July 2018 Trip Report: Fantastic Ladies, Great Parties, 3 BBQs, and Fun Times!

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Dr. Who
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July 2018 Trip Report: Fantastic Ladies, Great Parties, 3 BBQs, and Fun Times!


Post by Dr. Who »

Every year, the pre-LPIN Awards get together is scheduled from Saturday-Tuesday in Elko, which precedes the LPIN awards events which happens later that week from Wednesday-Sunday in Reno.  I believe this is the 9th year for the Elko event.  This year, I didn’t have enough time to attend the LPIN awards portion, but I was able to attend the pre-festivities in the Elko area. 

Also, 3 of the brothels decided to have BBQs this year and invited everyone out to their houses which included Donna’s Ranch in Wells, Inez in Elko, and the Dovetail Ranch in Carlin.  It was great seeing 3 different brothel owners/managers working together, so as not to overlap with each others events which made it convenient for most of the folks traveling to be able to attend all 3 BBQs, if their schedules allowed.  I believe that this year was the biggest turnout for the pre-Awards festivities and there were at least 18 of us in total.  I also met several board members for the first time which was cool.  It’s always nice putting a face with their board name.  I won’t post all of your names, but you know who you are …LOL.  It was great meeting all of you, as well as those who I already know!

Not everyone could stay the entire 4 days, but fun was had by all and lots of partying was going on …before, during, and after the events and then some.  Lots of Geo’ing went on too …LOL

I arrived in Elko on late Saturday afternoon (7/14/18) and returned home early on Thursday (7/19/19).  Coming from Chicago, I flew into SLC via Southwest, rented a Nissan Rogue from Hertz, and drove to Elko.  For those who haven’t driven from SLC to Elko, it’s about a 3.5 hrs drive.  I stayed at the Red Lion Hotel/Casino which is one of the full featured hotels in Elko with a casino, restaurants, Starbucks, and other amenities on site.  I’ve stayed there on most of my past trips to Elko too.

Donna’s Ranch BBQ (Sunday)

This was my first visit to Donna’s Ranch.  On past trips, I use to just drive straight through to Elko from SLC, since I didn’t know too much about the Wells brothels and their ladies.  I was impressed with the size of their house. Their house looks small, just seeing it from the entrance, but they have a large spacious area out back with picnic tables, etc. where they had the BBQ …it’s sorta like my Tardis which is bigger on the inside, than on the outside …LOL. 

I finally got the chance to meet Vanity who I’ve known from the boards for years, but our paths have never crossed until this trip.  It was nice meeting several of the other ladies as well including Lisa who is a very attractive lady.  She's very friendly and came over to introduce herself during the BBQ.  I wish I had more time during my trip to make a return visit, since I would have liked to have partied with Vanity.  So many wonderful ladies and too little time, as usual.  Although, now that I’ve visited Donna’s, it’s no longer a mystery and is on my radar from now on. 

I would like to thank Jake, his entire staff, and all of the ladies for inviting us to there house.  Meeting everyone at Donna’s was great, the BBQ was fantastic, as well as the wet T-shirt contest and the exploding Piñata (my ears are still ringing …LOL).  A special shoutout to Mr. Jewels who had volunteered his time to do the cooking …good job on BBQing those steaks!

Inez’s BBQ (Monday)

It was nice of Louis and his crew (Peter, Anna, Mike, and all of the ladies) to throw a BBQ for the pre-Awards festivities.  I’m sure none of us was expecting the brothels to do anything special for our group, so it’s highly appreciated.  The new “chill out” area out back was recently constructed and is where the BBQ took place.  It’s a nice addition to the house.  Mike also did a great job BBQing all of the food and everything was delicious.  Later that evening, there was also a raffle drawing that Highdrive won …a gift box of cheese/sausage that included a certificate good towards a party at the Dovetail …and No, that’s not a typo!  LOL 

Everyone was having a good time and it gave us a chance to chat and mingle with all of the ladies too.  As I recall, Lily, Jade, Stephane, Lola, Lexi, and Julie were all working during the days I was in Elko.

Thanks again to Louis, Peter, Anna, Mike, and all of the Iadies.  You guys have a fun house and have some terrific ladies which is why I keep coming back for more!

Dovetail BBQ (Tuesday)

I arrived at the Dovetail early thinking that maybe, just maybe, Roxy and/or Belle would be free …LOL.  Nope, bad timing again!  Needless to say, the guys were keeping our new COY Roxy, as well as our former COY Belle very busy.  Vegas and Crystal were all booking parties throughout the day as well and Brittany came in special to party with Wayne for his birthday.  I was able to party with Vegas before the BBQ …more on that later.

A special shoutout to Wayne who arranged a lingerie show and brought in 2 large bags full of outfits for the ladies.  The ladies put on a great show!  The food was awesome, to say the least!  Monica, her staff, and ladies had outdone themselves in putting this event together and I can’t thank them enough.  Oh, I almost forgot …they also had a raffle drawing that “yours truly” won …LOL.  I rarely win anything at these types of gathering, so I was shocked that I won!  It was gift basket with a variety of souvenirs from Inez/Mona’s and other goodies, plus a certificate good towards a party at Inez.  It seems that Louis and Monica got together when they planned out the raffles for their houses.  It’s really great seeing competing brothels working together like this, since it benefits everyone in the long run.

Thanks again to Monica, her staff, and ladies for inviting us to your BBQ …and Congratulations on winning SBOY again and Roxy winning COY!


Stephanie was my first party of this trip.  I met her for the first time when I arrived on Saturday evening.  I’m usually too tired after all the traveling to party on my first night in town, so I often hangout at various brothels to meet the ladies and see who I might want to party with during the week.  Lily, Jade, Stephane, Lola, Lexi, and Julie were all in the house that evening.  I also got to meet Jade and Lexi for the first time too.  It was also great seeing Lily, Lola, and Julie again!  Actually, if I wasn’t so tired, I would have partied with my favorite, Lily, that night …it sucks getting old, since in my younger days I had the energy to easily do multiple parties a day, even on my first day in town …LOL

I partied with Vegas@Dovetail before the BBQ started.  She’s fairly new to the Dovetail and is a great addition to the house.  She told me that she loves working at the DT, so I’m sure she’ll be a regular at the DT for awhile.  I hope so, since she give a great party!

Lily!  I have to say that she’s on the verge of becoming my new ATF!  I’ve had multiple parties with her on all of my trips to Elko and had two parties with her on this trip too.  She’s such a fun lady to be around, in and out of the bedroom!  I hope to party with her again, the next time I visit Elko.

Other notes of interest…

I tagged along with MrTShirt and Highdrive when they went to checkout the Desert Rose and Sue’s.  MrTShirt wanted to see if those houses were ‘wheelchair” friendly.  Unfortunately, the Desert Rose wasn’t, but the manager was very open to addressing that issue.  MrTShirt was able to enter Sue’s in his chair, but I’m not sure how it went in regard to their restrooms.  I believe he will be doing a report on his trip, so I’ll let him provide the details.

This was also the first time that I visited the Desert Rose.  It was about 4:30pm when we arrived and only 2 ladies were on the floor, Yvette and Adrian.  If I were in town a few more days, I would have liked to have chatted longer with Yvette again, since I heard that she’s a cool lady.  I sorta had the inside of the Desert Rose pictured differently too.  I thought it would be much bigger inside.  Although, they have things set up pretty nicely in the bar area with the stripper pole, tables and chairs, etc.

At Sue’s, Lisa, Yami, and Sharon came out and wanted to give us all a tour immediately.  We each went on tour with a lady, even though we let them know ahead of time that we weren’t planning to party that visit.  I've partied with Yami a few time on past trips and she’s one of my favorites at Sue’s, so it was nice seeing her again.  From what I’ve been told, Sue’s is “old school”, so their management has that “get em’ in, get em’ out” type of mentality.  They don’t encourage hanging out in the bar and mingling with the ladies like the other houses.  I wish they would change, but I guess this style seems to be working okay for them, otherwise they would not still be in business.

Now that this trip has ended, I have to start planning my next one …LOL  ;D ;D