Favorite Time to Party

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What time of day is your favorite time to party?

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Favorite Time to Party


Post by Chicagobob »

Some of you younger guys crack me up.  I was leaving Dovetail a couple of weeks ago about 2am when I bumped into a fellow monger.  He had just finished a party with a lady.  I asked him how long he was in town.  He replied that he had to leave right after his morning party appointment.  I said let's get together for breakfast before your appointment.  He said "it's at 5am!"  WTF? 

I thought that I was hard core... @@
Last edited by Chicagobob on Tue Oct 29, 2019 1:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by FumbleNutts »

I really don't have an absolute favorite time to party  ??? Guess when the little guy tells me  ;D I can see morning for us ole' fellers 'cause of the testosterone  ;)
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Post by Ironman »

Chicagobob link wrote: I'm kind of surprised that many of you are morning people.  I guess I never see the morning, haha!
Keep in mind guys like Cobia are probably up my 3 am pacific time. So around the time you are probably calling it a night the real early birds are starting to roll in.

I actually deal with this in a different way of course then the ladies in the brothels.? But having worked more than 15 years on the over night shift in an establishment that except for the retail which shuts down by 10pm for the night and the steam and sauna are closed for a few hours every night for cleaning.

My club is basically open 24/7 362 days a year.

My point here being there is a lot of over lap and people on some real odd schedules. Its not all day people and then all night people.

I get regulars that will come in between 11 pm and midnight workout or sometimes just hang out till 2 or 3 am then go home and go to bed. 

But I also got one regular who shows up at around 12:15 am almost every shift I work who is just starting his day, and plenty of others that show up at 2 am just starting their day with a workout before having to be heading out my door and on the road and heading to work by 4 am

There are a few others like my buddy who sometimes can't sleep so they may show up any time between 10pm and 5 am and you can debate either way rather he is still on the same day or on a new one.

My main point while I like the topic.??

The old school rules of early morning late night after noon evening don't really always apply anymore in today's world. A day is still 24 hours long, but there are many variations on when a new day starts and when it ends depending on an individual persons circumstances.

I am fortunate I have been able for the most part just flip everything.  Do things most people would do in the evening before going to bed normally by 11 am and starting my day usually by 6 pm. But  I know and deal with people on a daily basis that have schedules way more unique than mine.  At least mine is essentially just the exact reverse of what most people would consider nnormal.
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Post by RoxyGold »

Anytime is a good time for me. But if your window is during what I usually consider “off” hours (3am-noonish) you can just get in touch with me and I’m more than happy to accommodate you. :)
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