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Post by Zylar »

Chuckar chaser link wrote: In my oppinion if you use different user names or have more than one user name and especially if you use your alternate names to stir crap up you are a coward.
How much anyone want to bet that James who has only posted shit stirring post on the mustang board is a member and big part of the SIN board. Pretty sure from the style of attack towards Jagged I could guess who it might be. Even though he claims not to be part of SIN.

I see James is a member here too but never made a post.

I agree it’s deplorable and definitely looked like a targeted attack for some unknown reason.  What made it even worse was stirring up crap on a house board which is so entirely wrong as those boards exist solely to promote and market the house and women who work there, not to have philosophical debates or arguments etc...  I worry that people researching the mustang will stumble onto that drama as the vast majority of people who come to these boards just lurk and scope out a house or LPIN in general without ever posting

Thanks for sticking up for Victoria too, she is an amazing woman and didn’t deserve any of that vitriol aimed at her.
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Post by Cobia »

Ahhhh….me thinks I smell a rat.

( 4 different names come to though )
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Post by SixT9er »

I don’t know the guy, if he's A troll or just an ignorant dumbass nor do I really care, I’m so over all the BS

I do know that Victoria handled it very well and it should have been done at that point...
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Post by wayne208 »

Victoria is One of the Best IMHO .. Like SixT9er said Just Ignore the Dummies and enjoy the Cool People 
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Post by rachelvarga »

Well if the pissing match is over I will close.  :P