I'm cool with it Rachel

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DJ Jorge
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I'm cool with it Rachel


Post by DJ Jorge »

You imply that my site is not free to the girls.

My site is free to the girls, FREE, FREE

I only charge brothels for advertising.

My site is not a forum, there is no interaction of any kind.

It is just an Internet Directory for legal courtesans to post graphic banners, that gets a ton of hits, that's it.

I'm ok with you taking the link down Rachel, and I understand, let's face it, there are a ton of people out there who dislike me and just because this is my site will never visit it or join it. I'm a big boy and I can handle this kind of crap, don't forget that I worked three years for  Hof the oppressor and am used to back stabbing idiots trying to take me down.

Fact is, I get tons of hits just fine without traffic from these two forums and if girls want to boycott my site to spite me, rebel, it is their choice not to take advantage of this free advertising opportunity. Years from now when I have thousands of girls from all over the world including some of my haters on the site, and they are making money on my site, it will be my reward.

In the mean time, thank you Rachel again for your taking the time to explain why you had to do it.

I'll be using different methods in the future to recruit girls to my free site that will not involve these two forums.

See you all on 2020 new years :)
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Post by rachelvarga »

You must not know me very well because if you did then you would know that I ceased to care when you implied I was a backstabbing idiot.

All I care about is helping my fellow courtesans and letting them talk to clients, customers, fans,  and friends in a place that is low on drama. I'm not building a site to make money off of brothels. I do this because I care. So if you are going to keep telling me how awesome your site will be,  you can take it somewhere else.
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DJ Jorge
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Post by DJ Jorge »

For the record Rachel, it was not you that I was referring to as a back stabbing idiot.

Guess the hate has permeated everyone at this point.

I am taking site elsewhere as you suggested.

Clearly I could give every girl a hundred dollars a piece for being on my site and it would still be interpreted as selfish and greedy act.

These boards are brutal when new ideas are put forward that might actually help the girls.

Again, you mistake me for someone who is trying to make money on my old friends in this business.
You forget that I am retired with a huge pension, it makes me sad that I can be misinterpreted so easily when there is malice in the air.

I will therefore disappear from both sites for a long long time.
Maybe time will heal the hate.
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Post by rachelvarga »

I really don't want to add anything to this so I'll lock it. Thanks