale Denton home” in a Dallas suburb where she lived with her pimp.

This is important to point out because Lyon County residents need to understand that if you ban our legal brothels, that won’t make prostitution go away.

Illegal brothels will simply spring up in your neighborhoods rather than be confined to out-of-the-way industrial parks."

The money laundering and tax evasion for which Ms. Charleston went to prison involved a pizza restaurant she co-owned “to disguise the money” she was making illegally as an illegal prostitute working in an illegal brothel operated illegally out of a luxury home in Texas – not Nevada.

In the I-Team report, Ms. Charleston details the horrific abuse she suffered at the hands of the violent street pimp she worked for.

“If you didn’t obey the rules, you’d be beaten,” she said.

But that’s why so many of us have CHOSEN to work in a legal brothel.  That kind of abuse simply doesn’t happen here.  We’re safe.

And because we’re working legally, *if* anything even close to what Ms. Charleston is claiming ever happened, we wouldn’t be afraid of getting arrested if we reported it to law enforcement authorities."
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Post by niceguy eddie »

Statement by Nevada Brothels association, a political action committee that speaks for brothels:

"NBA Statement on New Anti-Prostitution Lawsuit
February 25, 2019
Chuck Muth, spokesman for the Nevada Brothel Association, released the following statement in response to the federal lawsuit filed today by Reno attorney Jason Guinasso seeking to overturn Nevada’s legal brothel laws…

“Having lost overwhelmingly at the ballot box in his crusade to ban legal brothels last November, Mr. Guinasso is now running to the federal government, hoping the court will trample on state’s rights and Nevada’s unique live-and-let-live heritage.

“His client, an ex-con for tax evasion, claims she was ‘trafficked’ in Nevada’s legal brothels without providing any proof whatsoever, including specific dates when she allegedly worked here or what alias she worked under.

“Her story has a very Jussie Smollet hoax-like scent to it.  I hope the media heeds all the red flags and actually digs into her allegations rather than simply accepting them at face value.”
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Post by niceguy eddie »

The Mustang Ranch is filing to intervene:

(February 25, 2019) –This morning, Mustang Ranch announced that it will be filing to intervene in the federal lawsuit filed by anti-brothel proponent Jason Guinasso. Guinasso’s lawsuit, which has been filed against the State of Nevada, aims to criminalize prostitution throughout the state.

“Guinasso’s actions will put thousands of women back into the hands of pimps working illegally,” said Lance Gilman, real estate developer and owner of Mustang Ranch.  “Every single worker at the Mustang Ranch is required to undergo an FBI fingerprint and criminal database background check every single year.  The female entrepreneurs in the industry pay their taxes, support their family, buy their first homes, and pay their way through college or other educational courses.  In over 4,000 work card applications filed over the last 20 years by working professionals and employees at the Mustang, not one has turned up to be a victim of trafficking.  Not one,” said Gilman.  “Yet, Guinasso is going after these people, and completely ignoring the current problem.”

“This will also hurt rural counties in Nevada by immediately removing tax and fee revenues out of their budgets,” continued Gilman.  “At the Mustang, we fund over $100,000 year in charitable contributions locally, most to local seniors and we also sponsor a backpack food program for children from families in need in our County.”

“This is a desperate act by Guinasso,” said Gilman.  “He knows this exact claim has been litigated before in this state and Nevada laws allowing licensed brothels have been repeatedly upheld.  He lost badly in the court of public opinion in the recent election.  His referendum lost by an 80% – 20% margin in Lyon County, even with the local Sheriff financing his anti-brothel effort.  And he couldn’t even get a vote in Nye County.  Every single poll taken in the state by reputable polling firms, including polling within the last 8 months, confirms widespread support for brothels and regulated prostitution.  He’s trying to do an end run on the people of Nevada,” said Gilman.

“Unfortunately, it’s just another political stunt by this man.  That’s why he sent out his complaint to the media before it was even filed.  This is all about him marketing and branding his position within his narrow political faction.  As far as I know, Guinasso hasn’t done one act to actually help the ladies working on the illegal side escape their pimps or ever taken action to stop handbilling of illegal prostitutes by pimps on the Las Vegas strip, prostitutes on the streets of Reno, and illegal sexual services in the massage parlors in the big cities in Nevada,” said Gilman.

“His entire complaint is about illegal prostitution and trafficking, which has no relationship to licensed brothels in Nevada.”
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Post by SixT9er »

niceguy eddie link wrote: Statement by Nevada Brothels association, a political action committee that speaks for brothels:

"NBA Statement on New Anti-Prostitution Lawsuit
February 25, 2019
Chuck Muth, spokesman for the Nevada Brothel Association, released the following statement in response to the federal lawsuit filed today by Reno attorney Jason Guinasso seeking to overturn Nevada’s legal brothel laws…

“Having lost overwhelmingly at the ballot box in his crusade to ban legal brothels last November, Mr. Guinasso is now running to the federal government, hoping the court will trample on state’s rights and Nevada’s unique live-and-let-live heritage.

“His client, an ex-con for tax evasion, claims she was ‘trafficked’ in Nevada’s legal brothels without providing any proof whatsoever, including specific dates when she allegedly worked here or what alias she worked under.

“Her story has a very Jussie Smollet hoax-like scent to it.  I hope the media heeds all the red flags and actually digs into her allegations rather than simply accepting them at face value.”
Have any other  Brothels joined this or is still just the Moundhouse houses? I have nothing against Muth but he shouldn’t be bringing in other stories like Jussie Smollet. Just stick to the facts and the Brothels
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Post by niceguy eddie »

A more recent examination of the situation which tells the person's stories through her own words, shows that she got started with illegal prostitution long before the time she claims that she worked in NV Brothels.  "And while she’s now claiming she was a brainwashed victim of sex trafficking back in Dallas, the public record related to her arrest and conviction paints a very different story; one of a willing, conniving and deceitful accomplice."