LPIN Awards Banquet Reservations on Sale Now

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LPIN Awards Banquet Reservations on Sale Now


Post by firefighter »

LPIN 2021 Awards Banquet MMXXII

Hosted 5 pm to 8 pm Friday July 15, 2022 in Reno Nevada

LPIN Awards Banquet Reservations

LPIN 2021 Awards Finalists & Winners will be recognized & honored, and framed certificates & Crystal Art Triad Flame Awards will be presented at Awards Banquet MMXXII hosted on Friday July 15, 2022.

A Reno area banquet hall has been reserved, and attendee reservations are on sale now. Reservation cost is $48 per guest including tax and gratuity. Please email awardteam@lpinawards.com for banquet admission payment details. Note, the preceding email address is not a direct link, so please compose an email and send it to awardteam@lpinawards.com. Alternatively, you may send firefighter a PM on this board, and you'll receive a response asap. Please remit payment by June 15, 2022, since the venue requires firm advance final count notice.

Please indicate the number of banquet reservations desired, and include both the names and handles of those prospective Courtesan client and brothel patron attendees; all personal information will be held in strict confidence with the banquet host. Courtesan reservations shall be purchased under their brothel or professional alias names.

Buffet Dinner Menu: There will be three entrees including Chicken Breast with Mushroom Sauce, New York Strip Loin with Creamed Horseradish, and Broiled Filet of Salmon with Citrus Butter. Mashed Potatoes, Salad, Vegetables, Fruit, Dinner Rolls, Creme Brulee, Chocolate Decadence Cake, Coffee and Tea are included. The banquet room bar will have soft drinks, distilled liquor, wine or beer available at extra cost.

No-Host Cocktail Hour at 5:00 pm
Buffet Style Dinner at 6:00 pm
LPIN 2021 Awards Presentations at 7:00 pm
Jagged Awards Presentations at 7:30 pm

Conditions of Sale:
There will be NO Refunds or Credits for any reason.
There will be NO admission if banquet reservations were not paid by June 30th.
There will be NO banquet admission sales at the door.
These terms are due to requirements imposed by the venue.

Please do not bring mobile phones or cameras inside the banquet hall; mobile phones or cameras may not be visible at the banquet. Attendees must exit the banquet hall and move away from the entrance before accessing or using phones.

No photography will be allowed inside the banquet hall except by Sheri or dtech, the official photographers, to insure attendees' privacy. Others who desire to take photos must exit the banquet hall and move to the adjacent patio area.

Smoking is prohibited in the banquet room or near the entrance. People who wish to indulge must move to a smoking area.

Only preapproved and scheduled speakers will be allowed to address the banquet in the essence of time. Everyone else is requested to be respectfully silent and provide their undivided attention.

Thank you for your support!

LPIN Awards Banquet Hosts,
Little Richard, MrTShirt & firefighter
Last edited by firefighter on Tue May 24, 2022 1:01 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by firefighter »

Notice: An awards committee member has hosted the banquet since 2012 except for the 2020 lockdowns.
However, an awards committee member will not host the next banquet.
Therefore, the Friday July 21, 2023 banquet host should reserve a banquet hall while the date is available.
The banquet is traditionally held in Reno.

Banquet Hosts 1998 to 2022
July 15, 2022 Banquet Hosts Firefighter, Little Richard & MrTShirt
July 16, 2021 Banquet Hosts Firefighter & Little Richard
July 18, 2020 Awards Presentations Firefighter & MrTShirt - Picnic Hosts Interested bystander & Sheri
July 19, 2019 Banquet Host Mikey
July 20, 2018 Banquet Host Mikey
July 21, 2017 Banquet Host Mikey
July 22, 2016 Banquet Host Mikey
July 17, 2015 Banquet Host Goldie
July 18, 2014 Banquet Host Goldie
July 19, 2013 Banquet Host Little Richard
July 20, 2012 Banquet Host Little Richard
July 22, 2011 Banquet Host Sportsman
July 23, 2010 Banquet Host Shooter
July 24, 2009 Banquet Host Flyfisher
July 18, 2008 Banquet Host Jagged
July 20, 2007 Banquet Host GimpyandLimpy
July 21, 2006 Banquet Host Interested bystander
July 22, 2005 Banquet Host Curious
July 23, 2004 Banquet Host Bree
July 18, 2003 Banquet Host Bree
July 19, 2002 Banquet Host Arcticbear
July 20, 2001 Banquet Host Interested bystander
July 21, 2000 Banquet Host Interested bystander
July 18, 1999 Banquet Hosts Flyfisher & Curious
July 21, 1998 Banquet Host Interested bystander
Last edited by firefighter on Wed May 04, 2022 4:26 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Post by firefighter »

The LPIN 2021 Awards contest concluded midnight April 30th, and your three winners have been confirmed.

Banquet reservations are now on sale, so please attend the banquet to recognize and honor your finalists and winners.

An awards committee member has hosted the banquet since 2012, but will not host it next year. Therefore, this may be the last banquet depending on participation, so please attend the awards banquet.

The awards committee will meet at Interested bystander and Sheri's Picnic on Saturday July 16th at noon to determine it there will be another awards contest.
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Post by firefighter »

3 Crystal Awards have been ordered for Courtesan of the Year, Brothel of the Year, & Rural Brothel of the Year Winners!

The Finalists and Winners certificates have been printed and framed.

A banquet venue has been reserved, and the awards banquet programs have been printed.

Therefore, we're ready to recognize and honor our elected finalists and winners at the awards presentations banquet.

Please email awardteam@lpinawards.com for awards presentations banquet admission payment details. Note, the preceding email address is not a direct link, so please compose an email and send it to awardteam@lpinawards.com. Alternatively, you may send firefighter a PM on this board, and you'll receive a response asap.

The banquet venue requires advance final count notice, so the awards presentations banquet hosts must confirm the paid number of attendees by June 15, 2022.
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Post by firefighter »

There have been questions regarding the procedure to purchase Friday July 15, 2022 awards banquet reservations.
Please email awardteam@lpinawards.com for awards presentations banquet admission payment details.
Note, the preceding email address is not a direct link, so please compose an email and send it to awardteam@lpinawards.com.

Alternatively, you may PM firefighter for banquet payment details on this board, and you'll receive a response asap.

The banquet host was required to sign a legal contract for a minimum of 50 attendees and pay a large non-refundable deposit to ensure the banquet hall reservation represents a firm commitment for a guaranteed event.

Please remit your banquet reservations payment by June 15, 2022, since the banquet venue requires firm advance final count notice.

Please don’t miss this awards presentations banquet, because it will be the last banquet hosted by the awards committee.
Furthermore, there may not be a banquet on Friday July 21, 2023, because there may not be a banquet host.
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Post by SixT9er »

How many attendees so far?
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Post by firefighter »

There were 55 paid attendee reservations on June 13, 2022.

There are promises for 5 additional reservations, but payments haven't been received yet.

The banquet confirmation requirement was 15 days last year. However, they require 30 days advance notification this year that banquet hosts confirm the 50 attendee paid minimum has been met. The venue wants to ensure the banquet room reservation represents a firm commitment for a guaranteed event.
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Post by SixT9er »

So the Banquet is on!

Cool I’ll be attending this year with the Lovely Mia from the Dovetail. She’s very excited for the banquet & picnic.

Who else is coming?

Sound off
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Post by NavySteve »

Navysteve will be there.
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Post by Funmonger »

Hey, Y'all,

Can you do "door dash" and send me some left overs? Dang, I missed the banquet. Forgot to pay in advance. No, that wasn't it. I couldn't attend this year due to being needed at home. Also, I miss those burgers and dogs at the picnic and hangin with everyone such as Sheri and IB and ole Bashful and all of my other friends, especially the ladies.

I'm glad it was a great event. CONGRATULATIONS to Mila, Mona's (Louis and the gang), Mustang and Rachael and all of the others who received recognition, present party excepted. I miss being with this group and seeing everyone.

Let's hope that we can play it forward.

Best to all!
