What is it like to be a feminist in ...(Asian country)?

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What is it like to be a feminist in ...(Asian country)?


Post by MrTShirt »


I’m not a Feminist. In ...(asian country) or the United States. Feminism is just another intrusive proselytizing Western philosophy. I am a ...(Asian country). Nothing added. Nothing taken away. Have a nice day.

Interesting answer from a lady that is American born and ...(Asian country) raised.
Some info deleted, so I don't get in trouble by the girl or board.
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Post by rachelvarga »

Proselytizing? That's ignorant. Feminism is not just one philosophy if you want to put it like that. There are many schools of thought. Wanting to be treated equal is not a bad thing. This is the problem with people, they don't know what they are talking about. People think all feminists want to destroy masculinity. That's not true at all. I have no problem with a woman that does not want to work and stay home to raise the kids. If she wants to be submissive by choice then that is her business. She has the right to choose her path and I would support her choice. That's more what I believe in. The right to choose my path without men telling me what I can and can't do.

In LPIN I clearly see there are two groups of "old timers". There are the ones that want to appreciate us and have high regard for us, then there is the other group that has no regard for us. They don't actually like women in personality, just their looks and their pussy. How much can they get out of them. How they can make them look stupid in negotiations. Little boys.

I think that those that don't appreciate us had control of the LPIN village because society allowed it, so the respectful ones were always attacked and taunted as being a white knight. Being nice to a woman is a bad thing? Just because a guy can get excited about a woman doesn't make him a bad guy. That's just plain stupid.

The world has changed while they slept through the last twenty years and they now have to deal with us. Women like me. Women who won't put up with their bullshit. They try to destroy us but fail and the reason is because no one else agrees with them anymore. They are becoming the outsiders. They can't win because respect means something now and the guys that are friends and respect us and our jobs don't have to sit around and listen to any of their immature shit anymore.
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Post by MrTShirt »

The girl (current LPIN) that made this comment grew up in an (Asian) culture where the women run the household and finances.  (But in public, the women do stay in the background.)

Interesting that in some Arabic countries the wife runs the household and the bedroom, even if they can't drive.