Anti-Prostitution People Drive Me Nuts

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Anti-Prostitution People Drive Me Nuts


Post by rachelvarga »

I can't stand these anti-prostitution people. The anti-prostitution advocates always paint us as sexually abused girls from broken homes that are on drugs and trapped at the brothel or that pimps run the girls from the outside. They go on and on about how bad it is for us and how we need to be saved from these evil brothels. They want to talk about doing things to help the girls but it's all talk. I have never seen one person lift a finger to change anything. The reality is that most of them are mad at one specific owner.

Are brothels totally perfect? Not by a long shot. The whole industry is stuck in 1984 and fighting against change and doesn't realize that they are going to eventually bring in less and less until there is nothing left. But this is not my problem. I won't be doing this forever anyways.

If girls want change they will make change. They don't need help from people that don't know jack shit about what we do. These people need to stfu and get a life.
Last edited by rachelvarga on Sun Feb 11, 2018 4:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by SixT9er »

Showing well adjusted “Normal” women working as prostitutes doesn’t fit their agenda so they don’t want to know or tell the truth.
If they admitted women do this by choice then they couldn’t “save” them and make themselves feel good about themselves and their own fucked up pathetic lives
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Post by TC »

I think there should be a reality tv or non-educational documentary series (ie not a dateline type of show with an angle) about brothel life entirely from the ladies’ perspective. Not like Cathouse, that was an infomercial for the bunny ranch. And there was the opposite of anti-prostitution people in Dennis, who was SO positive it wasn’t realistic either. Actual sex scenes aren’t necessary—more like a slice of life piece edited to have an overall narrative.
Last edited by TC on Sun Feb 11, 2018 6:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by MrTShirt »

Unfortunately, it is standard operating procedure for a lot of groups to "preach about a wrong" and "ask for money".  Then make sure nothing happens so they can continue to preach and get money.

I've seen the same mode of operation with some preachers, animal rights groups, environmental change groups, minority rights groups and politicians at all levels.  The media in in the same trap.  Ratings are more important that improvements.
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Post by Lee »

                                                        Ignorance isn't always bliss

While actual human trafficking (enslavement) is utterly intolerable, and streetcorner prostitution is a tragedy that shouldn't have to occur (Nevada is proof), the comparison of either to the beauty of Courtesanship in Nevada highlites staggering ignorance and likely a form of insanity. Why not compare a bicycle to the Space Station? They both move people. Why not compare a mouse to an elephant? They both have eyes.

Nevada Courtesanship is a special gift to humankind that deserves respect and appreciation. Sexually restricted and frustrated people would comprise the majority of such "anti" types. Such individuals are also the dominant source pedophiles, rapists, gropers, etc.

Special Note to Lurkers who browse this site with an Anti-Courtesanship bias:  (I erased this, it was a little too raw...)
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Post by John Jag »

Most of these people have a slanted version of reality and for the most part don't know what they are talking about.
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Post by isurfer »

I think a major problem is the news media. Like in this article link, news reporter Julie Bindel writes a little book review of "Prostitution and Trafficking in Nevada: Making the Connections" by Melissa Farley, and since Julie read the book and now "knows it all" she gives her biased opinion to other people that don't have an opinion and tries to get her article readers to see things her way.

Both the book and the report article were published back in 2007 so I don't know what has changed in the 8 Nevada brothels, the 45 women and the several brothel owners that were interviewed in the 2 year investigation leading up to the book publication. It looks to me like Melissa Farley has an agenda and wanted to hear and publish all the negative things that she found out and ignored most if not all positive things she heard. How much was really true?

People lie, females and males of all ages, even me. Different reasons when I lie depending on the situation. Something similar to an interview which I've done or fact gathering, along with showcasing by vendors and competing departments, some of my co-workers and bosses were good at bullshitting and outright lying. It took a while for me to learn, I was too gullible and naive when I was younger and in some ways I still am. I had to learn to control myself and keep a straight face when a bunch of us knew what our boss was saying in different meetings was hyped up BS just to sound important or impressive. Sometimes I would lie for the thrill, just to know someone fell for the total bullshit that I was dishing out.

Me being me, if I was one of the 45 woman being interviewed, and I knew that the interviewer was biased and looking for negative aspects of the work environment I was in, I would make up believable lies to tell Melissa Farley for her book. I would make up outrageous stories that I had "heard" from others, true or not, and try to make them my own. I would embellish or sensationalize any little negative experience, or withhold some truths. Prison? Not saying that I had a highly contagious illness when I was told not to leave my room. I don't have any desire to read Farley's book, I like my hobby. Drugs in Nevada brothels? Nah, never happens, yeah, right? LPIN brothels are just a cross section of American society, not all are angels or devils. Sexually abusive men in power are now being accused more often even years later, and in the recent past there were medical doctors and Catholic pedophile Priests in the news. The problem as I see it is, when the general public reads anti-prostitution articles and books, especially about legal Nevada brothels, they have a published book to point to as a reference to back up their opinions. How many current published books by Nevada courtesans tell of the positive side of LPIN as they've experienced it? Internet blogs and message boards don't count. I want to see a book that I can pick up at a library or Barnes & Noble bookstore. The book should concentrate on LPIN, not on prostitution in other countries like Australia, Canada, or the Netherlands, etc.
Last edited by isurfer on Tue Feb 27, 2018 8:04 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Mikey »

The downside of our Judaeo/Christian society is that the "believers" constantly try to impose their beliefs on everyone else. Most lukewarm or non-believers go along with morales that are imposed on them in order to avoid the hassle of being labeled as immoral, or even being arrested. Thus alcohol, abortion, prostitution, drugs, etc. are at one time or another declared immoral and made illegal, even though the majority does not feel they should be. We've had the Crusades, the Inquisition, the Israeli/Arab conflict, and countless other wars over millennia, over one group imposing their way of life on others. Thus whether legal or not, prostitution will always carry the label of "immoral" and participants will have to be somehow "damaged".
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