Brothel Etiquette

Brothel Guides By Courtesans and Members
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Brothel Etiquette


Post by firefighter »

There are a few brothel guides and partying recommendations that have been written over the years, and they contain both valid and outdated information. The following is one of the versions of Dex's Newbies Guide. It was written for newbies, but it applies to seasoned veterans as well due to the fact that they may tend to forget or ignore the basics. Maybe a 21st century author should write an updated version. What are your thoughts, recommendations and criticisms?

Dex's Newbies Guide

The game is simple: The ladies are there to sell a service and make a decent living in the process. Customers are there to purchase said service and have a good time in the process. Clients have a budget to work within, and Courtesans have a certain amount they need to make a decent living. So the art of negotiation is going to happen that is acceptable to both parties. For the most part clients cannot control how much expendable income they have on a given vacation. Unless they are a politician that sets their own salary or independently wealthy most clients have a limit. Everyone's limit is different and therefore the range of what people spend on a party is very drastic.

1. NOTHING in this world is free. NEVER forget that rule.

2. REASONABLE offers are not going to be refused. Are you going to get a Benz for the price of a Pinto? No, of course not, so do not expect to get an overnighter for the price of quickie. In other words use common sense when deciding what to ask for within the budget you have.

3. There are certain things you can do to help maximize how far your dollar goes. We shall discuss that next.

Some of these rules are going to seem silly, but trust me, I have seen what happens when people do not do this and it is not pretty. Some folks need to be told these things which is sad. So for those that read this and say, I KNEW that, believe me, some people do not.

Nothing will get you further than being nice, fun, and approachable. Most of the ladies are young and enjoy a good time, so show them one. This is one place where a nice guy (or girl) can finish first. Here is an example: During my first trip to Nevada I spent a lot of time at Mustang Ranch. I heard a few of the girls talking about craving an In-N-Out Burger. Because in some parts of the state ladies are not able to leave the house while working so they cannot go get one. So, one day, I bought twenty of them and took them out to the house for the girls. It did not cost me much or take up a lot of time and they appreciated the gesture. You are in the Wild Horse Saloon so offer to buy a drink for the lady. Enjoy some conversation, treat her like you would a date. You are far more likely to get the so often coveted girlfriend experience in her bedroom if you provided a boyfriend experience in the bar. It is human nature folks.

Dousing yourself in cologne in lieu of bathing does not count. Get intimate with a razor, toothbrush and mouthwash. Oh, and when bathing, that wash cloth is for you to scrub your body with preferably anti-bacterial soap, all the crevices, cracks, and pink places. Then, use an anti-perspirant and only a light amount cologne. Think about what you want to do with her, and make sure she does not mind doing it. If you have a beard, make sure it is trimmed and presentable. I also use shampoo and conditioner on my goatee to keep it soft but that is just me. One thing I do as well, I usually carry what I affectionately call my trick kit with me. It is a small bag of toiletries, lubricants, Viagra and condoms in the event that I need to freshen up or if I need supplies. Never hurts to be prepared.

The girls see a lot of clients and the Wild Horse Saloon gets busy, but they will get to you. You need to calm down and relax. If you drink an alcoholic beverage (liquid courage) use it in moderation, but DO NOT become intoxicated. The term Liquid Courage is a misnomer! Many Courtesans limit their alcohol intake, so it is advisable to follow their lead since most women do not want to make love to a drunk.

Do you know anybody that wants to have sex with a boring or obnoxious person? No? Neither do I.

Even if the girl talking to you is not your type and you have no intention of partying with her, it does not hurt to talk. If she asks you to go back, just politely say actually I do not think I am ready yet, but thank you for offering. Remember, the girls talk. If you decide to be a jerk to one of them because you think she was too pushy or not my type or whatever, the other ladies do not hear your side of it. They hear that you were an ass. This extends to the staff as well. If you are impolite you may be assessed an a$$hole tax.

If at all possible, drive yourself. I am going to leave it at that and simply remind you that nothing in this world is free. The LIMO driver must be paid and that amount comes out of the negotiated party price.

Ok, so now you got the basics down and you know how to maximize your money. You have driven out and walked in, so NOW WHAT? Read on!

At most places, you have the choice of picking a girl in two different ways, a line up or in the bar. I have done both and will now describe the process of each.

In most houses, the line up starts with you sitting on the couch in the parlor and the shift manager, hostess or madam explains the process I am about to outline. They will tell the ladies to come out and the girls will enter and stand in a line facing you on the couch. One by one they will introduce themselves. When they are finished, the hostess will ask you which lady you would like to talk to and you will point her out. The shift manager will put you with that girl and dismiss the rest of the ladies. Your lady will then walk you to the negotiation room. If for whatever reason negotiations do not work out, the lady will walk you back to the bar where you are free to meet another Courtesan. If you want a tour the girl gives you a tour where she determines if you are just looking for a tour at that moment or you are ready to party. There is NO PRESSURE on the tour but tips are appreciated. A Courtesan gave me my tour the first time I was at the Mustang Ranch and she could not have been any more laid back.

The line up is loved by some, but avoided by others. I am not a fan of it personally, because I need to feel like I know the girl before I can have sex with her. That is just me. I cannot just get it up on a whim because the girl with me is hot. I like to make sure I click with the girl (make a connection or establish romantic chemistry), and you just do not know from a line-up if that is going to happen since you only see the pretty package. The line up is also very intimidating because all the ladies are looking right at you and you have to make a decision.

Still, the line up does possess certain advantages in that all the ladies in a brothel on that shift that are not currently in a party will be available for you to pick, whereas in the bar the lady might be otherwise engaged with someone and unavailable to you. Since I go for extended stays, this is never a problem for me as sooner or later the girl I would like to talk to will be available. If a specific lady is not sitting in the bar you can ask the madam, hostess or bartender if she is available.

One word of advice: Do not try to remember all the girls' names. You cannot do it. Find the one you think to be the most desirable and want to pick and remember HER name. That way, you can ask for her by name instead of the awkward point and describe because I do not know her name method employed by those that did not bother to read this post.

The Wild Horse Saloon is just that, a bar. It is a social environment where you can have a few cocktails and meet some new people. The Wild Horse Saloon is a local's favorite and the prices are very reasonable. You may build a connection or romantic chemistry may blossom during your conversation and decide this is the lady for you. For a wall flower, the bar can be a bit tough, but if you are at least friendly, the girls will approach you. If you are shy, I do suggest telling a lady that when she comes up to you. This way, she does not think you are being rude or ignoring her. Trust me, and I will repeat this several times, honesty is your best policy in a brothel.

If you find a girl you like and click, ask her if she would be interested in going to a negotiation room to talk. Notice how I said that. Do not assume she wants to go anywhere with you. Do not mistakenly assume it is her job to take you anywhere. She is not a slave, she has a choice, so be a gentleman and give her that choice. Chances are if you have been the nice, charming guy that I have mentioned, she may want to go to a negotiation room with you.

So by either line up or bar, you have met your lady and begun the short walk to a negotiation room. Once there, the respectful negotiation begins.

First, let me remind you that the rules do not end here. In other words, you should still be nice and charming and all those things. Do not put on a poker face and be an ass because you are talking about money now. Always maintain a friendly demeanor and make her comfortable. Most women enjoy a respectfully flirtatious and romantic man who makes her laugh. Women do not like abusive men so it is a good idea to never display anger; after all, you are there to make love, not fight. There are a lot of ways to negotiate. All I can do is tell you my way of doing things.

It is illegal for a lady to quote you a price over the Internet. The only place she can do that is back in a negotiation room, Period. Exact amounts of money are also a rather taboo subject online, even giving a range is frowned upon. The reality is do not expect a Courtesan to quote you a price. And even if they do, there are so many factors that control price it is hard to say if you could get it or not. I will not quote a Courtesan a price but I will say this, I am not a whale, I am not independently wealthy, nor do I make gobs of money. Once a year I plan trips that I save for, and then I go out and have a good time. The point I am making is that I have been able to have a really good time over the years, and I am not a high roller. You can spend $$$, $$$$, or $$$$$ depending on what you are asking for and your attitude.

The ladies are independent contractors and set their own rates. Most brothels do have a house minimum too.

What controls the price you get quoted is made up of a lot of factors
Which menu items you request.
Party duration or time limit.
Which Courtesan you choose.
How the Courtesan happens to feel that day.
The amount of traffic through the door.
Your attitude.
Your hygiene and general appearance.
How you treat her.
And a whole host of other factors.

There is no rhyme, reason, or explanation to it. Do not expect to find a price list. Do not expect to understand why one lady is willing to do it for $$$ while the other refuses to do it for less than $$$$.

Negotiations often get tricky because you and the lady are trying to juggle both price and activity. I do not do that. I tell the lady what I want, and what I have to spend. I always give her my maximum number that I am willing and able to spend. I do not low ball her on price. Again, honesty is king. I say to her: I am not a high-roller, I will tell you that now. This is what I have to spend, and this is what I would like to do. Is that something we can do?

By doing this, money is no longer the object. It is now an issue of what you can get for that amount. If she can meet the number, she will. If she cannot, she may suggest something else you could do with that amount. I have only been price walked one time in all honesty, I admit to low balling that girl a bit only because I had not intended on partying with her and she insisted on negotiating anyway. In the rest of my party experiences, my offer has been answered with ok, sounds good, let us get the money and check you (DC).
When you get that sign, count out the money and give it to her. I like cash, but most places do take plastic.

After you give her the money, she will want to check your package to make sure you do not have any obvious signs of disease. These things would include open sores, seepage, puss, or various other signs of infection. Trust me, the process is quick and painless and not quite as awkward as you would think it would be. One thing I have noticed about this is the girls I have been with tend to compliment the fact that I do a little manscaping. In other words, shave or trim your pubic hairs, she does not want hair in her mouth any more than you do.

After the dick check is complete she will walk you a few feet to the cashier to book the party with the house. It takes only a very few minutes. Then she will walk you to her room or whatever specialty room you chose in negotiations; your party begins and you have the time of your life.

1. Condoms are mandatory!

2. There are usually intercoms in the negotiation rooms so be tactful. ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS ask a girl what her rules are in the negotiation room. Do not assume she is cool with everything. As a general rule, most ladies would rather you do not perform oral on them, do not kiss, and keep your fingers outside her body. But again, do not assume. I usually ask during negotiations. This way, if I hear something I do not like, I can bail.

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Post by DoubleM »

Thanks for the post. Great info for both newbie's and seasoned pro's.
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Post by rachelvarga »

Yeah it is well written and laid out. Maybe it should go in the brothel guides section?
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Post by firefighter »

Yes, I agree the brothel guides section would be a good place for this topic.
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Post by rachelvarga »

Well I might just do that.
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Post by FantasyGirl »

:heart: Love this! Wish there was a brothel guide for new women in the business lol
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Post by rachelvarga »

FantasyGirl wrote: Fri Nov 03, 2023 3:53 am :heart: Love this! Wish there was a brothel guide for new women in the business lol
I can do that. I get lots of ladies asking me how to get in the business.
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Post by firefighter »

The following is a lengthy Al Pesto Mustang Ranch brothel guide that includes helpful information too!
It was written many years ago, but most of the recommendations are still valid.

Al Pesto's First-Timer's Guide to the World Famous Mustang Ranch

This guide is, as the name implies, aimed mainly at first-time visitors to World Famous Mustang Ranch, formerly the Wild Horse Resort, (and LPIN in general). It's designed to cover the basics. What you (whoever you are and whatever you're looking for) should know the first time you walk through the door.

The first of those things is that every person is unique and every party is different. Quite a lot depends on your individual tastes, desires, style, and etcetera. Also, a lot depends on the lady or ladies you ultimately choose, how you are feeling at the time, and a variety of other factors that are always subject to change. That's why this guide is going to focus on generalities and those things that aren't likely to change anytime soon.


This guide is in no way official. I'm just a guy who's been out there once, been hanging around on the boards for a little while, and soaked up what knowledge and wisdom I could. Seemed to me that there were a lot of simple questions and a fair number of basic misunderstandings floating around out there, so I thought I'd do what I could to clear things up a bit.

A Few Simple Rules

Most people around here will tell you that, when it gets down to it, you can't go wrong at the World Famous Mustang Ranch. That's true, for the most part. But it's more likely to hold true if you follow some basic rules. In no particular order:

Respect the ladies, since they deserve it. They're good people, and they have to put up with quite a lot in their line of work. Besides, if all goes well, the lady you're talking to is going to have direct access to some very sensitive areas, and you're going to be asking her to do things that will hopefully make you very happy. It's probably best to stay on her good side.

Trust yourself. You know what you want. You know what you're looking for. Do your best to find it. If something doesn't feel right, do something about it. Tell the lady, and see what you can work out.

Don't let anyone (or anything) pressure you into doing something you don't want. You're the customer. Things should go the way you want them to (within reasonable limits, of course). If the lady you're talking to isn't what you're looking for, (even if you had an appointment, picked her out of a lineup, took a tour with her, are sitting with her in the negotiations room, etc.), you have the right to go talk to someone else. If the lady is doing something you're not comfortable with, you have as much right to ask her to stop as she does to ask the same of you.

Good communications are key to a good party. Don't be afraid to tell the lady about what you do and do not want to happen. The more you're on the same page, the better she knows you, the more likely she is to be able to make your dreams come true. By that same token, make sure to listen to her, too. Things will go better if you're working together, and it's important to know and respect her boundaries.

Keep your plans flexible. LPIN is an unpredictable business. Just about anything you can imagine can happen (and probably has, at some point). The more carefully you plan, the more likely it is that something will happen to change those plans. Unless you've made an appointment, there's a chance the lady you're interested in won't be available. Even then, something could happen (illness, transportation problems, family emergency, etc.) There's also a chance that you won't interact in person as well as you thought you would. It's okay, really. If you relax, go with the flow, and keep yourself open to the possibilities around you, there's a good chance that something will work out; quite possibly something even better than what you'd originally planned.

Step By Step

Getting to The Wild Horse Saloon and World Famous Mustang Ranch Brothel

Getting to the World Famous Mustang Ranch is pretty simple.
The Official Mustang Ranch Directions Page will get you started.
You may also want to check out the Nevada LPIN Brothels Map for details.
You may also want to check out Speed Racer's Driving Directions to Nevada's Legal Brothels which provides a little more detailed information.

Approaching the Building

The first thing you'll see when you approach the property is the guardhouse. Stop to talk to the guard, if he's there. For those times when he's not, there's an intercom so someone can buzz you through the gate if it's closed. If it's your first time, the guard will explain the key rules.

The house does not allow any weapons (including pocketknives) inside. You should also leave anything like a cell phone at home or in the car. Cameras should not be used in any public areas (and in private only with permission). Basically, do not do anything to compromise the safety or privacy of anyone inside.

Once past the guardhouse, you'll see two buildings. Straight ahead is the Wild Horse Saloon which must be entered to access the World Famous Mustang Ranch, previously the Wild Horse Adult Resort & Spa. Across the lot to your right is the old Mustang Ranch brothel. The World Famous Mustang Ranch is owned by Lance Gilman, and Donny Gilman is the general manager. Tara is the Madam and Jennifer is the manager. The old Mustang Ranch brothel is used for overflow and client lodging now, since only the original Wild Horse brothel is in operation as the Mustang Ranch.

Before you enter the building, there are three doors you need to know about:

The Red Door leads directly into the brothel. It's locked at all times, since (for security reasons) customers are not allowed in the brothel unescorted. Lineups must be requested at Mustang Ranch since they are no longer automatic.

The Wild Horse Saloon Door opens into the bar, where you can relax, have a drink, maybe get some food, and meet some of the ladies.

The Green Door is located inside the building, in the rear of the Wild Horse Saloon. It is the connection between the bar and the brothel. It opens into the same room as the Red Door, and, like that door, it is locked at all times.

Going In Through The Wild Horse Saloon

The Wild Horse Saloon is a small restaurant and bar attached to the front of the brothel. For legal reasons, it is maintained as a separate business from the brothel.

You can get drinks 24/7, and food during the daytime (exact hours may vary). There's a menu, or you can request to have something cooked to order. If you want to order anything... food, drink, or even a lineup - talk to the bartender.

Besides the actual bar, the saloon's single room (not counting the bathrooms) also has semi-private seating (chairs grouped around small tables), a stage (used mainly for karaoke, but it also has a brass pole for dancing), an alcove in back for taxi/limo drivers, a display of souvenirs you can purchase (hats, t-shirts, etc.), and, of course, the Green Door.

The bar is a great place to hang around, have a drink, and talk to the ladies. Not all of the ladies on shift will be out in the bar, but there are generally at least a couple. You can talk to the ones who are around, or, if there's someone specific you're looking for, you can ask if she's around.

If you're not getting along with the lady you're talking to as well as you'd like, don't worry about it. It happens. Part of the business. Politely let her know that she's not what you're looking for, and move on. Depending on the lady, she may even help you find someone who better suits your needs.

Remember that the lady you're talking to is there to work, and that she has as much right to move on as you do. If you're enjoying each other's company, great. If not... it happens. Don't be offended, and don't try to monopolize her attention. As with any other lady in any other bar, you may want to offer to buy her a drink. If you end up talking to her for a while but not booking a party, you may want to consider tipping her for the pleasure of her company or not. It's up to you. Do what feels right.

Going In Through The Red Door

The Red Door is the direct entrance to the brothel. Customers are not allowed inside unescorted, so this door (like the Green Door) is kept locked at all times.

Ring the bell once to be admitted. Doing so will not automatically call for a lineup.

Ring the bell twice to confirm you don't want the lineup. (For example, if you have an appointment with a specific lady, want to request a private lineup or have some other special request, or would like to start off with a house tour.)

The Red Door opens into a central lobby/lounge. It connects to the brothel's main corridors. It's also where lineups are held which clients may request to be a private lineup.


When a lineup is called - either by someone entering the Red Door or by someone requesting one at the bar - a general announcement is made calling all available ladies. The red siren light on top of the bar will also be activated.

The call to line up includes those ladies who are in the bar talking to potential customers. If you're talking to a lady when a lineup is called, you can ask her to stay with you, but doing so declares your intention to ask her back to the negotiations room in the very near future.

Any potential customers in the bar are welcome to follow the ladies through the Green Door to view the lineup unless it is a private lineup. The person who called the lineup gets the best seat (a bench front and center), but all other chairs in the room are available.

One lady at a time will enter the room from different sides. She will stand in the middle of the lineup area (in front of but a few feet from the person who called the lineup), give her name, and then step back to the wall. When all ladies have introduced themselves, they will remain standing, lined up against the wall.

At this point, any potential customers will be asked if they wish to make a selection. The one who called the lineup gets first choice, and then selection is opened to everyone else.

If you called the lineup, but don't find anyone who suits your tastes, it is best to politely indicate this and leave the room. If you were merely observing and do not wish to make a selection, you may quietly return to the bar. It's imperative to refrain from such rude and thoughtless comments as, "Is that all there is?"

If you do pick a lady from the lineup, you have a choice of destinations. You can ask her to take you on a tour of the house, you can ask her to come out with you to the bar (so that you can get to know each other a little better), or you can proceed directly to the negotiations room.

Taking A Tour Of The House

When you meet a lady in the bar, have been talking to her in the bar for some time, or choose her out of a lineup, you can ask her to take you on a tour of the house. It's just what it sounds like. She'll show you around, tell you about the facilities, and answer any (pertinent or reasonable) questions you may have. At the end of the tour, she will probably ask you if you want to go into the negotiations room with her. If you like her and are ready to party, say yes.

If not, you are under no obligation. You can go back out the bar with her and get to know her a little better, you can go out to the bar and see if someone else suits you better, you can ask her to call for a lineup, you can leave... whatever works best for you.


If you know which lady you're most interested in, and want to make sure she'll be available when you arrive, you can make an appointment with her. If she's a frequent visitor to the boards, you can set up an appointment via Private Messaging. Otherwise, you can set up an appointment through the office.

An appointment is an agreement between you and the lady to meet at a certain time. It does not bind you to partying with her. However, it does bind her to be there and available at the designated time. If necessary, she will turn down offers from other customers in order to hold up her end of the deal. Keep that in mind, and try to treat her fairly.

If, for any reason, you cannot make an appointment, you should call immediately to let her know.

Private Messaging

You can send Private Messages (PMs) to those ladies who have registered with the boards. You can ask questions, get to know her, and etcetera.

Be aware, however, that many ladies do not check their PMs regularly. Some don't check them at all. There are a variety of reasons for this, including busy schedules, 12-hour shifts, and limited Internet access. When or if she checks her messages is entirely up to the lady, so it's best to call the office to book an appointment if a reply is not received.

Those who do check their messages more frequently can sometimes get swamped with them, getting new messages faster than they can reply to the old ones. Even if you see that a lady is online or has been recently, be aware that it may take her a while before she can get back to you. Sometimes several days. This does not mean that she doesn't care, is ignoring you, or anything else. It just means that she's a human being with a busy schedule and limited time and energy.

How To Choose A Lady

There is no single right way to choose a lady. It depends on what's important to you.

It's probably best to take recommendations from others with a grain of salt. Remember, their tastes and needs may differ from yours.

That said, going over the reports in the Experience Review forum can give you some insight and useful information.

As mentioned above, it can also be helpful to get to know the lady through PMs. Just remember that how you interact online may be different from how things go when you actually get there. Good online chemistry may fall flat when you meet face-to-face. Someone you can barely talk to over PMs, may just hit it off with you when you see each other in person.

Ultimately, the best thing is to go in, see who strikes your fancy, and take it from there.


Once you've chosen your lady, you should sit down, relax, communicate to break the ice, and develop a rapport or make a connection between the two of you before deciding to party. When you've decided you're ready to party, the next stop is the negotiations room. There are three of them at Mustang Ranch. They're pretty much exactly the same, each the size of a modest closet. There's a bench where you can sit and chat, a couple of little tables in the corners, and that's about it.

Now is the time to tell her about your ideal party. What you'd like to do. What you may not want to do. How much time you'd like to spend. Any special fantasies or requests you may have. That sort of thing.

Now is also the time for her to tell you what she is and is not willing to do. This is entirely up to her, and may well vary from lady to lady, customer to customer, and day to day.

If what you want and what she'll do match up, negotiations can continue. If they can't be reconciled, then it's time to say "thanks anyway" and leave the room to select another courtesan.

Assuming things do work out, the next stage is to talk about pricing.

A lady is an independent contractor. What she charges is up to her, and will vary, depending on a number of factors.

Some people like to bargain. It may get you a lower price, but don't attempt to bargain if her initial price is very reasonable. Depending on your personality and style, it may be enjoyable for its own sake. Some simply consider it part of the overall process.

On the other hand, bargaining can be almost like arguing. It can create negative vibes and make you see each other as competitors rather than partners. The money you save in the bargain may not be worth the impact it could have on your party. There are also some who feel that bargaining is disrespectful to the lady. It's her time; who else is qualified to say how much it's worth?

Whether you try to bargain or not is up to you. If you choose not to, it's probably best to tell her that up front. Otherwise, she may begin the negotiations with the assumption that you're going to try to bring her price down. She may also choose to give you a better price if you establish good will by telling her that you're not going to try to bargain her down.

The other way to go about it is to reverse the process. This may be a better choice for those with a limited budget. You can tell her what you're willing to spend, and then see how far it gets you. This could also lead to a sort of bargaining, but again that's up to you.

There really is no set way to go about it. As with just about every other part of the process, a lot depends on what works for the unique combination of individuals involved. Some of the ladies may not want to bargain at all, and it's their right to say so.

However you go about it, the goal is the same; to work towards a deal that satisfies everyone.


Pricing is a tricky subject. Numbers can't be discussed outside of the negotiations room. It can be fairly frustrating for everyone. Remember, too, that pricing will vary from lady to lady and party to party, depending on the specifics.

A Pricing Survey was published that revealed the average amount paid by clients for certain types of parties. Although, one client may not negotiate a similar type of party at that price as another client, since intimate parties are very personal. Moreover, the unconfirmed Pricing Survey was simply a guide and clients should not expect to pay those lowball figures, since the client's appearance, cleanliness, demeanor, requests, and appeal toward their selected Courtesan are all factors in determining the actual party price. If you're not nice, you may be accessed an a$$hole tax.

One thing to keep in mind is that the lady doesn't keep all of the money. The house gets a cut, in exchange for providing a safe, secure, and legal place for her to work. The federal government also takes a cut, for more or less the same reasons. The lady is also responsible for all of her own expenses. These include the condoms, regular medical exams, and blood tests required by law to keep the ladies and their customers safe and healthy, as well as room and board, transportation to and from the Wild Horse, and any other incidentals and extras. By the time all is said and done, the lady will end up taking home a mere fraction of the money you spend on her.

The Infamous DC

Once you've agreed on what you're going to do and how much it'll cost, the next step is a DC - Dick Check. While you're locked together in the negotiations room, the lady will ask you to stand up and drop your drawers. Don't be shy; she'll be seeing it soon enough, anyway. If it helps, think of her as a nurse. This is, in essence, a medical exam. She's been trained for it, and does it with all of her customers before every party.

She's looking for any signs of disease, particularly STDs. This is for her safety as well as yours. With all the care that is taken (checkups, blood tests, condoms, DCs, and etcetera), you can be confident that the lady you'll be partying with is clean and healthy.


You've agreed on the nature of the party. You've agreed on a price. You've passed the DC. Only one thing left to do before the fun begins: Pay for it.

The cashier's office is located right next to the negotiations rooms. The lady will ask you to sit down on one of the comfy chairs nearby while she talks to the cashier.

If you're a boards member, make sure to mention it and give your username. That way, you get other perks reserved just for us (when offered).

You can pay with cash, traveler's checks, or major credit cards (except American Express). If you need cash, there's an ATM at the bar, right next to the Green Door. Credit card billing is discrete, although there's no hiding the amount of the charge. Charges made at the bar (again, a separate business from the brothel) will show up as paid to "The Wild Horse Saloon." There is a small fee for using a credit card, but this is waived for boards members.

The Party

This is the good part. The main event. And the part this guide can least help you with.

What happens here is a private matter between you and whoever is with you behind closed doors.

A few simple bits of advice:

Relax. Have fun. Don't be afraid to speak up. If there's something you want to try, let her know. If she's doing something you don't like, tell her that. If things are going well... Find a way to communicate that, verbally or otherwise.

Pay attention to what she's communicating, too. She's there to make you happy, but you have to respect her boundaries. You'll also probably have more fun if she's happy with you. Work together, and you'll have a lot of fun.

After The Party

What happens immediately after the party is up to you and the lady. You'll want to get dressed, of course. You may want to clean up. You can take a shower with the lady (this would, of course, have to be negotiated and paid for). You can wash up. There's a bidet (to rinse off the essential bits) in every lady's room and VIP suite. As ever, do what works for you.

Once you're presentable again, you have several options. You and the lady can walk back to the bar and spend some more time together. You can book another party (with her, someone else, or both). You can sit around at the bar and see where the mood takes you. You can leave entirely. Whatever works.

Later, you may want to write up a report to share with the rest of us. If you do, you may want to talk to the lady about what to put in it (and what to leave private). The nature of the business aside, the ladies are regular people; many of them don't like the idea of having intimate details about them posted on the internet for anyone and everyone to see.

Other Information and FAQs

Gifts & Tips

There's been some debate about this subject, but most people agree that gifts and tips should be just what they sound like: a little something extra given freely to show your appreciation for the lady and what she's done for you. They are not expected, but they are appreciated.

If you want to give the lady something, you've got plenty of options.

The best option may be simply to ask her what she'd like. Each of the ladies is a unique individual, with her own likes, dislikes, wants, needs, and etcetera. Give her an idea of what you've got in mind, and let her fill in at least some of the blanks.

Cash always works, though some feel it demeans the experience.

You can get gift certificates through the office for the services of Skin Deep (waxes, facials, etcetera.)

Flowers are a little more controversial. Some ladies enjoy getting them. Others consider them too much a part of real life courtship, and prefer not to receive them from customers. Still others are in between; happy to get flowers in general, but not certain types (roses, for example). You may want to ask the lady before calling the florist.

There are plenty of other options, depending on your budget, what's available to you, and what the lady likes.

When's The Best Time To Go?

The World Famous Mustang Ranch is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. There are always ladies on shift. Weekends are generally busier than weekdays. Some weeks will be busier than others, depending on what's going on in nearby Reno. Conventions or the famous Air Races, Hot August Nights, Balloon Races or Street Vibrations will bring more people to the area. Harsher weather will keep them away. Mornings are generally slower. Business tends to pick up towards the evening and then slow down again late at night.

All of which is subject to change without notice. The business is hard to predict. People can drift in - or not - at any time, from anywhere.

Busier times have their advantages and disadvantages. More ladies tend to be around when more business is expected, but more business also means there are more people competing for the ladies' time and attentions.

If there are ladies that you're particularly interested in, you may want to PM them or call the office to see when they're likely to be around and available.

Which Lady Do I Choose?

Whichever one suits you best.

Your tastes and desires are your own. They're not going to be exactly the same as anyone else's. You can look at pictures. You can read reports. You can interact with some of the ladies via the boards. All of that can give you a start. A few good guesses. But you never know for sure until you get in there, meet her face to face, and see how you really get along.

Can I Book A Party With More Than One Lady?

Sure! You'll have to negotiate with and pay all of the ladies involved (together or individually, so long as everyone's agreed), but it's not at all uncommon.

The key to making it work well is to be sure the ladies you're choosing work well together. As with any group of people, some of the ladies get along better than others. It's generally suggested that you pick one lady, talk to her, and have her pick the other(s) (or at least help you do so).

Another option is to stick with well-known pairings that people talk about on the boards in general or that commonly show up in the reports section. Even then, though, you're probably better off talking things over with one of the pair first.

Which Ladies will let me ____ during a Party?

There's no telling for sure. What a lady will and won't do will vary from day to day and customer to customer. It all depends on what she's comfortable with at the time.

All you can do is go in and ask her (probably during negotiations). If she can't or won't do what you want, she may be able to help you find someone who will.

Which Ladies Will See Couples or Single Ladies?

As above, it varies. Some will. Which ones those are and who will be around when you arrive are subject to change.

If you want, you can PM a few ladies to ask. You can post to the boards in general, which may net you one or more (perhaps private) responses. You can call the office and see if they can help. Or you can come on in and see how things go with whoever is around at the time.
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Post by cactusjack »

Very good information. I have a question about reservations. Don't like to make them with ladies I haven't partied with before. If the negotiations don't work out, I feel like I'm wasting the ladies valuable time. Is this a good policy?
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Post by SixT9er »

This is also my policy. I only make reservations with Ladies I know I will party with.
With Ladies I’d like to get to know & potentially party with I will let them know when I’ll be at the house & would like to meet them if they are available to see if we have any Chemistry. This lets them know your interest without committing you to a party, I’ve only had them not be available a few times over the past 10 yrs.
As to if this is a good policy from the Ladies standpoint I don’t know but I feel it’s fair & honest & lets them know your interest & lets them decide how available they want to make themselves
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Post by rachelvarga »

Bumping to the top
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