Allergy Seaon

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Allergy Seaon


Post by rachelvarga »

It's allergy season so don't freak out if you feel like crap or get stopped up.
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Post by SixT9er »

Stuffy/runny nose, itchy eyes are not symptoms
It’s so easy right now to jump to the worst case, just stay calm & think.
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Post by sgtaliin9150 »

I used to have sever allergies up when I was younger. Animal dander, pollen, dust... Just about anything would trigger them. Always got pretty sick as a result. Allergies can compromise your immune system. In my late teens, a doctor prescribed me a weird cough medicine. It gave me a bad case of hives. When I went back to the doctor to figure out what was going on, they put me in quarantine and told me I had Parvovirus B19. Otherwise known as the 5th Disease, and is highly contagious. Turns out that wasn't the case. I had an allergic reaction to a common ingredient in most cough medicines called Dextromethorphan. Fun times.

I took Zyrtec when it was a prescription. Worked fine, but made me drowsy all day long, and it was incredibly expensive back then. I tried different OTC allergy medicines over the years, but they always gave me strange side effects. The last one I tried about 5 years back effected my thought process. Haven't touched them since. Strangely, I discovered that Primatene Tablets for asthma were extremely effective in suppressing my allergies ever though I don't have asthma.

As I have gotten older my allergies seem to have just faded away. Don't need to take anything anymore. I count myself extremely fortunate. Especially with this stupid pandemic going on.

Side note.. Who the hell develops an avocado allergy in their 30s?? ffs.. I used to love avocados.
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Post by Prospector Bob »

I was allergic to tumbleweeds. They don't pollinate until late summer. When I was a kid, August & September were hell for me. It's not as bad now days. Like sgtaliin9150, it has mostly faded away. I might have one good sneezin' fit late August.
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Post by Florida Couple »

I've been lucky.. first year allergy free  :)   The sublingual drops changed my life!
Married Couple from Florida looking for fun.