Should the houses close for their own political safety?

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Should the houses close for their own political safety?


Post by SixT9er »

I’ve been thinking the Last thing the houses need to help the anti Brothel people is for someone to contract the Corona virus with a connection to the houses.
I feel safer regarding catching any infection/disease/virus etc at the Mustang than I do going anywhere especially a hospital!
That being said I think because of the TMZ’s of the world & this false perception of the houses it would be in their best interests to close for a couple weeks so no blame can be laid at their doorstep.
I hate this approach as it goes against what I truly believe!
I can just see this being a bullet if the worst happens that the houses couldn’t recover from & to keep that from happening I will go against what I truly believe should happen for what needs to happen for all those involved because if the houses get shut down permanently we all lose!
Last edited by SixT9er on Thu Apr 02, 2020 6:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by SToN3y »

Unfortunately, I'll have to agree... there's always that one piece of shit trying to get legal brothels shut down and prostitution outlawed, using every dirty means they can. The houses REALLY do not need that kind of attention, especially in this day and age. With the world being the way it is, the houses should consider a short hiatus, at least until the end of the month...

It really sucks because peoples' livelihoods are being put on hold and these girls need the money. But I'd hate for this to get enough attention to put legislation in motion to further limit LPIN...
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Post by Cobia »

Last edited by Cobia on Tue Mar 17, 2020 2:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by isurfer »

I disagree with closing the brothels. Take a chance and keep them open and hope for the best. Once a brothel closes it might be difficult for them to reopen. All it takes it the governor, county or city elected officials or health officials to close them, even permanently if they have a mind to do that. They might say that the revenue from brothel fees are not worth the risk. It's not up to the voters and what they think or want.

In Las Vegas, casino resorts and other hotels are voluntarily closing, but in Reno the mayor, Hillary Schieve, is closing all "non-essential" businesses for a while starting March 20 at 5pm. An example of an official flexing her muscles mostly on her own on impulse is the way I see it. I think most people will think of LPIN as non-essential. It happened in one Nevada city, and it can happen in other cities and counties in Nevada. No one knows for sure how long the closing will last, but they can always extend it until things get better, but what if an LPIN closure happens "indefinitely"? Trump said the outbreak might last until July or August, but no one knows for sure since the number of those tested and infected are increasing daily and it might last longer.

What the large brothels might want to do is to limit the number of courtesans and guests, especially in 24 hour operations where they might look at the total number of courtesans, not just who might be on shift at any one time. The more courtesans in a building, the more chance of Covid-19 or any other infection spreading, at least that might be the thinking of health officials. Another possibility is to limit the hours of operations in large brothels along with cutting down the number of courtesans. Are the restaurants closing that are in Mustang and Sheri's? Will brothel bars close too?
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Post by MrTShirt »

If the houses are doing what every other business is doing that would be best.
Cleaning things quite often and taking the temp of clients is what an outsider would expect to see.  It matches what they are seeing on TV.
What a house doesn't want to do is show everyone that they are flaunting their avoidance of the gov't guidances.
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Post by Scrotie McBoogerballs »

New poster here. As a health professional, I wanted to say some things.

Brothels are non essential. The brothels should close immediately for the safety of the women working there. I believe as independent contractors they have no insurance. Yes it is hard on them but millions of people are being laid off, contracts canceled, and other problems that will affect their daily life. We are all affected.

Cutting down the number of courtesans will not happen from what I have seen in the past. I read the Bunny Ranch posting and I have to say that it is irresponsible. Removing barstools? This can spread from three to six feet just by breathing. Do the brothels want to be quarantined? Two weeks with no customers and the women there not being able to leave. They are there long enough already. Many need to fly home. If there are domestic restrictions, like the ones being discussed in Washington, they could be trapped there when they need to be home with their loved ones.

They need to close now. Staying open just shows what many people already believe. That brothels do not really care about the women working there. They are only concerned with profit.
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Post by Scrotie McBoogerballs »

MrTShirt link wrote: If the houses are doing what every other business is doing that would be best.
Cleaning things quite often and taking the temp of clients is what an outsider would expect to see.  It matches what they are seeing on TV.
What a house doesn't want to do is show everyone that they are flaunting their avoidance of the gov't guidances.
MrTShirt, taking temperatures really doesn't help. We have seen the virus incubating from five to seven days. Like all other countries, we are about to see a very large spike in cases.
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Post by SixT9er »

As I said in OP I think the Mustang is as safe as anywhere can be but the last thing the Brothel industry needs is this headline:

“Man who visits Nevada Brothel has contracted the Coronavirus”

No amount of justification or proof the House didn’t cause it can reverse that headline & I think that would be a bigger danger to permanent house closure than closing for the safety of Workers & Clients. Closing for safety shows much more responsibility than staying open & “taking their chances”

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Post by SixT9er »

Looks like they won’t have a choice...
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Post by isurfer »

Only one person has died so far from Covid-19 in Nevada and closing more businesses for a month will hurt even more workers. I'm feeling bad for the brothel support staff where many of them live nearby to their work and have homes and family to worry about. For them getting a new job in Nevada now to make ends meet might be difficult. I wonder if the brothels will continue to pay them while the brothels are closed? I think it is a bit too much of a reaction to close almost everything. So Tesla is going to close too? Bye bye to shopping malls, hello recession and maybe even depression.
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Post by Slednx »

"Non essential business'" - the whole thing is confusing to say the least. They point out certain biz like bars, gyms, salons, casinos to close but also say professionals like real estate and law offices can stay open as long as they practice CDC guidelines.

The main point is where people congregate like brothels will be closed Yet, warehouses with hundreds of employees get to stay open?

I know some Tesla gigafactory employees, they are staying open. Only the number of riders on their transport buses has changed.
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