What makes the Mustang stand out?

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What makes the Mustang stand out?


Post by SixT9er »

The Mustang won Brothel of the Year again for the 6th Straight year.
IMO there are several reasons some obvious, some subtle that all contribute to why the Mustang stands out

A few of the ones that fall in the “obvious” category
Beautiful Ladies of all shapes, sizes & ethnicity
Amazing staff/management
Great atmosphere
Non smoking
Great full service restaurant
15-20 min from Reno & on a major interstate

Subtle reasons that we as clients notice
Drama is kept in house
Ladies rooms all have bathrooms and equal
General happiness of all who work there

All these things and I’m sure I’m forgetting some are why the Mustang is my favorite Brothel
Last edited by SixT9er on Sun Jul 21, 2019 2:30 am, edited 1 time in total.
A Lady can ask any price and the client can always walk. If you accept her offer it's on you so don't bitch about it!
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Post by NavySteve »

I have only visited once and for me it was when I first walked into the lounge area it was like "WOW". the size of the area, tables and nice comfortable chairs, plus an affordable menu of great food, and as mentioned before, beautiful women. That's not to say other ranches are slums, but the Mustang complex is one stop shopping. I will return.
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Post by Funmonger »

The people that run the place. People like Tara and Jennifer, sorry I forgot the other one's name, unintentionally, the dude Ray who gave me a ride in from the airport and even gave me his Cobb salad since I was hungry. This was above and beyond. They knocked themselves out to show us a good time again this year. And then there are the ladies. Ah, the real reason we come. What a delight to spend a few days at the Mustang!
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Post by Duck11 »

Everything that SixT9er said is why I like Mustang the best.
I like just hanging out in the bar and talking with everyone around. When it’s time to party, the house goes out of its way to make sure I’m given top notch treatment.
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Aubrey Huff
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Post by Aubrey Huff »

They still offer cheap parties and people still have an axe to grind with Dennis and Suzette. If the award competition were about quality of parties, well, their might be other winners.
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Post by Chicagobob »

Vibe!  8)
It's more about the journey than the destination!
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Post by Mikey »

It's a first class operation from top to bottom, with a wide selection of ladies. Nuff said.[/size]
Mimsy Were the Borogoves
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The Toffeeman
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Post by The Toffeeman »

I have only been once in 2014, so my memory of the whole site has faded over time, as well as it having changed. Really looking forward to getting reacquainted with the MR again on the 17th.
Just a Brit happy to be in the US.
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Post by 1bytetoomany »

The facilities, staff, and food are top shelf!! If Michelin gave stars for Brothels, it would be a three star. People will journey long distances just to enjoy.  As far as the ladies go... you will not find higher quality and more choices anywhere in Nevada.
Toffeeman, your journey will find a happy ending at The Mustang.
