"I WILL PUNCH A HO" tshirt worn by "sex trafficking victim" in NSE VIDEO

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"I WILL PUNCH A HO" tshirt worn by "sex trafficking victim" in NSE VIDEO


Post by Lucielove_elko »


well I guess the proof is in the puddin'

These people have no interest in really helping women, they are degrading women and using lies to manipulate viewers into believing that legal prostitution is bad.

For those of you who don't know, there was recently a video put out (pictured above) on YouTube where they make false claims about human trafficking and prostitution in Nevada, but as you can see from this other picture,

"Punching hoes" often done by illegal street pimps is perfectly Okay with them!!!

I cant believe these false liars.
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Post by SixT9er »


It’s the moral cough, cough minority with their twisted loud voices and closed minds who can’t see the similarities because others who “sell” their bodies, sell everything but their reproductive organs.
It’s ok for a coal worker to “sell” his lungs for his job. Ok for an athlete to “sell” & abuse their bodies for their jobs. Ok for a fighter to “sell” their brains for their jobs and the list goes on and on but none of them are “selling” their reproductive organs because those are “sacred”. People who do that can’t possibly be doing it for any reason other than they are forced or mentally ill because who in their “right” mind would choose a profession where you “sell” your reproductive organs?!?!
These asshats give no credit to the Ladies for having brains and making up their own minds to choose a profession. Are all qualified to make this decision? Of course not but show me a profession where all are?!?
How many workers who risk their lives just got into that job because they fell into it, or that’s the family business or were flat out desperate? All these workers are given credit that they have the mental capacity to choose yet heaven forbid a Lady has the mental capacity to choose sex work!!!

Ok rant over, these hypocrites really get my blood pumping & not in the fun way!

I hope I live to see the day that sex work especially legal sex work is accepted but I fear it will not happen for another century at the soonest! I hope I’m wrong...
A Lady can ask any price and the client can always walk. If you accept her offer it's on you so don't bitch about it!
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Post by Dr. Who »

SixT9er link wrote: CC,

It’s the moral cough, cough minority with their twisted loud voices and closed minds who can’t see the similarities because others who “sell” their bodies, sell everything but their reproductive organs.
It’s ok for a coal worker to “sell” his lungs for his job. Ok for an athlete to “sell” & abuse their bodies for their jobs. Ok for a fighter to “sell” their brains for their jobs and the list goes on and on but none of them are “selling” their reproductive organs because those are “sacred”. People who do that can’t possibly be doing it for any reason other than they are forced or mentally ill because who in their “right” mind would choose a profession where you “sell” your reproductive organs?!?!
These asshats give no credit to the Ladies for having brains and making up their own minds to choose a profession. Are all qualified to make this decision? Of course not but show me a profession where all are?!?
How many workers who risk their lives just got into that job because they fell into it, or that’s the family business or were flat out desperate? All these workers are given credit that they have the mental capacity to choose yet heaven forbid a Lady has the mental capacity to choose sex work!!!

Ok rant over, these hypocrites really get my blood pumping & not in the fun way!

I hope I live to see the day that sex work especially legal sex work is accepted but I fear it will not happen for another century at the soonest! I hope I’m wrong...
"Ditto" to what 9er said!  8)
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Post by wayne208 »

I also agree with 9er on this one  ...  8)
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Post by rachelvarga »

Women don't like us because they can't be us. They will never admit that but they do. If it was absolutely guaranteed that no one would find out most of those girls would do it.

They say we are fucked up mentally and abused but I think it's them that were abused and have problems with their sexuality. Just kills them that we can make a living having sex and having orgasms while they work in some shit place and can't pay a guy to even fuck them.

Yeah, I'm on a roll tonight.
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Post by rachelvarga »

Oh and if any woman punches this ho, I will punch her so hard she will need an entire mouth of dental implants.
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Post by NavySteve »

Well said Rachel.
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Post by MrTShirt »

Rachel Varga link wrote: Women don't like us because they can't be us. They will never admit that but they do. If it was absolutely guaranteed that no one would find out most of those girls would do it.

They say we are fucked up mentally and abused but I think it's them that were abused and have problems with their sexuality. Just kills them that we can make a living having sex and having orgasms while they work in some shit place and can't pay a guy to even fuck them.

Yeah, I'm on a roll tonight.

Let's be serious...
...like Rachel.

I do believe there is a big jealousy factor involved with those women who hate sex workers.

The haters don't want someone else having fun and making money when they can't.

I live in easy driving distance from a major university.  The lesbian community is big.  However, I notice it is easy to spot many of the lesbian couples.  They are older, overweight, and not attractive.  No wonder they they pair up.  They can't get a man.

As a sidelight, observing the male gay couples at the university town, they generally look younger, fit, and better looking.

In summary, if they are haters, they will never be attractive, never be happy and never be fun to be around.
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Post by Broadhildt »

One of these ladies is Melissa Holland, a strongly conservative Evangelical Christian with a "heart" for "reaching" those "trapped" in the adult industry.

You have to understand the conservative religious mind-set. People who are "outside" the church are "lost." They "need" the "solution" the church has to offer - which is firstly "afterlife fire insurance," and secondly is to "be like us" - "we get it right," with "it" including the "right" pattern of sexual behavior.

Conservative religiosity generally cannot stand the fact that there are other gods people can worship, or none at all. It threatens their view that their creed is the only "true" one.

"Repent," and the Christians are your friends, your family. Refuse them, particularly if you're into something "dirty" like an alternate sexual lifestyle, and suddenly you become something repulsive, something to be swept aside, or even attacked as a reprobate child of Satan. The woman who yesterday was a poor lost victim in a brothel and who tells the would-be salvation-peddlers to fuq off is today a filthy lust-filled infidel ho who's gonna face wrath and destruction after death.

Because the American brand of conservative Evangelical Christianity (similar to others in the world) is authoritarian. It reflects their view of god. God is all-loving, unless you refuse his gracious offer to change all your ways and come back to his loving arms - then he's waiting for you after death to torture you forever.  Nice, huh?
My favorite topics are sex, religion, and politics.