Soccer mom gets pampered by Lexie James

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Midwest Couple
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Soccer mom gets pampered by Lexie James


Post by Midwest Couple »

Here’s the deal - Lexie James is leaving in about a week.  While we usually like to include a little more information, there’s little time so we will just write a quick review of why you should RUN to Love Ranch North and spend time with Lexie before it’s too late.[/size]

Whether it’s another party with her, or your first - we’d be VERY jealous that you were able to see her. [/size]
Just the facts:[/size]
  • Lexie is absolutely EVERYTHING that EVERYONE has said in their reviews.  Beautiful, sensual, intelligent, SKILLED, sexual, ….. It’s all been said and it’s all been verified by us. 
  • THOSE EYES are amazing.  You melt in those eyes and although she’s gorgeous all around, I’d jump at the chance to have those eyes looking at me while I <edited for sexuality> if I could get back to Reno in the next 7 days. 
  • Her body may look amazing in photos, but it’s nothing to how it feels against your body.  Feeling those curves against me while she kisses and touches my body was AMAZING! 
  • She’s extremely talented sexually.  Without going into the naughty details, she made me want more, long after I thought I wanted her to stop. 
  • Above all, she gets it.  She understands human sexuality, listens to what people are saying, and delivers what they want.  We talked for longer at the bar than she may have wanted but she understood it was important to me to take my time.  When we got to the room, she delivered exactly what we’d told her we wanted….. And a bit more ;)  
Whether you’re looking for a girl friend, a hook up, just naughty sex, or a third in your relationship - you only have a week to get to experience the amazingness of Lexie James.  We promise, you wont regret going to see her, but you may regret NOT going.[/size]
We are here considering the screen name "Iron-Couple".
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