July picnic

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interested bystander
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July picnic


Post by interested bystander »

We will once again be having our picnic during the big meeting. The picnic will be held from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM on Saturday July 16. We will have continental breakfast available starting at 10:00 with burgers and dogs cooked between noon and 1:00. There is no charge for the picnic but a donation jar will be available if you would like to help defray the cost. If you would like to enjoy a relaxing day with good company and good food please e-mail me at ib1@nvbell.net so I can send you the location. Please include if you’re bringing someone as it helps us know how much food to provide.
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Post by firefighter »

Interested bystander & Sheri's Annual Picnic is a fantastic event to close the Annual Reno Meeting, so please don't miss it. Attendees will definitely have a very enjoyable, informal and relaxing time. Sheri brings salads, prepared dishes, drinks, and continental breakfast items. Just Tom and Shovel will barbecue hamburgers and hot dogs.

The Annual Picnic is free, but please deposit a little cash in the donation jar to help defray the hosts expenses.

The awards committee will meet at the Annual Picnic around noon to discuss the awards contests and determine whether there will be a LPIN 2022 Awards contest or not.
This may have been the last awards contest.

A Friday July 15, 2022 Awards Banquet will definitely be hosted, but it may be the last Annual Reno Meeting Banquet too. Therefore, make a banquet reservation and plan to attend this last awards presentations banquet.
Last edited by firefighter on Mon May 02, 2022 2:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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interested bystander
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Post by interested bystander »

I appreciate Firefighters enthusiasm but no, don’t bring dishes to share. We will have normal continental breakfast in the morning, fruit, pastries, bagels, etc., as well as coffee, juice, and milk. For lunch we will have hamburgers and hot dogs with all the normal toppings (and a few abnormal if Bashful has his way) as well as chili and chips. We also provide a variety of soft drinks as well as water. If you want to enjoy an adult beverage you will need to bring that but otherwise just bring yourself, your friends and have a good time.
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interested bystander
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Post by interested bystander »

With the meeting just three weeks away I figured I would bump this thread. We’ve had a good response for the picnic but if you’re planning to go and haven’t RSVPed yet please do so soon as it won’t be long before we start shopping for supplies. Please include the number in your party if it’s more than one. I won’t be able to respond to emails for about a week but if you email me before next Tuesday I will respond with the picnic location when we return home.