Why Don't Ladies Use The Forums?

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Why Don't Ladies Use The Forums?


Post by rachelvarga »

edit: I edited this because it was too negative and I really want it to be more positive.

Why don't the ladies post on the forums? I get asked this probably because I run a forum and people think I would know why most forums aren't overrun with girls participating. Okay, well let me answer this. Grab a chair because this might take a while.

I get so tired of people asking me how I do so well. I tell them all the same thing. Get out there and post and be real. Don't post the nonstop sexual innuendos. It's okay some of the time but guys are not stupid. They see that it's an act. I can confidently say that yes they like some play but they can see when someone is fake. They want to have conversations about things. They know when you are full of shit. They know you can't be an expert in everything. Women think that all guys want is sex but they are wrong. They also like women that can hold conversations and show some genuine affection.

If you take the number of girls working at any given time and then look at the number of posts by these girls you will see that practically none of them participate. We are talking hundreds and hundreds of girls and maybe ten of them post regularly with content that is actual participation. I'm talking about all the forums, both independent and brothels.

Ladies don't post because they don't see any value in it. They expect to show up and guys will walk in and they will make money for doing nothing. It doesn't work that way and then they complain about how they make no money. Well sorry but nothing's free in life. No one builds a business just sitting there staring at the door waiting for customers. Even when brothels offer them something for posting they don't do it. Wtf? Seriously.

The ladies don't understand demographics. Most of our visitors do not use social media. Why is that? Because they are from the baby boomer generation. The baby boomers started the sexual revolution and then when they were in their later 30's and 40's they had the most disposable income of their generation. This is the reason for the boom of the late '90s and early 2000s. Generation X is a small generation and more along the lines of baby boomers when it comes to sex. Then along come the Millennials, a generation that is according to studies, LESS interested in sex.

Brothels don't understand demographics either. I'm not sure why brothels themselves can't see this? The current state of websites and forums says it all. They are stuck in the old ways and can't see what is happening around them. The world is changing but they aren't which leads to the same result that many industries have suffered in the past. Obscurity and then death.

Brothels have to start utilizing the ladies for more than just their sexual work. The ladies are not stupid. Many of them are way ahead of the brothel simply because they live outside the brothel world. They live in the real world. Younger women understand their generation better than many owners. Not to be offensive but many are run by an older generation which is not a problem or an insult by any means. It's just that when you are always in a brothel then you can't see the world changing out there. The ladies are the real connection to the world. Look at the forums and websites. They are old and not designed in ways to attract business and some are just plain bad. Some forums are setup totally wrong and will never work or result in conversions from guest to participating members. Stop paying for all these so called experts that don't understand what we do. You want to see what a correctly designed forum looks like? Look at this forum and SIN. The category groupings and structure are made by people that live outside the brothel world and have experience in doing this.

I find it so frustrating when you try to help a brothel and they act like you are a dummy. I can guarantee you 100% that I know more about websites and forums than most brothels do and I have people that can fill in any details that I don't. But I don't work for free, I got burned in this industry already doing that.

Girls you have to start moving some traffic because no on else will do it for you. You have to get out their and post and participate in the actual conversation. Show you are real. You can't wait on anyone else to do it for you. The days of walks in are over and you have to face it. You have to stop all the drama about who pissed of who and get to work.
Last edited by rachelvarga on Sun Mar 15, 2020 10:02 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Vanityaffair »

Glad you put this post up here Rachel. I try my best to go up here as much as I can. It’s called social networking. I interact with people some on the board some through pm”s. I had helped my business 100%. In this adventure I have made many friends along the way and my profits have also gone up. Thanks to both boards.
    I have been in brothels since 2013 in Nevada. My first year I was voted rookie Courtesan of the year for my hard work of posting on the Bunny Boards. I spent a couple of months at Bunny ranch and then went to Love Ranch North where I made my home for almost 4 years. Then I went to Desert Club. Helped open it up and stayed a total of 2 1/2 years. Then decided to try different brothels. Yes I have hopped around not because I had problems at them but because I wanted to service different clients from different parts of Nevada. It was lucrative to me. Some clients just seem to follow me where ever I went. I was also voted in the final 5 Courtesan of the year several times. I say staying on the  boards  has kept me successful. As someone once said if they did not know who Vanity Affair was they sure know who she is now. The boards have kept me alive. Plus I’m a peoples people. I still get emails and pm”s from guys saying I see your presence in the boards all the time. I want to eventually see you. So girls it helps to throw your name out there and interact with other people. Plus I have become friends on the boards with some of these guys. It’s been a fun adventure. So girls get yourself out there and you will see what I’m talking about. It’s not all about a popularity contest it’s putting the true self out there.
XO Vanity
Last edited by Vanityaffair on Sun Mar 15, 2020 6:57 am, edited 1 time in total.
Miss Vanity. Courtesan of the year 2019. Can’t wait till they open up again
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Post by Florida Couple »

We're Gen X.  We like the boards for the information and honest feedback.  I appreciate all you do Rachel.  That being said, it is odd that not many ladies post and Vanity is one of the only ladies who joins the Sunday night Sin Forum chats.  I think the ladies at the top of the industry treat sex work as work.  Both you and Vanity work very hard, we see it.  :)
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Post by rachelvarga »

With Gen X I mean that it's a very small generation and that it has been jumped over because of that. Probably the last generation before America lost it's mind. GenX are similar to baby boomers. Nohing wrong with that generation at all.
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Post by Vanityaffair »

Thanks Florida couple. See you later at 8pm eastern time on chat. It’s always a pleasure meeting up with you on Sunday nights.
XO Vanity
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Post by rachelvarga »

I should point out that girls like Vanity have a lot of experience, know the business well, know how to post. She is a very real person.

Vanity,  you are one of the best Courtesans I have ever known. You are the opposite of what I meant in my post.

Thank you for all you do!
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Post by Vanityaffair »

Thanks Rachel. I give you the same respect. We are the real deal.
XO Vanity
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Post by SToN3y »

Gen Y, here! I can honestly say that, without the forums, I probably wouldn't have made the jump into LPIN. It's nice to hear what you're getting into beforehand from seasoned experts that have been going to brothels for years! Even Hof's exposure of the brothel culture via the HBO series "Cathouse" years ago helped me a lot in my understanding.

I hate the current culture of the dating app. I'm a single guy with simple needs. And I don't go on trips a lot. I'd much rather spend money on a professional that I KNOW I will have a great time with, even for our brief time together. And, since the social media age kind of sprung up as I was reaching maturity, girls that actively participate in the forums go a long way in getting my business! It's good advertising, after all. And I like the option of getting to know a girl before partying with her! I really wished the brothels encouraged more women to get their names out there and be more active on the boards during their downtime.

So ladies, don't be shy! We're here and waiting for you to make yourselves known! ;D
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Post by rachelvarga »

Interestingly I was doing some research and Genx spans the 80's and 90's but those two decades are vastly different. I think Genx is more 80's and the 90's something else. Would that be Gen Y?

I look at generations as what years people grew up in their teens. The newest is Gen Alpha. This will either be because of the backlash against Millennial and men will take back the Alpha status or they will become Generation Beta if not. That's sort of a joke if anyone gets it.

You are right though. The boards help and thank you for posting!
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Post by SToN3y »

I was born in the late 80's and had the baby mullet to prove it. I consider myself and those around my age as "the lost generation." Not quite Gen X, but not technically Millennial. Up until the late 2000's, we 90's kids were Gen Y. We still remember the days before the internet with corded telephones, newspapers, and Saturday Morning cartoons. Internet was still very primitive and nowhere near the monster it has become nowadays and if you had a phone, it was a Nokia you could only play two games on and only use for emergency calls or else you were gonna get it when dad got the bill.

If you ask me, you're not technically "Millennial" unless you were born in the mid-nineties. I mostly attribute being a Millennial to not remembering a world before the internet and social media craze.
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Post by Florida Couple »

Rachel Varga link wrote: With Gen X I mean that it's a very small generation and that it has been jumped over because of that. Probably the last generation before America lost it's mind. GenX are similar to baby boomers. Nohing wrong with that generation at all.
Thank you.  We took no offense.  Our generation was so small, we will never shape the nation.  :-\
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Post by rachelvarga »

You know, it's an American thing. We don't think like that back home. When people were playing Pacman, we were revolting. I don't think Americans could handle a revolution. We were under Communism for years. We already had to survive through a famine practically. My parents did and it just passes down. We were hardened. You know what. Let me say this. No one knows what it is liked to be watched all day. To have an 11:1 ratio of Security (like KGB). The highest number of any communist country. They can't really understand a society in which say your thoughts out loud will make you disappear. Some of you may sense that I am in a more angry mood lately. That feeling is triggered right now.
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Post by TC »

I really appreciate you and Vanity. You have very different and distinct personalities, but because you are real both approaches work. I also liked Lexie James' board presence, and more recently Imogen Steel. And of course Roxy Gold.

I feel like on house forums there is a lot of...well, I believe the correct internet slang term is 'shitposting'. "Cum see me!" with 20 happy faces. And then there is the opposite extreme. The expert at everything Rachel has talked about, which I have noticed has expanded to attaching bs titles to themselves like such-and-such coach, educator, advisor, expert, specialist, counselor, etc. I am purposely not naming names here but there is one very successful lady who markets like this and the fakeness of it drives me crazy. "I am an emotional connection specialist, here are 20 reasons we should go on an outdate at the most expensive venue imaginable." I mean I guess it works for her and that's great, but I am 100x more likely to see a lady with a friendly, engaging presence than a hard sell and grandiose claims.

So, yeah. We like you. Keep participating. :)
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Post by rachelvarga »

I don't know who it is and guys don't post it.

There is a slippery slope with two things. Saying you are a counselor or psychologist. Counseling usually requires a residency and maybe Masters. Psychologist requires a Masters Degree and residency. I would not say those two ever. I have a Doctor of Jurisprudence but that is just a Bachelors's Degree here. But I'm not a lawyer so I shouldn't advise anyone in that capacity. We talk about it but in a way that is not a professional.

I think listening and talking to someone about their problems is okay. We do that with our friends but some issues people need to see a professional.

Life Coach would be a better term. Whatever else, I just think ladies should be careful about "counseling".
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Post by Lee »

Thank You Rachel. Thank You Vanity. Thank You Roxygold, and all other Ladies who do post here. Yes it should be far more. Thank You Rachel for coming to this country and becoming a Citizen! Your understanding of real oppression cant be matched among most people here in this country. The Ladies who interact here are a turn-on to me and the first ones I seek out when I go to the brothels.  :)
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Post by Florida Couple »

Now with the official shutdown, I think?  Ladies have rime for posting  ;)
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Post by Vanityaffair »

Thank you Lee.
XO Vanity
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Post by rachelvarga »

Yeah they do. They have a chance to make connections but they won't. I still hope they will because this is really bad for us and we will need as much business as possible when things start up. When I get called to go I might say no but we'll see. I will keep on track for now.
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Post by rachelvarga »

Closing the post. They know where we are. I don't have any more time for this shit.