Recon Missions

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Re: Recon Missions


Post by MrTShirt »

KittiMinx link wrote: Just to toss in a Lady's perspective - I personally don't mind Recon visits so long as it's disclosed pretty quickly in the conversation. Then I can be more relaxed and genuinely help you out or just chill.  During quieter times at MR if one of y'all comes in and is waiting on an appointment I'll hang with you after telling the office you're there so Ladies who don't know you're there for a reason, just waiting, don't get up on ya and people have been grateful for that. But that's just me. My default is "Hi. How you doing? How's your day going?"  I just like meeting people.
I agree.  It is always nice to chat with several ladies in addition the one you are waiting for.  Also, a guy can chat with more ladies after the party.

However, it is only fair to tell the other ladies you are waiting for someone or that you are done partying and just hanging out.

Equally fair is for the guy to check out future parties with those gals he is chilling with.
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Post by SixT9er »

I read a lot of guys do Recon on the houses before deciding where they are going to party during their trips. I'm just wondering how you go about it? Do you visit with Ladies and make sure they'll be around? Are you just seeing who's there real quickly then go? What about the line up houses? I admit when I go into a house it's my intent to party 95% of the time and I feel strange just checking things out

This is something I've never really done as I usually have a very firm Idea of who I'm going to see on my trip to begin with.
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Post by Lomez »

I don't call it "recon;" it's more like socializing. For those of us who travel a fair distance, and go to the ranches irregularly, it just makes sense to cool your heels at first and maybe come back later. I treat lineup and non-lineup houses the same - drop in, introduce myself, chat, always take care of a lady who's given me her time. There's always a lot of ladies who are good enough to socialize in the parlor.  The web lineups are usually out of date, so that's another reason for so-called recon.
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Post by Dr. Who »

I think it's probably a combination of "recon" and socializing least for me ...LOL.  Since all of my ATFs have retired, I only have a couple of favorites who I like to party with, but they are not always working during my trips.  I may have a mental note of new ladies that I would like to meet, but as we all know, posted lineups aren't always accurate.  So, the only way of knowing for sure which ladies are working is to go brothel hopping to see who's working and to socialize to see if I feel any good vibes from the ladies that I meet.

Like Lomez, it doesn't matter if it's a lineup house or not, since you can always choose to socialize with the ladies at the bar.  If I happen to get an automatic lineup without asking (like whenever I've visited the BR ...LOL), I just pick one of the ladies and we head over to the bar to chat.  In fact, most of the brothels that I've visited aren't lineup only houses like years ago.  They all have the option to chat with the ladies in the bar/parlor.

Also, for some of us who fly and drive long distances to get to the brothels, I'm often too tired to party during the day of my arrival, so it's a good time to just visit the houses to relax and socialize with some of the ladies.  Very often, it leads to booking partying with some of the ladies that I've met in the days that follow.
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Post by FumbleNutts »

Speaking of recon......CB, ohhhhh CB, it's time to come up for air and report  ;D
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Post by firefighter »

I visit my favorite brothel (Mustang Ranch) with the intent to party with my ATF Courtesan (Rachel Varga).

I've seen all 7 urban brothels, but when I revisit one of those brothels I have the mindset that I'll party if I make a romantic connection with a Courtesan.

If I'm visiting one of the 14 rural brothels for the first time I may be in an investigative mode, but I'm still ready to party if the mood strikes me... that is, if I'm twitterpated by a Courtesan. ... itterpated

I don't visit brothels with the sole intent to socialize because that's a waste of my time and the Courtesans' time.  I previously visited Sheri's Ranch to play 8 ball pool with the Courtesans but my motives were to party after the games; playing pool with a Lady is a great icebreaker.
Last edited by firefighter on Fri Dec 29, 2017 4:48 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Chicagobob »

Recon is vital for serious mongers, guys that visit multiple houses, or guys from out of town.  You can't always rely on posted lineups. 

I always tell the lady at the outset that I'm just doing a "meet & greet" unless I'm going to party right away.  Lots of times, I travel all day to get there and I'm too pooped to party right away.  I sometimes scope things out for the next night. 

Most of the time, I end up partying with a lady that I've connected with.  It may not always be the same trip, but I keep her in mind for next time. 
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Post by Chicagobob »

FumbleNutts link wrote: Speaking of recon......CB, ohhhhh CB, it's time to come up for air and report  ;D
I'm busy right now, haha!  Will post reports ASAP :P
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Post by FredT »

Who says a recon mission has to be a waste of  the ladies time?  many of my "recon missions" end in a ladies room, perhaps for a simple quickie, perhaps for a simple 20 minute nekked cuddle party.  To me it's a 200 (+,- ) well spent, and a way of seeing what a full fledged party might bring in a day or two. 
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Post by Dirk Diggler »

I guess if I do any "recon" it is online before I arrive. I watch boards closely as well as posts and if there is someone who has caught my interest I will try to initiate conversation to see if they will be available when I'm visiting or not and in some cases that might determine if I even visit a certain house or not. When I do visit a house it's always with the intent to party if possible. I have some long days as well, but if I'm too tired to have sex then I'm not even leaving the hotel room lol.

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Post by niceguy eddie »

Chicagobob link wrote: Recon is vital for serious mongers, guys that visit multiple houses, or guys from out of town.  You can't always rely on posted lineups. 

I always tell the lady at the outset that I'm just doing a "meet & greet" unless I'm going to party right away.  Lots of times, I travel all day to get there and I'm too pooped to party right away.  I sometimes scope things out for the next night. 

I often do a similar thing.  I socialize, find a lady that I like, explain that I have either partied or am taking a day off between parties and then adjourn to her room to negotiate a party to be held in the next few days.

The only problem I have had with this is one trip I completely ran out of vim and vigor and had to call the trip off before I partied with everyone whom I wanted to.