Mustang expanding

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Post by SixT9er »

I heard they will keep one Hall available for guests. I hope that is the case. When I was there a month ago they hadn’t touched the suites from what I could tell. I think they were hoping it would be done before the awards week but construction never works on time.

I wonder if it will go back to Wildhorse and Mustang as two separate houses or just have the Mustang in two buildings?
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Post by Ironman »

Chuckar chaser link wrote: I have not seen a date yet but it sounds like soon they will be opening the original Mustang back up. From Jennifer's interview with striplv it sounds like it is also getting some major renovation. I am sure it will be first class when it gets going.
What is others thoughts on this? Personally I just hope all the ladies can stay busy enough with two houses and lots more ladies. I know this may also effect others if they can no longer have a room on the property during there visit.

1 You alls are speculating with out hearing anything from management.

2. It was two houses up until 2012.

3. For every guy like like Cobia that check in for a week at a time, and travel to Nevada just for the brothel experience. There are 3 or 4 like me that are in the area for some other reason. They stop in for a few hours tops and are gone.  In some cases they are actually sneaking away for a couple of hours from family or friends that won't get it.

4. The original Mustang building was open as a brothel for about a month or so last summer to accommodate over flow of ladies wanting to work during what is a busy time of year in the Reno area.

I seem to recall one wing was still reserved for guests wanting to stay over, and it was also not open 24 hours.

So unless someone actually in the know like Jennifer for example is going to come on here and say yes it is reopening and will be open year round, followed with all the details you all are getting worked up over nothing.

Having that building half empty most of the year is over kill there is no way all those guests rooms are booked full year round. Last time I was in there yes there were some guys that got a room on site, but probably 80 percent of the potential clients that were showing up were rolling in via Cab and uber, and because my buddy was taking so long with Atlantis of that 80 percent 80 percent were gone back to town within 90 minutes or less. They make it very obvious when the would be client comes via taxi. Uber or Lyft even though Uber and Lyft are not the same thing as a cab.??? But they are booked as such.

I get a lot of you that post on here your main objective is the brothel. You want a room on site. But you guys are a blip on the stats most of the clients unless they are booking overnigjters are in and out no pun intended.? In 3 hours or less and then its back to town before they are missed by whomever they had to ditch in town before heading over to Mustang. 

E28 operated just fine for years without lodging. Probably 95 percent of the year one wing for guests lodging is probably enough.

Again until I see something posted by the Mustang management. I have no reason to believe any reopening of the original mustang will be any different than last year temporary to accommodate an overflow of ladies wanting a room during what would be considered the busy season in the Reno area. Don't over think this guys just stay tuned as Cobia would say.?

Or As I am saying now just wait for official verification from E 28 management.?
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Post by SixT9er »

Chuckar chaser link wrote: It's been pretty well verified.
Yes some of us do know more than others
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Post by Ironman »

Chuckar chaser link wrote: It's been pretty well verified.

Yeah but not a peep out of anyone with an official affiliation to mustang on what and how things will change exactly. The only thing you know right now is changes are coming.
Last edited by Ironman on Sat Jul 14, 2018 5:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by SixT9er »

Chuckar chaser link wrote: Barnes is Jennifer

BARNES: We are going to re-open this second brothel facility as the Mustang Resort business is so brisk we need more rooms to accommodate our increased business. We are hiring more women for this new facility that sits right across the parking lot from our existing brothel.  There will be 30-40 more women here soon. We are doing a lot of remodeling rooms. Since this building is the original Mustang Ranch building built by Joe Conforte, it had jack and jill bathrooms, so two ladies would share a bathroom. Now the ladies are going to have two room suites and their own bathrooms. We are putting in another commercial kitchen and upgrading the dance stage and main lounge. This is the godfather of bordellos and the first one that was established in 1971. We are going to keep an Italian theme for Joe. It is very exciting.
Chuckar where was that posted? I’ve just been going off what the powers that be tell me. Cool to see it “official”
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Post by Ironman »

The only thing that really says on Mustang building is thy need more rooms to accommodate more girls because of an upswing in business and. They don't want the ladies to share a bathroom. Something about the stage. Nothing about how many guests rooms will be available if any so you all need to just wait.? If it is indeed only 1 wing for guests that will be plenty most of the time.

Like I said for every Cobia there are 3 or 4 guys like me who are in and out in a few hours. They have reasons for staying in town.

Its not like you need hundreds of guests rooms. i said from the get go making the Mustang a lodge only was overkill. I honestly doubt everything. Sheris has their hotel full most of the time, and are a lot further from civilization then the Mustang is.?
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Post by SixT9er »

Ironman link wrote: The only thing that really says on Mustang building is thy need more rooms to accommodate more girls because of an upswing in business and. They don't want the ladies to share a bathroom. Something about the stage. Nothing about how many guests rooms will be available if any so you all need to just wait.? If it is indeed only 1 wing for guests that will be plenty most of the time.

Like I said for every Cobia there are 3 or 4 guys like me who are in and out in a few hours. They have reasons for staying in town.

Its not like you need hundreds of guests rooms. i said from the get go making the Mustang a lodge only was overkill. I honestly doubt everything. Sheris has their hotel full most of the time, and are a lot further from civilization then the Mustang is.?
Are you just in the mood to be nit picky and argue or what? Chuckar gave you the proof you asked for regarding opening up the old house
I’ve relayed what I’ve been told by management ppl. Believe it or not I don’t give a crap
Last edited by SixT9er on Sat Jul 14, 2018 7:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Ironman »

SixT9er link wrote: Are you just in the mood to be nit picky and argue or what? Chuckar gave you the proof you asked for regarding opening up the old house
I’ve relayed what I’ve been told by management ppl. Believe it or not I don’t give a crap

If true and this is not just another temporary reopening like last year it will mean I was right 6 years ago when I said making the mustang building guests lodging only was over the top & not necessary one wing for guests is sufficient most of the time so either way I win? People need to listen to me more.??
I am right about the practice of treating people that arrive at the ranch via uber as a Kelly fare is F en lame? and needs to end.
Lance and Jennifer need to hire me as a special consultant.?? Sad part? is they would probably pay me better than my current company does.?
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Post by Ironman »

Chuckar chaser link wrote: With the money being invested I would think they plan to keep it open.

  Not sure who would argue with you that they need very many motel rooms.

Yes they should give you a job at the Mustang. Just remember employees are not allowed to play with the ladies. So you will be going home with blue balls. :)
Still a win I officially start after at least one round on a mattress with Charlotte, and maybe your girl Tori.?? I can then became an official employee. Maybe roll over to Carson and well er um test drive the talent over there. Then I can give Lance and Jennifer a report on which ladies they need to convince to switch to team mustang if that goes well I scout down south, and so on. I got it all figured out buddy.??
Last edited by Ironman on Sat Jul 14, 2018 6:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by SixT9er »

It was a brilliant move to use the Mustang for lodging when there wasn’t enough traffic to support two house. Anytime you can keep your clients on property the odds of them staying and partying with their Ladies increases exponentially! Way to make leonaide out if lemons instead of just having the house sit there unoccupied.
This is why I believe they will still have as I’ve been told some rooms for guests. Nobody said they ever needed the entire old building for lodging just some rooms for those who would like to stay and play there
Last edited by SixT9er on Tue Jul 17, 2018 3:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Slednx »

This is great news! I have always enjoyed walking from one to the other. Different ladies, different vibes and competition is always good for the client, even if it is friendly and under same ownership. Good news indeed.
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Post by Ironman »

Slednx link wrote: This is great news! I have always enjoyed walking from one to the other. Different ladies, different vibes and competition is always good for the client, even if it is friendly and under same ownership. Good news indeed.

Yeah there was definitely a different feel between the 2 back when it was 2 houses. Rather or not that will be the case again we will have to wait and see.

But I agree with you even though you were just walking across the parking lot the vibe between each building was very different.
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Post by Ironman »

Chuckar chaser link wrote: It will give some competition for Brothel of the year now too.

Maybe! This is where it would be nice to actually have details on exactly how it is going to work.

Now back when Lance bought the original Mustang building and moved it over to E28 he opened the building as World Famous Brothel or something close to that before winning the right to use the Mustang name. Both the WH building and the Mustang building while under the same owner. Had there own separate brothel license and they were essentially marketed as separate establishments.  Essentially like all the Hof houses are separate entities even if owned by the same guy.

So my point is if that is what it is going to be like again back when Lance held two separate license on each building and they are marketed as separately. Then yes the voting block that will only vote for a brothel located at E 28 will now have to split there votes for brothel of the year.

However if one brothel license is going to cover both buildings.  Then the Mustang management just needs to market it as one big adult themed amusement park.  Essentially it would just be Mustang two buildings but only one brothel of the year vote.

This is why I say details from management would be nice. Is it going to be like 07-12? Markted as two separate entities? Or is it going to be more like Sheris North. One big adult resort? No before any of you say it no I am not saying the pricing structure will be like Sheris part of that has to do with the fact that Sheris is over an hour away from Vegas and they are targeting what in theory are people with fat wallets coming in from Vegas. That approach wouldn't work in the north. But I could see how marketing the WH building and the Mustang as one united brothel just in two buildings might work.?? So I again will end by saying more details would be nice. I get some of you Cobia?? For example are worried about rather you can get a room on site thats fine. But you should be wondering more about how its going to effect your overall experience. Is it going to be two brothels within a long crawl from each other? Or is it going to be like one big adult amusement park. Think Disney land or Six Flags ext.?
Last edited by Ironman on Wed Jul 18, 2018 4:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by SixT9er »

Chuckar chaser link wrote: I had not thought of it like that. My thinking was right now Mustang has no real competition in the big brothel category. Now there might be some competition. I guess we will know more soon.
Yes I think it boils down to if there are 1 or 2 licenses. We’ll know in the near future
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Post by Ironman »

Chuckar chaser link wrote: I had not thought of it like that. My thinking was right now Mustang has no real competition in the big brothel category. Now there might be some competition. I guess we will know more soon.

I work over night Chuck  I spend half my shift pushing around a big cart of dirty towels. Or alone in the laundry room switching those dirty towels between the waashers and Dryers. During this time my mind has a lot of time to think about shit.?? Truth be told most of the ideas for those monkey monger stories came to me around 1 2 or 3 am at work. When you work alone 99 percent of the time you have a lot of time alone with your thoughts. This can be both a good thing and a bad thing all at the same time.? But now you all know why some of the stuff I come up with is a bit out of left field.

Anyway yeah you alls need to stay tuned for further details. ?
Last edited by Ironman on Wed Jul 18, 2018 6:06 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by georoc01 »

Of course, they may be ready to pounce if the Lyon county brothel ban passes in November. The more ladies rooms the better if that occurs.
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Post by Slednx »

A cool side note. I got to see them helicopter the rotunda of the Mustang from Conforte's location to its current one. One of those sky cranes that looks like a giant grasshopper.

Lots of history with that building, will be looking forward to stepping back in it.
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Post by MrTShirt »

I asked Jennifer if they were going to have guest rooms after the remodel.  She said yes.

I also discussed handicap accessibility with her.  I probably pushed the whole construction schedule back months by putting my nose into the situation.  :(

If you recall, about three years ago, during banquet week, they opened up the original building for girls.  But it was open for just a few weeks.
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Post by rachelvarga »

georoc01 link wrote: Of course, they may be ready to pounce if the Lyon county brothel ban passes in November. The more ladies rooms the better if that occurs.
Looks like we might have a winner folks.