Secret To Black Friday

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Secret To Black Friday


Post by rachelvarga »

This is very simple. Just go to a WalMart in the country. There are less people and less assholes. I got there three hours before the sale started and was the very first in line for a 55inch 4K UHD tv. I took a friend so they could get another one for me. Bam! I got not one, but two!

A lot of stuff they are putting out before then and you can just put it in your cart. You just have to wait until the sale starts to get the discounts.

I can't wait to watch some 4K porn. Lol. Joking.....maybe.
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Post by rachelvarga »

A lot of those discounted TVs are just loss leaders. They probably aren't making much but all the other stuff in the store that people pick up for regular price probably makes tons more money. I just like going out and looking but I won't go into any of those crazy situations which is why I go out in the rural area. People are actually nicer out there.
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Post by rachelvarga »

Chuckar chaser link wrote: I grounded myself from Walmart a couple weeks ago so I did not go. From what I was told from some that went you could not pick any sales up before 6 at our local Walmart. They had isle's blocked off and pallets wrapped up. They really turned it into quite the mess.

It was strange. A few of the big tvs they had a line to get a voucher, then pay, and go around back and pick it up. They were standing around to keep everyone from grabbing stuff and gave up at 5:30.

Earlier they brought out a pallet of Hatchables and a little boy asked if he could get one and the guy was kind of rude and said no. I caught up with them and took one off the top, and gave it to him. What's he supposed to do stand there until 6pm and wait. Screw that.
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Post by MrTShirt »

As a little kid, I remember going to a furniture store with my parents.  The store had a "big sale".  My dad asked the salesman why the price for something was more expensive than the week before.  The salesman got red faced, went back to the office to "check", and came back admitting my dad was right.

There have been news reports that some of the online stores' prices are higher that their brick and mortar stores.

The grocery stores use loss leaders all the time, and other stores as well.  However, one needs to know what they want, to take advantage of the specials.  One local small chain has periodic "10% off", "30% off" sales, so one can actually get a good deal.