Reopening day

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Reopening day


Post by SixT9er »

Reopening day at the houses is coming soon. Possibly as soon as May 1st.
How soon do you expect you’ll return?
Will you be one of the first (assuming a Lady you want to see is in house) or will you sit back a few weeks?
I don’t think my sched will allow me sooner than the 14th which would be 2 weeks after May 1st. There will be several factors involved so could very easily be well after that date
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Post by Slednx »

SToN3y link wrote: Based on what I've read, I can't help but think he's using this to pull a power move over the casino business. Like, "This is MY state! I say when we open, again! Not you!" He's already butting heads with the mayor of LV over it. People are getting restless and pissed off at his "wait and see" approach.
Yup, he seems to have no plan. Also, seems to get real defensive when questioned about his decisions so far, always counters with "I'm more concerned about saving lives blah, blah, blah." Always talking about listening to his "medical experts". How about adding some critical thinkers to your group, some common sense, treating the citizens of Nevada like we are incapable of walking and chewing gum at the same time.

At some point, a certain amount of deaths will have to be acceptable for the greater good of the welfare of the rest of the citizens. Medical experts want that number to be zero but that is not going to be possible. Besides the horrible economic harm to the state, they need to weigh the harm to its people such as increased suicides, depression, etc.

You get what you vote for. The liberals in the south and part of Washoe got a real amateur in Carson City right now. Pathetic
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Post by Drew_Ryan »

I’ve been loading up on anti-histamines. I just sneeze away and have a scratchy throat, but eyes would suck. I would rub my lashes off.
AlexaWu link wrote:

That's bad!

My eyes are constantly feeling like they are swollen from the reaction.
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Post by SToN3y »

Slednx link wrote: Yup, he seems to have no plan. Also, seems to get real defensive when questioned about his decisions so far, always counters with "I'm more concerned about saving lives blah, blah, blah." Always talking about listening to his "medical experts". How about adding some critical thinkers to your group, some common sense, treating the citizens of Nevada like we are incapable of walking and chewing gum at the same time.

At some point, a certain amount of deaths will have to be acceptable for the greater good of the welfare of the rest of the citizens. Medical experts want that number to be zero but that is not going to be possible. Besides the horrible economic harm to the state, they need to weigh the harm to its people such as increased suicides, depression, etc.

You get what you vote for. The liberals in the south and part of Washoe got a real amateur in Carson City right now. Pathetic
Well, he'll soon find out what really drives Nevada and it's not him. "Money talks, bullshit walks" is as true in Nevada as anywhere else in this country. I'm sure the casino owners are already planning his recall campaign. And enough people are unemployed, bitter, and frustrated that they will have no problem getting the signatures.

It's like you said, he's just being very defensive and condescending instead of coming up with an actual plan. That's really what bothers me the most about him. Those aren't the traits of a good leader. A dictator, maybe.

I hope I'm not breaking the rules by being too political. I can just smell the bullshit all the way from the next state over and it frustrates me. Even the governors in the more liberal states have an actual PLAN. It seems Sisolak just throws out a nothing sandwich every press conference. And I'm not speaking as someone that just likes going to brothels and is frustrated by them being closed. I'm speaking as a citizen of a constitutional republic that hates the fact that some governors are using this disease as a convenient reason to overstep their bounds and abuse their emergency powers at the risk of peoples' livelihoods and a major economic disaster.

I don't want people to die, but I also don't want us to forget who we are. The lockdown was meant to raise awareness and avoid overloading the healthcare system to prepare it for a rise in cases. We're just about at that point. We can't keep businesses shut down forever while we wait for a cure. As was mentioned before, SARS, Spanish Flu, Ebola, and MERS still don't have vaccines. Herd immunity and awareness is what caused them to either burn out or be contained.

Anyway, I didn't mean to go on this long about this. I think awareness, common sense practices, and the availability of the antibody test will help get us back on track as a society. Not a 1-2 year long house arrest...
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Post by Prospector Bob »

Slednx link wrote: Yup, he seems to have no plan. Also, seems to get real defensive when questioned about his decisions so far, always counters with "I'm more concerned about saving lives blah, blah, blah." Always talking about listening to his "medical experts". How about adding some critical thinkers to your group, some common sense, treating the citizens of Nevada like we are incapable of walking and chewing gum at the same time.

At some point, a certain amount of deaths will have to be acceptable for the greater good of the welfare of the rest of the citizens. Medical experts want that number to be zero but that is not going to be possible. Besides the horrible economic harm to the state, they need to weigh the harm to its people such as increased suicides, depression, etc.

You get what you vote for. The liberals in the south and part of Washoe got a real amateur in Carson City right now. Pathetic
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Post by SixT9er »

As we’ve seen things unfold May 1st was very optimistic & doubtful if even by the 15th but who knows?

When this started I told many the the US could handle 2 weeks no sweat, a month & people would start getting restless. Over a month & it starts getting a free for all. We’re just over a month & we’re seeing people are having enough.

A large factor in my mind that feeds the had enough thinking is when this started all we heard was “flatten the curve”, well the curve for new cases peaked on Saturday April 4th. 2 1/2 weeks ago.

Another thing we’ve been told is critical that we get “herd immunity”. It’s impossible to get herd immunity if we’re all locked up.

Just in the past week a major study by Sanford Univ and one to a lesser extent USC did the antibody screenings. Their findings were that 30-80 X more people have had the virus than have been reported yet the deaths are the deaths. What this means is instead of a death rate of 5% it’s really at .02% a number very close to the flu. Now the nasayer fear mongers immediately point out that the tests have an approx 2% false positive rate to further boost the fear factor but then neglect some studies show up to a false negative rate of up to 20%! Just imagine how many more people have had it if even 25% of those false negatives are positives?!? That brings the potential death rate even lower!

Where am I going with all this? I’m going to live my life not in fear. When things open up I will go & enjoy my life again. Life is too short to live in constant fear. That’s my choice others are welcome to stay shuttered in their homes but don’t rant at me for living. I will make my choice & they can make theirs. I make mine in full knowledge that there will be more deaths do to this virus & if one of those is me then that’s the way it goes. We all will die some day, I’m not looking to speed mine up but I am looking to live while I can
Last edited by SixT9er on Thu Apr 23, 2020 7:01 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Bigfoot »

    I agree. I am staying alive staying at home but am I truly living?  My state death rate is at 2/10th of a percent.  Add the infected that didn't know they were and it's even a lower percentage. 
  I don't know anyone who has been infected.  I do know people that have lost their jobs and business.  I do know people that have tried to commit suicide because of the isolation or fallen of the wagon and are drinking again. All of these things have happened because of government panic, over reach and piss poor planning (or lack of), not the virus. 
      I'd rather die free than live in fear.  I will go back to the brothels when they open because that is living.  And if I see you there the drinks are on me.  Except for Chicago Bob, I don't want to go broke.  ?
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Post by Chicagobob »

Did I hear my name?  ;D

I was talking among other mongers about what's ahead.  One suggestion was massage parlor type parties at the brothels.  A nice hand job is better than nothing.  It's a win/win for the clients and ladies.  It's clean and fun - while practicing safety.  The ladies would make some money and the clients could get some relief.   

Of course, expectations would have to change on both price and service.  The AMP (Asian Message Parlor) girls have been doing this all over the country for many years.  They seem to be very successful (not that I would have any first hand knowledge). 

I think we're in for a "new normal" and will just have to roll with the changes.  Things are changing in other countries too.  My TJ amigo sent me this today.
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Post by Mikey »

When I hear people say "if some people die for the good of the economy, it's acceptable", I wonder how they'd feel if it was their family members? Personally I feel if we restart too early we could end up getting a second wave of infections that could be worse than what we have now. As to leadership, the mayor of LV is an idiot, who just wants to get the money flowing for the casino taxes, which is the primary source of revenue for the city. With the lack of national leadership it's fallen on the governors to make the hard decisions, while the clown in the Whitehouse takes responsibility for nothing, taking his medical advice from Faux News and not the medical experts. Let's watch what happens in the southern states that are reopening this week and next.[/size]
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Post by MrTShirt »

Chicagobob link wrote:...My TJ amigo sent me this today.
Well, at least we now know how to spot providers.  :)
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Post by Cobia »

OHHHH  BOY... here we go ………….
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Post by Boone »

Cobia link wrote:
OHHHH  BOY... here we go ………….
Oh hell yeah.....I'm in...but realize this probably isn't the right place for a pissing match.
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Post by SixT9er »

No it’s not & I didn’t bring politics into it so Mikey STFU!

I said my plans, you do what you want

Keep your Fucking political opinions to yourself!
Last edited by SixT9er on Thu Apr 23, 2020 11:57 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Cobia »

This has been a great board in the past .  Let's keep it that way .

There is another board for political hate and trouble makers.
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Post by AlexaWu »

Cobia link wrote:
This has been a great board in the past .  Let's keep it that way .

There is another board for political hate and trouble makers.
Agreed! It's been really fun checking this board and one of the highlight to my day.  :)
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Post by Boone »

AlexaWu link wrote: Agreed! It's been really fun checking this board and one of the highlight to my day.  :)
I agree with this and it's the whole reason I kept my keyboard in check. It's so nice to have a place to go just to decompress from the bullshit that is going on everywhere else.
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Post by Cobia »

Boone link wrote: I agree with this and it's the whole reason I kept my keyboard in check. It's so nice to have a place to go just to decompress from the bullshit that is going on everywhere else.

Thank you.
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Post by Drew_Ryan »

Agreed, we are all here to have fun.
AlexaWu link wrote: Agreed! It's been really fun checking this board and one of the highlight to my day.  :)
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Post by SToN3y »

I do apologize for fanning the flames. Just been real frustrated lately. But there ARE "other forums" for that. I will keep my political opinions out of here.

I agree this needs to be a place free of drama. It's just been so hard to get excited due to the lockdown effectively freezing my brothel plans for the near future. So many uncertainties. Will my favorite houses be able to remain open? Will the girls return? Will I still be able to have GFE? Will this COVID-driven dry season kill or radically change the LPIN business?

I gotta say, the proposed restrictions at Bella's made me raise an eyebrow. I'd like to get back to partying as soon as circumstances permit, but not if it's gonna be this... sanitized, no-touchy thing!

I don't mind showering off at the house before a party or giving up kissing/DATY privileges for awhile. But I hope I can still kiss non-orifice surfaces and get my blowjobs. (Kind of hard to do through a mask)
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Post by Slednx »

Ston3y- The way I read the Bella's article, you'd still be able to get your BJ. Only the patrons, not the lady would be required to wear the face mask. Remember, the ladies would be getting tested every week for Covid 19 along with the other tests.

If any of you have been to Amsterdam, the parties would be like there. Pretty much a half and half, maybe they will even bring that paper barrier that you stick your dick through that protects the lady from touching your nuts! ?

Personally, I think it might be a liabilty for the houses to require the guys to wear a mask while trying to have sex. A lot are out of shape and breathing through a mask is difficult for some, for a fat guy having sex it might be too much for their body to handle.
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Post by SToN3y »

Slednx link wrote: Ston3y- The way I read the Bella's article, you'd still be able to get your BJ. Only the patrons, not the lady would be required to wear the face mask. Remember, the ladies would be getting tested every week for Covid 19 along with the other tests.

If any of you have been to Amsterdam, the parties would be like there. Pretty much a half and half, maybe they will even bring that paper barrier that you stick your dick through that protects the lady from touching your nuts! ?

Personally, I think it might be a liabilty for the houses to require the guys to wear a mask while trying to have sex. A lot are out of shape and breathing through a mask is difficult for some, for a fat guy having sex it might be too much for their body to handle.
Well that's a relief! Hell, I already have to wear a mask at work...

Maybe we can make it into something fun! I can wear my bandana-mask and cowboy hat. It is the wild west, after all! Yee-haw
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