Just Wear The Damn Mask

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Re: Just Wear The Damn Mask


Post by rachelvarga »

I think people have this belief that freedom means rebel against everything. If the law says don't eat your poop, someone will say it is their Godgiven right and eat it.

Individualism is good but it's really extreme sometimes. Look at how many nursing homes there are. I had never heard of anything like that until I got here. For extreme situations it's good but people hear treat old people like shit because they might interfere with their life. "okay boomer"  is a great example of how self centered people are.

Me me me and what "I" want. This hyper individualism breeds narcississm. I'm so important I don't need to do my part. This is actually a threat to American society. People spend too much time trying to be the badass outlaw.

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I would still like to hear a reasonable explanation as to why doctors, nurses and hospitals and other medical facilities along with many high tech companies have been using mask worldwide for over 100 years if they not effective.
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Post by G »

Good question and I ask that similar question everyday when I have to put on a hard hat when there is no overhead falling hazards.

One rule to keep everyone safe?  I am sure the mask do have safety reasons in certain practices in the medical field.

Edit to address the arguing comment. I don't think asking questions and sharing personal perspectives is arguing.  I often wonder about the first soldier who asked why are we standing in this line and firing lead balls at each other while I can hide behind this rock and more safely take out my enemy.
Last edited by G on Thu Oct 08, 2020 3:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by strike one »

Dirk Diggler link wrote: You say that there are credible sources for “both sides” but I’ve yet to see anyone sharing a credible source debunking anything I’ve stated.
Dirk Diggler link wrote: Of those who tested positive for the virus those 49 and and younger have a 98.8% survival rate, those 70 and older have a 94.6% survival rate; those are facts.
https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/fac ... 019503001/
https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2 ... ival-stat/
Dirk Diggler link wrote: It is also fact that Sweden has never mandated mask wear nor instituted wide spread lockdowns yet are now fairing far better than other European countries despite those countries having severe restrictions and suffering dire economic consequences as a result.
https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2 ... ath-rate-/
https://www.businessinsider.com/sweden- ... ark-2020-6
Dirk Diggler link wrote: Regardless it should be up to individuals to decide how concerned they are about being infected with a virus that has upwards of a 99.75% recovery rate.
only source i could find on 99.75% rate is https://www.aap.com.au/survival-rates-c ... -equation/ which says its for russia and its misleading. https://www.factcheck.org/2020/07/factc ... interview/ has 99.7 and was labeled misleading.

you said 99.75% recovery rate on oct 6. the day before you said 98.8% for 49 and younger and 94.6% for 70 and older. either everyone started surviving over 1 day, the large majority of the population is 50 to 69 (https://www.census.gov/prod/cen2010/bri ... 0br-03.pdf) with 100% recovery rate, or the percentages are wrong.
Dirk Diggler link wrote: You can make the argument that the wear of masks might reduce or mitigate the chances of people catching covid or spreading covid, yet it still isn't clear or decided yet exactly how covid is transmitted and how infections occur.
https://www.factcheck.org/2020/04/covid ... explained/

https://www.plannedparenthood.org/learn ... re-condoms condoms have a lower effective rate for pregnancy and stds. that doesnt mean they shouldnt be used.
Dirk Diggler link wrote: I have no issue in people wearing masks or taking whatever precautions or measures they feel are necessary. What I do take issue with is people who demand others do the same and propagate a false moral equivalency argument that has no basis in scientific evidence or data related to Covid. They say it is selfish yet I say it is selfish and absurd of them to demand that people give up their religious practices, livelihoods, and personal freedoms for others based on unwarranted fear.
people make concessions to live in a society. dont litter or spit outside, cover your face when you cough or sneeze, obey traffic laws. if the medical community that is supposed to take care of you if you get covid is asking you to wear a mask it would be impolite not to listen. not only are you sick but you could make them sick which means they cant treat other people.

ben carson was a top neurosurgeon and he always wore a mask during surgery and it wasnt to protect himself. think of wearing a mask like holding the door open for someone. its not a huge inconvenience and its a polite thing to do.
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Post by wayne208 »

I always wear a Mask .. That Started in 2016  ;) ..  I agree that the mask will save lives  . That is why I am still around
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Post by MrTShirt »

SIDEWINDER link wrote: I would still like to hear a reasonable explanation as to why doctors, nurses and hospitals and other medical facilities along with many high tech companies have been using mask worldwide for over 100 years if they not effective.
Do a study on your question and let us know what you find.  :)
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Post by MrTShirt »

Just follow Dr. Fauci's direction.

Dr. Fauci says masks are worthless.

Dr Fauci says masks are important.

See how simple it is.  :)

(In case you didn't notice, Dr. Fauci has significant financial benefit in a vaccine being the key to the COVID solution.  It would be bad if some existing cheap drug fixed COVID.)
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Post by Dirk Diggler »

I said creditable sources i.e. scientists not partisan websites and political media organizations stating opinions on scientific data. Sorry you wasted your time posting all that garbage Strike 1 whoever you are.
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Post by rachelvarga »

Dirk Diggler link wrote: I said creditable sources i.e. scientists not partisan websites and political media organizations stating opinions on scientific data. Sorry you wasted your time posting all that garbage Strike 1 whoever you are.
Btw I never said in my original post that I was absolutely sure of anything as far as who is affected. You are the one that came galloping in on the horse of knowledge without any references to any study. Now you accuse people of not having credible sources so now you can post you credible sources. Prove that your right. I'll get my umbrella so you can rain down facts on me.

... Still sunny outside.

Rachel Varga
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From what I've read and understand, the mask is more to protect people around those who wear a mask. Not the actual person wearing the mask.  If that is true which I believe to be the case,  we sure live in a fucked up society where people who do not wear mask could care less about anyone around them.  I really believe if everyone would wear a mask, we could wipe this virus out instead of having it drag on month after month which hurts everyone whether they get the virus or not.
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Post by Dirk Diggler »

Rachel Varga link wrote: Btw I never said in my original post that I was absolutely sure of anything as far as who is affected. You are the one that came galloping in on the horse of knowledge without any references to any study. Now you accuse people of not having credible sources so now you can post you credible sources. Prove that your right. I'll get my umbrella so you can rain down facts on me.

... Still sunny outside.

Rachel Varga

You said stores should mandate masks and people are hard headed, self centered and selfish for not wearing masks yet you're not sure of anything as far as who is affected. So basically your self condemning others when you admittedly don't really know what the effect of their decisions may or may not be for anyone else. Got it.

To quote our VP Sidey, your entitled to your opinion, but not your own facts. If masks is all it takes to wipe out the virus then why are European countries having a resurgence in cases despite national mask mandates and far more extensive lock downs than the U.S.. Why does Sweden have one of the lowest case rates after the summer despite never locking down and never mandating masks. You can't answer those questions because your opinions have no basis in facts.

You all do you though.... continue to despise fellow Americans because they don't think or act like you or because they value their religious beliefs or other god given freedoms that you clearly don't. I'm going to keep doing me which is enjoying my life to the fullest and never allowing anyone to shame me for who or what I am or for what I believe in. Respond however you want and trash me to your heart's content; maybe I'll stumble across it when I look for something worthwhile posted here in another month or two.
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Post by rachelvarga »

I am tired of this shit. Don't you ever tell me I despise Americans. Because I don't bow down to follow your ideas. You think because you were born here you are better than me? Huh?

Yeah wear the fucking mask and stop talking shit without one single reference. Dumbasses like you spread  this shit. You sit all high and mighty on your horse like you know it all. I know it kills people, you are spread out so you don't see it. Back home we aren't and guess what we see it a little more close to home. So get the fuck off my ass and stop being a dick to me. I don't take anybody's shit and that includes you.