The Year in Review

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The Year in Review


Post by rachelvarga »

What a year we had. I had to ban a bunch of people which is not something I really like doing. I get no joy out of kicking people out. I talked to them and asked them to chill but it seemed to embolden them. I decided to look at the bigger picture and go through the old posts and what I saw was a small group of guys that don't really like women. Yep, I said it. You just can't care about women when you do everything you can to hold them back or generalize them as trying to rip people off.

This started with arguments about COVID and once it got going it spread into pricing, negotiations, and free speech.

I don't care if you don't want to get vaccinated. Good for you. I am and that's that.

I don't care about conspiracies and I will not provide a platform for it.

I don't care about anyone's politics and don't want to hear about it. I vote and then I move on. Never again will I allow anything political on here. It is ridiculous, like little kids on the playground. "My Dad is better than yours.", "No my Dad is better than yours."

I don't care if you fancy yourself as a brothel expert and feel you are on a mission to save people from an evil cabal of women trying to get everyone's money. Stop acting like customers are stupid and they need your financial advice. They don't. We are all adults and don't need Mommy or Daddy to help us with our piggy banks.

I don't care if you have problems with other sites. Don't post about it here.

I don't care if you think I censor you or won't let you exercise your right to free speech. This is a private site and there are rules and when you register you agree to them. If you break the rules or insult the admin you are going to get banned.

If you leave I am not deleting your account. You don't get to come in and start a bunch of drama and then ride off like you did nothing. Nope, it's there forever.

Starting January 1st I am not allowing any more of this because you know what? People get enough of that all day long and don't come here or to a brothel to hear more of it. If any of this upsets you then this site is not for you. It really isn't.
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Post by NavySteve »

Well said Rachel. Thank you for all the hard work you do to keep this site informative and enjoyable.
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Post by firefighter »

I agree 100% with you Rachel. LPIN is about sex and love; therefore, hate and hostility shouldn't enter into the equation. People should express their positive and complimentary opinions concerning Courtesans and brothels, and not concentrate on critical or negative views. There's and old euphemism, "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all." If people would follow this basic concept, LPIN would be better for everyone.
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Post by JimDiGriz »

"I don't care if you fancy yourself as a brothel expert and feel you are on a mission to save people from an evil cabal of women trying to get everyone's money."

I think I'd actually pay extra for an evil cabal of women!
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Post by McLovin »

Thank you for saying this Rachel. You have taken a step that many of us have been wishing for. The mongers, the hobbyists, the sport fuckers…they need to have their own site in the bowels of the dark web that only they can see. The majority of folks on here are part of LPIN for the human and fun side of life; those others were here just to degrade the women and flash their misogynistic egos. As my mom use to say, good riddance to bad rubbish
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Post by rachelvarga »

No need to thank me. I'm just moving on.
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Post by Banginit »

Thank you.... :)

Enough Drama in the world