Best/worst subjects in School

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Best/worst subjects in School


Post by SixT9er »

What were your best subjects & worst in High School?
Seems when taking to people they usually had 2 good & 2 they struggled with out of the basic 4 of Math, Science, History & English

Excelled at Math & History
Struggled with English
SUCKED at Science, had to take the min requirement to graduate! Lol
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Post by Nblaw95 »

Not gonna lie, im a big ol nerd that didnt really struggle with any subjects in school lol. I suppose if you made me pick, I'd say I excelled at math and science and "struggled" comparatively with history and english. Actually, one subject I definitely struggled with would be speech class. I abhor public speaking of any kind  :-X
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Post by logcabin »

Excelled in History, Political Science
Hated Latin, Algebra
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Post by Duck11 »

Best subjects were science, math, and English.
The only class I had trouble with was history.
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Post by Dr. Who »

I was also a nerd in high school, so I excelled in the sciences and math which were my favorite subjects.  I guess that's why I ended up spending my entire career as a research chemist before retiring.

Most of the required courses that I took, I did very well in, even the ones that I hated like ancient/medieval history, although I still aced the class.  The history teacher that I had for that particular course sucked which is why I hated that particular class.  Some people just weren't meant to teach and she was one of them.  She eventually quite teaching, after I graduated, and became an attorney ...LOL  :o

Actually my worse subject was PE.  Sports really wasn't my thing back in high school and I thought it was a waste of time. 8)  We also had to take several minor courses in high school too like art and music which were cool.  I enjoy both which inspired me to learn how to play guitar.  My art teacher also thought I had a talent and really tried to get to take advanced art courses, but I was too focused on the sciences.  Who knows, if I went into art, I probably would have ended up as a starving artist. LOL
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Post by sgtaliin9150 »

I excelled in most subjects except for English, and Spanish. The high school that I went to had Spanish as an elective so I dropped out of it and took Piano instead. Sometimes I wish I had stayed the course on that one.

My school attended The Academic Decathlon. Went all the way to nationals. Won an Academic Scholarship on that.

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Post by Prospector Bob »

In high school my best classes were PE & metal shop!  ;D  I was pretty good with history & English but sucked at math (algebra/trigonometry - borrrring  : :) ). I was a whiz in metal shop but in wood shop I could turn a fine piece of wood into a pile of sawdust better than anyone in class.  : :)

Funny thing... after the Army I went to tech school to learn electronic technology. I knew there would be a lot of math & was kinda worried about formulas & calculations 'cause I hated math. But all of a sudden, I got it, math finally clicked with me. Electronic formulas using algebra & trigonometry suddenly became clear & I had no trouble with them all through tech school.
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Post by SixT9er »

Funny thing in my 1st year of HS my 9th grade English teacher was Smokin hot! Early 30’s, tall slender with a perfect Ass! All I did was fantasize about her in class & almost failed. She had to leave half way thru the year & her replacement was a short, plump middle aged Lady. I Aced that semester, no distractions! Lol
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Post by Cobia »

I did good in math but English...…
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Post by Boone »

I ain't be not no good in English and not much gooder in math. Did good in history and science  as i had interest in both.
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Post by Glennster1 »

Best - Math, Worst - Physics
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Post by ShyKyle87 »

Best: lunch. Lol, just kidding, I was pretty good in math.

Worst: english, especially the literature part.
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Post by Cobia »

ShyKyle87 link wrote: Best: lunch. Lol, just kidding, I was pretty good in math.

Worst: english, especially the literature part.

Yeah, the literature is what got me too.
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Post by Chicagobob »

I hated school!  Ironically, I dropped out in 10th grade.  I bummed around for over 10 years before I finally figured out that I wanted to go back.  It was really tough... I had to start right back at the bottom and work my way back up. 

I would say that math and science were my two worst subjects.  In addition, my writing skills were nonexistent.  The really strange twist is today I'm a teacher. 
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Post by CronusWalker »

I was fairly good in most subjects, best was probably Mythology, and Graphic Arts (mainly Photography) and worst, Pre-Calculus and Physics.
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Post by AlexaWu »

Worst was math (spare the asian math jokes  : :) ???)
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Post by billwh »

I failed algebra! NOW it makes sense, substitute a letter for a number; x+7+15. But at that time, (I was 15) it made absolutely no sense at all.
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Post by rachelvarga »

I really don't remember.

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Post by Vanityaffair »

English my favorite
Math had to work at it. Science intrigued me
Chemestry, organic chemestry and organic Chemestry2 and lab killed me but I did it and don’t remember shit except lab experiments and sticks on an open field.
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