Some Ladies Thoughts

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Some Ladies Thoughts


Post by rachelvarga »

I have taken some time away to talk to ladies I know from different brothels and many are disappointed in the talk and seeming rush to open and if the price will change rather than what will be the effects on us and if we get sick. We do not have insurance like most customers, and our job puts us in extremely close proximity to others. This could really be devastating for some of us. We could carry it home and infect loved ones. Some ladies have kids and this new variant that is deadly to children is very worrying to many ladies. This is disheartening. This is much more prevalent on the other board. It may upset people that I said that but it's not my concern what they or others think right now.

I am happy to see so many diffrrent posts here and the concern for us. It is okay to discuss opening but  posts about other things helps take our minds off us these worries. It is up to you to decide.  Thank you for taking time to be here and passing the time with us.

Many of the ladies appreciate it.

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Post by Florida Couple »

I agree with this.  We’re torn because personally think the brothel interactions are pretty dangerous, on the other hand we realize some ladies really need the income.  My hope is those who work can and those that are worried don’t have to.  The wife and I won’t be going to Nevada (or entertaining the idea of visiting a swing club) until March.  She’s not comfortable flying so, yes we worry about girls risking a lot for a little.  We’re not doing any international flights until 2022, just got our refunds for this years trips.

One solution, although not popular, would be masked sex or just masked handjobs.  One lady posted a link on twitter, that I retweeted (missing now), showing clients can take a covid and full std panel test for something like $200.  That’s the ultimate solution... require your appointments to have test results a day or two before partying.  Wouldn’t it be nice to know everyone was safe and clear of everything including covid.
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Post by Chicagobob »

I would hope that it would be an educated choice to return to LPIN - whether it be client or courtesan.  I've already decided to return for awards week in July if things are open.  I'm looking forward to seeing what changes are on the horizon.  If there's a will, there's a kink!  ;D
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Post by Adventure Guy »

Just like how the ladies are concerned for their safety and their loved ones safety with regards to this virus I think many clients including me are concerned as well for the ladies and ourselves. 

My hope is when the brothels open back up it is done in a safe manner.  An example of opening up in a safe manner is having a dog quickly determine if someone has the virus or not.  Refer to the following news article which they are currently researching: ... ronavirus/     
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Post by Dr. Who »

I believe most, if not all of us are concerned over the safety of the ladies, as well as ourselves when the brothels begin to reopen.  With this virus, the only way to stay safe is social distancing until a vaccine is available, but distancing isn't an option in LPIN as most of us already know.  I guess we all (ladies and customers) have to assess our individual comfort zone when it comes to the level of risk we each are willing to take in order to make a decision either way. 

I doubt that Covid-19 testing of clients would be viable, due to the shortage in Covid-19 testing supplies.  Only those with symptoms can currently be tested, so those of us who are healthy and asymptomatic can't get tested even if we want to get tested.  The rapid test that Abbott labs developed is also in question regarding its accuracy, so that's another concern that's currently being investigated too. 

Personally, I don't feel comfortable flying anywhere right now, so all of my travel plans are on hold.  Although, visiting the brothels and the ladies are at the top of my agenda when the overall risk levels fall within my comfort zone.  :)
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Post by MrTShirt »

I agree some ladies are worried about getting sick, having medical expenses, and no money to feed their kids.

However, I sense other ladies are worried about not working, so they have no money for bills and no money to feed their kids.
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Post by rachelvarga »

Adventure Guy link wrote: Just like how the ladies are concerned for their safety and their loved ones safety with regards to this virus I think many clients including me are concerned as well for the ladies and ourselves. 

My hope is when the brothels open back up it is done in a safe manner.  An example of opening up in a safe manner is having a dog quickly determine if someone has the virus or not.  Refer to the following news article which they are currently researching: ... ronavirus/   
I'm glad you brought this up. I am worried about some of you. I don't want to say anyone is old or anything of that nature that could hurt someone's feelings. Our older gentlemen clients are at risk and it does worry me because it is much harder on that age group.

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Post by Chicagobob »

For once in my life, I'll be saying don't pull it off!  The mask that is...  ;D ;D ;D
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Post by firefighter »

Our Country must reopen businesses before the economy totally collapses, and we can't isolate ourselves in our homes forever.  I believe every business that provides an income for owners and employees is essential to the economy.

Coronavirus is no doubt serious but people in otherwise good health who seek medical attention immediately upon noticing symptoms will probably survive.  However, people with other medical problems, elderly patients and infants are undoubtedly at the utmost risk if they contract coronavirus; this group should probably be isolated from the general population for a longer period of time. 

I believe Brothels should screen clients and patrons for symptoms at the door before entering the building and require everyone to wear masks.  Brothels should ask pertinent questions and take forehead temperatures.  A temperature screening non-contact system may be used to take temperatures, because a person may not realize they have a higher than normal temperature.  Also, Courtesans and Brothel personnel should be screened daily before they begin their shifts.

It should be at the discretion of Courtesans and clients whether they decide to remove masks during a party, and social distancing would obviously be discarded.

COVID19 affects different people in different ways. Infected people have had a wide range of symptoms reported from mild symptoms to severe illness.
Symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure to the virus. People with these symptoms may have coronavirus:
•Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
•Muscle pain
•Sore throat
•New loss of taste or smell
•Pneumonia in both lungs

Coronavirus emergency warning signs.  People should seek emergency medical care if they're displaying these warning signs:
•Trouble breathing
•Persistent pain or pressure in the chest
•New confusion
•Inability to wake or stay awake
•Bluish lips or face
Also, people should contact a medical provider for other symptoms that are concerning or severe.
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Post by firefighter »

The category of non-essential business personnel have probably been the most devastated by business closures.  Courtesans and Brothel personnel are in this category, so they must attempt to recover when Brothels reopen.  The economy has been ravaged by business closures and unemployment, but Courtesans can't reduce their party prices when they return because many of them are on the brink of financial ruin.  Courtesans are independent contractors who must pay for their healthcare, and they don't qualify for unemployment benefits.  I don't believe clients should take advantage of the situation and attempt to negotiate parties to reduced levels because Courtesans deserve decent wages and should be encouraged to continue in the LPIN business rather than seek employment elsewhere.  LPIN clients certainly don't want to lose our exemplary Courtesans, so we must entice them to stay in the LPIN business by threating them well. 
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Post by AlexaWu »

Thank you for this post. There are a lot of patrons who 'pray' on the new girls and offer very low prices and I'm expecting this when the ranches reopen towards all ladies depending on the patron. I had people say "isn't it better than nothing?" and some other shit come backs. I have no regrets turning those people down.

It is a very unfortunate situation and I hope patrons understand we are trying to make a living and some have their parents, partner, and children to take care of too.

A lot of girls travel from out of town and incur travel expenses for the flight, transportation to the ranch, daily room and board and doctoring fees. They all quickly add up.

Big hug to you for being an understand person and a decent human being. 
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Post by Chicagobob »

I'm predicting a big reduction in activities and wondering if the GFE party will ever be the same.  I would think that both the client and courtesan would be just a little more careful about what activities transpire in the future.

We might see a completely new model of brothel party - much like the Asian massage parlors.
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Post by RoxyGold »

It can be natural to have selfish thoughts during a crisis. How will this affect me? How will my routine change? These are just simple survival instincts. Translate them to modern times: will I be able to afford my lifestyle? Will the things I’m interested in and enjoy be different, and I won’t enjoy them anymore? Then what will I do with myself?

Certain customers always have and always will gripe about prices and want to get more bang for their buck than the next guy. This is not unique to LPIN. You can go anywhere at all and find someone complaining about how much something costs and insisting they should get it for less because reasons. The box has a scratch on it, give me 20% off! Give me your employee discount! I have to wait in this long line, I deserve a gift certificate! Do you know who I am and how much money I spend here?

As a lover of people and humanity, I just accept the good and the bad of our behavior. :)
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Post by G »

Yesterday I was sitting in a restaurant eating dinner.  I was the only one in there and non of the staff were wearing mask.  They were taking plenty of phone orders and an elderly lady with her young family came in sat down and ate dinner.

It really got me thinking.  This thing we are dealing with now is all about quality of life vs surviving.  For me I have no family and a small group of friends.  I value the social interaction I get in a restaurant.  The elderly lady valued the normalcy of being with her family at the restaurant.  Did we put ourselves at risk?  We sure did but for me its a balance of living the life I want vs just surviving.

We are all going to have to make decisions and we all have different circumstances in life that will affect those decisions. In a truly free country the government will make recommendations and the people will decide if they need to follow those recommendations.  America is no longer the land of the free.  It will take a war or a natural disaster far greater than this virus to change that.  Most Americans value there own life more than that of the generations that will follow us. I believe that those type of people are most likely going to get reincarnated in the shit hole that they helped create.
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Post by ArizonaChuck »

Some very astute points in these posts. I think this is different because we are dealing with human beings, rather than an appliance, etc. I would hope one would not enter a bordello and low-ball because of current circumstances.

That said, I know I won't pay my usual fee for a party that is not even close to what I use to pay for (gfe) Honestly, if I have to wear a mask and get only a handjob, for the price I recently paid for full gfe, I simply won't go. At the end of the day, both buyer and seller must be ok with $ and services rendered. I want to respect the lady and myself as well.
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Post by Prospector Bob »

I suspect there might be more doggie or reverse cowgirl parties. You can leave your mask on...
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Post by Chicagobob »

It is not the strongest of the species that survives, not the most intelligent that survives.  It is the one that is most adaptable to change.  - Charles Darwin
Last edited by Chicagobob on Mon May 18, 2020 1:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Dirk Diggler »

The pricing dynamic will be unchanged. Ladies decide what they are willing to accept and clients decide what they are willing to pay, that's it. I'm sure there will be some prospective clients who try to lowball and there might also be clients who simply cannot afford prices they paid in the past. Either way, both individuals keep their right of choice.

It will be interesting to see the policies that the houses implement. Like any business right now, they have to balance local guidances with the desires of their customers while trying to implement policies that make ladies and clients feel safe and comfortable in being there. If things are too extreme either which way there is a risk of ladies or clients not wanting to be there. As a client, if I have to get std testing yet still wear a condom, at the door screening, and full time wearing of a mask to have party then no thank you, pass.

As far as unemployment goes, independent contractors and "gig" workers do qualify for the unemployment stimulus money from the feds at $600 per week and I believe it's good for up to 4 months currently. States have been slow in implementing that process so it's doubtful many have been paid yet and I'm sure it in no way replaces primary income, but it is something at least.
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Post by rachelvarga »

The first round of unemployment was bad. It said I had to call but the queue would fill up as soon as it opened then we get a call back tomorrow message. This round it went through fine.
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Post by goodyear »

AlexaWu link wrote: Thank you for this post. There are a lot of patrons who 'pray' on the new girls and offer very low prices and I'm expecting this when the ranches reopen towards all ladies depending on the patron. I had people say "isn't it better than nothing?" and some other shit come backs. I have no regrets turning those people down.

It is a very unfortunate situation and I hope patrons understand we are trying to make a living and some have their parents, partner, and children to take care of too.

A lot of girls travel from out of town and incur travel expenses for the flight, transportation to the ranch, daily room and board and doctoring fees. They all quickly add up.

Big hug to you for being an understand person and a decent human being. 
Hi Alexa. You are absolutely correct to feel no regrets in turning down complete low-ballers! However, pretty much everything else you have said works both ways in these times. This was discussed recently on the other forum. I think it was Hiking Guy who made the point that mongers have similar expenses just to get to Nevada. I'll be driving almost 2,000km just to get to Elko. Before that, I had to fly from the UK. I never once thought to mention that in negotiations, simply because it is none of ladies' concern that I had to incur costs to get there. Why should I expect a reduced price party because of that? I was often over $2,000 in the hole before I even set foot in a house with airfare, hotels, car rental etc.

When all is said and done, this whole thing has made us all realize that we are going through this together. There will be factors pulling ladies and mongers in different directions - ladies will be wanting to recoup lost revenue and many mongers will have reduced funds due to layoffs, furloughs or reduced hours. Hopefully common sense will prevail and there will be some mutually acceptable middle ground, especially if the same range of activities can no longer be offered.

Having spoken to a couple of close-friend mongers, we are leaning towards sticking with the ladies we know when the houses reopen, at least for a while. Partly because we miss them :) And partly because it is a known quantity for both parties, so there may be a little latitude in terms of activities or pricing. Even if there isn't, having partied with them before, I know that the party will be awesome, even if activities are restricted due to COVID.
Last edited by goodyear on Tue May 19, 2020 1:43 am, edited 1 time in total.