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"A tree is known by its fruit; a man by his deeds. A good deed is never lost; he who sows courtesy reaps friendship, and he who plants kindness gathers love." ~ Saint Basil 
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"The major civilizing force in the world is not religion, it is sex!" ~ Hugh Hefner
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"Who is wise in love, love most, say least." ~ Alfred Lord Tennyson
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“To be trusted is a greater compliment than being loved.” ~ George MacDonald
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"Love is our true destiny. We do not find the meaning of life by ourselves alone... we find it with another!" ~ Thomas Merton
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Post by Mikey »

As a conservative who believes in limited government, I believe that the only check on government power in real time is a free and independent press. [/size]

Mike Pence[/size]
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Post by Mikey »

They claim this mother of ours, the Earth, for their own use, and fence their neighbors away from her, and deface her with their buildings and their refuse. [/size]

Sitting Bull[/size]
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"Whoever loves becomes humble. Those who love have, so to speak, pawned a part of their narcissism!" ~ Sigmund Freud
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Women are sacred. [/size]

Vin Diesel[/size]
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Post by firefighter »

“If you love a flower, don’t pick it up.
Because if you pick it up it dies and it ceases to be what you love.
So if you love a flower, let it be.
Love is not about possession.
Love is about appreciation!”  ~ Osho
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Post by Goldie »

Keep your mouth closed and let people think you a fool rather than open it and remove all doubt
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No one ever became extremely wicked suddenly. [/size]

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"Happiness is ideal, it is the work of the imagination." ~ Marquis de Sade 
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"The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination." ~ Albert Einstein
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"The only source of knowledge is experience." ~ Albert Einstein
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“Friendship is the purest Love. It is the highest form of Love where nothing is asked for, no condition, where one simply enjoys giving!” ~ Osho
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"Love is all we have, the only way that each can help the other." ~ Euripides
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"Our task must be to free ourselves by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and its beauty." ~ Albert Einstein
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"Who, being loved, is poor?" ~ Oscar Wilde
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“How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours!” ~ Wayne Dyer
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“If you want others to be happy practice compassion; if you want to be happy practice compassion.” ~ Dalai Lama
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