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Post by SixT9er »

Do you repeat with the same Ladies or always going to new ones?

If repeat how often?

Do you find the parties get better and better? Have you had them get worse?

What’s the best things about repeating?

For a long time I didn’t repeat. Then I found a couple I liked and repeated. One of the parties got worse so I gave her the benefit of doubt after the second party that was not anywhere close to as good as the first. The third was worse, so that ended that.

The Lady I see now is the best I’ve ever experienced so I keep repeating and each party is better than the previous. I try and schedule my trips through Reno to coincide with her schedule. If I’m in town and she’s not, I so far have just passed on the whole idea.
Last edited by SixT9er on Thu Nov 23, 2017 11:59 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Cobia »

I have been known to repeat.
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Post by ColtsFan »

Typically, I have to find new ladies, because I rarely feel the need to repeat.  There are a couple that I have wanted to party with again though, and that's when I start spending more on larger parties rather than simple hour parties.
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Post by Chicagobob »

I repeat about 50% of the time - especially when I'm treated very well. During my last visit I repeated twice with two different ladies.
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Post by niceguy eddie »

I repeat a lot when I find a lady that I enjoy.  I typically wind up having several parties with the same ladies on a trip.  This often includes favorites from my last trip.
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Post by Metalhead »

well so far my favorite type of party is a repeat party having someone who already knows me & lets me feel comfortable putting some of my walls down.