Is this "DJ Jorge" the official spokesman of the LPIN Awards Committee?

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Is this "DJ Jorge" the official spokesman of the LPIN Awards Committee?


Post by Slednx »

After reading that horribly written, actually harmful open letter to the NV Governor posted on Queer's board, I couldn't help but notice he listed he was a committee member of the LPIN Awards. As first, I thought for sure he was trollin' us all, because who would mention such a thing? It hold no real weight to anyone outside of this little community. So, for shits and giggles, I looked. He is in fact a member! I realize Oddball, Goldie and Mikey are gone but has it gotten so desperate that you guys accept dudes like this? Firefighter, what is going on?
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Post by niceguy eddie »

That letter was a trainwreck and a half.  If I were trying to construct a written trojan house to get the brothels closed down, his letter is what I would do.

I really doubt that he had authority to speak on behalf of the awards committee.  The guy is a loose cannon aimed in the wrong direction.

Him suggesting that they should open up the brothels because sex obviously goes on during legal escort outdates is a sure way to get escort activities banned.

He suggested that some girls are sexworking illegally, and in doing so spreading STDs, AIDS, and COVID, is not going to help matters, and it badly stigmatizes all working ladies.

Him suggesting perhaps the brothels should be opened with the requirement that clients shower first and perhaps the ladies be limited to blowjobs is another was another of his suggestions that will likely hurt a lot more than help.  It is best not to get into specifics on what goes on in the brothels.  I don't see a governor deciding to propose a Nevada bill limiting brothels to blowjobs until the covid crisis is over.

My bet is that this is the nail in the coffin of the Awards committee and the awards.  DJ Gorge has control of their website and I don't see him walking away nicely.
Last edited by niceguy eddie on Thu Oct 22, 2020 11:43 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Slednx »

That's all too bad. The Awards Committee was just recovering from all the damage that Eastcoastenglishman did. The DJ guy was an unknown and they let him in. smh
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Post by rachelvarga »

I read that letter. Fuck him. Saying we are doing illegal stuff on outdates. Limiting us to blowjobs when we open?

Who are you to tell us what to do?  You bring your ass down there and do nothing but blowjobs.

I hope Q deletes that shit. It's not about escort licenses anymore. He is suggesting what we should do in our parties.

I hope the commitee drops his ass. If not it will ruin the credibility of what we have.

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Post by niceguy eddie »

I could swear I saw a thread where DJ Jorge wanted to talk to the Governor of Nevada on behalf of the brothels.  Thankfully he does not speak for the brothels.  Problem is, he presents himself as someone who speaks for the brothels, even though that isn't the case, and the government officials who he might speak to would not realize this.
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Post by Funmonger »

Slednx link wrote: That's all too bad. The Awards Committee was just recovering from all the damage that Eastcoastenglishman did. The DJ guy was an unknown and they let him in. smh
I agree with you, Sled. I wonder if we will ever have the Banquet, the Picnic or any of it in the future.  You have to wonder about this guy who makes gross generalizations about Escorts and then posts more bullshit about how he is going to write the Governor. Who knows this dude?
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Post by firefighter »

Slednx link wrote: After reading that horribly written, actually harmful open letter to the NV Governor posted on Queer's board, I couldn't help but notice he listed he was a committee member of the LPIN Awards. As first, I thought for sure he was trollin' us all, because who would mention such a thing? It hold no real weight to anyone outside of this little community. So, for shits and giggles, I looked. He is in fact a member! I realize Oddball, Goldie and Mikey are gone but has it gotten so desperate that you guys accept dudes like this? Firefighter, what is going on?
No, DJ Jorge is not the official LPIN Awards spokesperson, but he is a LPIN Awards committee member.  LPIN Awards lost both Mikey and Highdrive this year and the committee attempted to recruit additional contributors to fund the awards, but the only volunteer was DJ Jorge. 

LPIN Awards has a policy of not becoming involved in political issues, since our sole mission is to coordinate the annual contests that recognize and honor exemplary Courtesans and Brothels.  Furthermore, DJ Jorge's letter was not endorsed nor authorized by the LPIN Awards committee. 

However, DJ Jorge stated in his letter, "I am George McKinnon (DJ Jorge), board member of LPIN (WMCA), courtesan awards association of Nevada.," but he didn't indicate that he's an awards committee member.  The Official Rules for LPIN Awards require that all LPIN Awards registered voters must be LPIN Awards board members too.  In conclusion, the awards committee prefers that LPIN Awards not be mentioned at all in political discussions.
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Post by MrTShirt »

Any volunteers to help the Awards committee?

We count votes and fund the piggy bank for the awards and web site hosting.

By the way, as I understand, in Storey county an escort license is issued only to a place that already has a brothel license (which is much more expensive).  Plus, all the escorts must meet all the brothel license requirements, including the standard blood tests.  The doctor visit tests are the same requirements, whether it is for a courtesan or an escort.  The law is the law.
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Post by ArizonaChuck »

Slednx link wrote: After reading that horribly written, actually harmful open letter to the NV Governor posted on Queer's board, I couldn't help but notice he listed he was a committee member of the LPIN Awards. As first, I thought for sure he was trollin' us all, because who would mention such a thing? It hold no real weight to anyone outside of this little community. So, for shits and giggles, I looked. He is in fact a member! I realize Oddball, Goldie and Mikey are gone but has it gotten so desperate that you guys accept dudes like this? Firefighter, what is going on?
On July 23, of this year, I cautioned DJ to proceed with caution and to confer with others before he swung wildly at this

On July 24th, of this year, you encouraged DJ to not talk to anyone and try to get the "idiot governor's" attention. You got what you asked for.

I would quote the dialogue, however the thread is locked. Those who are interested can search.
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Post by rachelvarga »

MrTShirt link wrote: Plus, all the escorts must meet all the brothel license requirements, including the standard blood tests.  The doctor visit tests are the same requirements, whether it is for a courtesan or an escort.  The law is the law.
I want to clear this up because I'm sick off the know it alls. This is correct. All standard testing is done. Period.

I'm tired of insinuations that we are doing illegal things. It does not help us when people are saying this kind of stuff. It is detrimental and just fuels the opposition. I will start deleting any post that accuses or insinuates that we are doing something wrong.

Do NOT mention or discuss any "alternatives" to legal brothels.

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Post by rachelvarga »

ArizonaChuck link wrote: On July 23, of this year, I cautioned DJ to proceed with caution and to confer with others before he swung wildly at this

On July 24th, of this year, you encouraged DJ to not talk to anyone and try to get the "idiot governor's" attention. You got what you asked for.

I would quote the dialogue, however the thread is locked. Those who are interested can search.
You can quote or post the link to the thread if you want. SMF search is a turd.

DJ was going to do it either way.

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Post by Slednx »

Arizona, I do remember that thread. I admit to saying that, however I had no idea at the time that this guy was a complete idiot. I read his letter and can not believe any one reading that would leave being in favor of reopening the state's brothels. Just the opposite. It's the fact that he lists the Awards committee as well as this other unknown "WMCA" as credentials that has me asking if anyone knows this dude.

So far, it appears the answer is "no". Firefighter admits that and T-shirt's response has nothing to do with the question asked.
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Post by Ironman »

I wouldn't worry about it too much for one thing even if he did send that letter. It probably won't be seen or read by anybody that has any influence, or power to decide rather or not the brothels open back up or stay permanently closed.

Second not to offend anybody. But the awards and the committee are not officially recognized by anybody outside of the forum members again nobody with any power or influence to get the brothels open again. The awards are at the end of the day is for fun only.

Yes a lady like Rachel can use the fact that she was a COY winner for marketing herself, but other than that.....

Don't miss understand me. I know the girls appreciate the recognition, and the Mustang and Dovetail can use their multiple BOY wins for bragging rights over the other brothels. But its like when one highschool football team defeats the other highschool in the same town. Yeah it matters to those two highschool's every season but not really anybody else. True In Texas highschool football maybe a little bit bigger deal, but again the world will go on no matter which team wins.

So my point This DJ what's his name saying he is a member of the awards committee. Sorry to burst your bubbles guys he is just trying to make himself sound important enough that someone might listen to him. But it won't matter.

Again yes the committee puts in a lot of time and effort to putting the awards together, and they should be commended for their efforts every year.

But it only matters to us here on the forums rather it be this one SIN or one of the house forums. Yes the girls that pay attention appreciate the recognition No matter how you earn a paycheck its nice to be appreciated.  But a lady is not going to be able to charge more or suddenly be more popular than the other girls because the majority of 150 or so brothel patrons voted one of the ladies the equivalent of employee of the year.

So yeah we those of us on the forums may care about the awards. But unless you are part of the little micro universe that exists on these forums its not going to matter. The rest of the universe. Is going to say WTF is a COY award or a BOY award?

I am sure this post is going to offend some of the forum members. I am sorry for that kick me out of the club if you like. I can't care any more this covid crap unfortunately will have consequences on my personal life that basically will effect the rest of my life. No knock on wood I don't have it no again knock on wood I do not know anybody as of today that has it or has had it. But the dominos that have fallen around me because of Covid have changed my life possibly for the rest of it.

So again I apologize if I am offended anyone just pointing out the awards are for entertainment purposes. If you are not a forum member rather it be this one a house forum a member of SIN.  You are not going to even know what a COY is or care. It only matters if you belong to our little Micro universe.

The rest of the universe will just yawn or shrug if it does anything at all.

So DJ what's his name can claim to be a member of whatever committee he wants if it makes him feel important. But it doesn't matter nobody that can get the brothels open again will care.  I agree if his letter it is ready at all it doesn't help the cause at all. It can only hurt. The good thing though is the odds are high it will never be seen by anybody with the power or influence to get them open again.

I hope for all of you and the ladies that truly want to return to work in the brothels that they open up again. Its probably to late for me. Unfortunately its no longer just about having money to play for me. I ain't worried about catching anything from one of the ladies. But again dominos in my life have fallen because of Covid. Its probably already to late for my life to go back to how it was before Covid. We will see time will tell.

Either way guys don't worry about DJ George or is it Jorge? Guess it doesn't matter he is not important enough to really influence rather or not the brothels open up again not.

In unrelated news even by my normal standards this is a long post.....I need to get a job If for no other reason I have to much time on my hands and not nearly enough things to do.?
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Post by niceguy eddie »

Ironman link wrote: So DJ what's his name can claim to be a member of whatever committee he wants if it makes him feel important. But it doesn't matter nobody that can get the brothels open again will care.  I agree if his letter it is ready at all it doesn't help the cause at all. It can only hurt.
The problem is that DJ Jorge is claiming to speak for the ladies as the industry when he doesn't represent them.  And what he is saying is incredibly stupid, harmful, and insensitive.

Here is a link to the original thread where DJ Jorge posted about going to meet with the governor to talk on behalf of the ladies and the brothels without discussing it with the ladies or the brothels:

Here is what he wrote:
"As a new member of the LPIN board, one of my missions is to meet with Governor Sisolak to argue, opening the brothels soon.

After conferring with my attorney, I have some excellent arguments for my presentation.

The down side is that it could be a month or two before I get his audience."
Last edited by niceguy eddie on Thu Oct 22, 2020 11:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by rachelvarga »

It is true that the awards are not something huge but you spent a lot of words to pummel the idea that they mean nothing. Thanks.

And you have no idea how much attention that award brings you. It's not 150 people.

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Post by Ironman »

Rachel Varga link wrote: It is true that the awards are not something huge but you spent a lot of words to pummel the idea that they mean nothing. Thanks.

And you have no idea how much attention that award brings you. It's not 150 people.

Rachel Varga
I am one of those 150 or 200  people that hold a vote for the awards again it only matters to those of us inside our little micro universe we have created.

My point the committee has no power recognized by anybody other than those of us that either go to the brothels as clients or the ladies that appreciate the recognition the awards represent.

Again it doesn't matter if some no name idiot claims to represent an awards committee that has no power to determine if and when the brothels open up again.

It would be a big deal if  Lance,  Suzette or some other owner sent the letter.

DJ is nobody, and the committee only matters to those of us involved in the industry rather it be a buyer or a seller. Yes ithe letter is offensive to you girls. Yes it can only hurt if actually read by anybody that matters. But most likely if if was even opened at all whomever opened it probably just yawned and stuck it in the shreader.

He didn't help that is true. But any damage he would have done is minimal at best. He potentially offended every legal provider in Nevada that is bad.? Yes he also managed to bruise the egos of the small percentage of clients that vote on awards every year that are only for fun that is sad.☹ But that is all he did.

The brothels are still going to open up again at some point or they won't.  But DJ won't effect the decision in anyway shape or form. He is nobody or at least nobody important to the cause. Which is to get the brothels opened back up hopefully soon.
Last edited by Ironman on Fri Oct 23, 2020 5:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Funmonger »

Ironman link wrote: I am one of those 150 or 200  people that hold a vote for the awards again it only matters to those of us inside our little micro universe we have created.

My point the committee has no power recognized by anybody other than those of us that either go to the brothels as clients or the ladies that appreciate the recognition the awards represent.

Again it doesn't matter if some no name idiot claims to represent an awards committee that has no power to determine if and when the brothels open up again.

It would be a big deal if  Lance,  Suzette or some other owner sent the letter.

DJ is nobody, and the committee only matters to those of us involved in the industry rather it be a buyer or a seller. Yes ithe letter is offensive to you girls. Yes it can only hurt if actually read by anybody that matters. But most likely if if was even opened at all whomever opened it probably just yawned and stuck it in the shreader.

He didn't help that is true. But any damage he would have done is minimal at best. He potentially offended every legal provider in Nevada that is bad.? Yes he also managed to bruise the egos of the small percentage of clients that vote on awards every year that are only for fun that is sad.☹ But that is all he did.

The brothels are still going to open up again at some point or they won't.  But DJ won't effect the decision in anyway shape or form. He is nobody or at least nobody important to the cause. Which is to get the brothels opened back up hopefully soon.
Ironman, respectfully, are you following what Rachel is saying here? In your post you diminished the value of the COY award itself. Dispite our group's awarding it, the award does bolster the Courtesan's business in front of people who have nothing to do with our group.
If I understood your somewhat wordy post, I think you meant "who knows about the COY awards beyond our group?" so therefore DJ is only a voice within this small group. Actually, if he goes shooting his mouth off too much and bringing a lot of the wrong attention, media could do the real damage so this dude might pose a threat if he does something stupid.
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Post by rachelvarga »

We don't have any idea who reads these boards. I promise you this. Plenty of anti-brothel people dig through them. I was thinking maybe just have a few threads public. I don't know truthfully.

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Post by Funmonger »

I like your discretion idea. The privacy is good.