Want to know what's really wrong in LPIN? Rich, meaty, pussy.

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Re: Want to know what's really wrong in LPIN? Rich, meaty, pussy.


Post by rachelvarga »


It's not about you. I knew before you wrote that you probably didn't care. I doubt that most girls want to be talked about like that though. When people have a large platform like Q or I, our words are spread to a large amount of people. He is setting an example to new people that this is acceptable and a lot of girls are tired of being viewed like that. If being sexual is rich meaty pussy then I must be asexual.

Just because this is a sex industry it doesn't negate the fact that we are women. Laugh it off and move on is exactly why we have absolutely no say in this industry.

You can defend cookieshitter but guys like him show other guys its okay to be an asshole. People are not too sensitive, that is a weak argument for those that accept the status quo. Some women are just tired of being marginalized and treated like shit.

This site is pro women and I will not stand by and not say something. You are always welcome to say what you want. You will find that he is not liked by many here. I won't censor opinions like Cookieshitter. I have the guts to fight for what I believe in. He can join and speak his mind. He doesn't have the balls to unblock me and let me defend my opinions on his site.

Like I said, you are welcome here. I don't agree with you but I have no issues with you.

The only person ever banned was Pat because he has pictures of customers posted and that's against the rule.
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Post by rachelvarga »

Let me start with this.

"And Belle has a rich meaty pussy too. The kind ya want to mount in a wall an pay homage to in some kinda daily worship ritual.... Just sayin"

That is disgusting and uncalled for. It's denigrating women and objectifying them. This is treating working women as meat, just objects to fuck and stick little dicks into. It's not funny in any way at all and you should all be ashamed of yourselves for letting that kind of stuff go on and not say anything. I here about how this is wrong and that is wrong but I don't hear anyone doing anything.

Are you guys scared of Q? I mean really? He openly attacks the members of his own site and tells them to get the fuck out if they don't like it. Seriously, does anyone have any balls anymore? I thought men were supposed to protect women not let others tear them down. It blows my mind that you become part of this but if someone said that about wife or daughter you would be out for blood. Just because you pay for pussy does not mean you own it or have any right to treat us like that! We are someone's daughter, mother, sister, or wife. We are human beings.

I don't want to hear him say that he gives money to trafficking victims, I don't want to hear how he goes to Church, I don't need him to tell me how he will pray for me. He is a nobody and the other forum is the only thing that he has or ever will have control of. He treats his members like shit and threatens them if they do not bow down to him.

It used to work like this. Banish someone and they had no voice. You could cut them out of the conversation. Put them in a corner and punish them. You could pick on girls that stand up to you but those days are over buddy. Gone with the wind because I am never ever going away as long your site exists. Do you want to know why women don't go on the other forum? Because they don't like the way they are treated on there. That's right. What a shocker.

Girls that condone this kind of talk or think it's okay are a disgrace to women. You can do what you want to yourself but don't make other girls have to deal with this shit because you don't want to. Stop calling yourselves hookers because the rest of us are not. Do the rest of us a favor and shut the fuck up.

Stop joining in on the Hookers for Hillary or Hookers for Healthcare shams. It's a joke and the ones that push it are are only there to get money. The rest of us actually try to do the right thing and girls like that are making it hard for us by constantly making themselves look stupid in the media and and making the rest of us look like money hungry bitches.

Stop trying to position yourselves as defenders of working girls. News Flash. You are not. The moment you do anything with Dennis Hof you have absolutely no credibility. The ones that know him the most know the truth about what is going on. They know what happens to girls yet they say nothing because they want that money. I'm wrong? Really? Prove it! Write some about what you have seen, like this.


I'm not scared of him. He's just a big old fat pervert. Period.

Finally, I remember when Q wanted to list all the things I have done for the working girls. First off I am no one special. I don't see myself as a savior like people he says I do. I just want to right some wrongs, so the first thing was to build this site so there was an alternative and this site is about to expand it something much more and shine the light on all the cockroaches out there.

I am writing this post and putting all the scumbags and girls that promote destructive stereotypes and make the the rest of us look bad on notice. We see you and we will not silence ourselves for you. Respect us or get the hell out!

- Rachel Varga
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Post by rachelvarga »

PS: This is not a bitch about CookieShitter page.  If you are disrespectful to women do not post.

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Post by Chicagobob »

These guys should read my thread from last week about reputation.  Oh but wait, its locked!  : :)
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Post by Chicagobob »

This disgusting image from the abolitionist folks.  Q should join that group. 
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Post by rachelvarga »

I guess balls are in short order.
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Post by wayne208 »

Like CB Said Reps show how much class a Person Has .. I have nothing to prove to anyone But Myself . I have been  at this Hobby since 1981 in Nov or December  . I do not always agree with You Rachel .. But Know this I Respect You for the Class You Showed at The Banquet .. You Showed what made You a COY .. Class IMHO  And a Wickedly Sweet Figure . If anyone wants Me Gone Just say so and I will thank You for putting up With Me and I will Leave . 8) 
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Post by ShyKyle87 »

I'll just echo what wayne said: if you want me to leave, just say the word and I'll be gone.
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Post by rachelvarga »

No,  of course not.  No one in here needs to leave.  It is meant for those bad apples out there.

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Post by FumbleNutts »

Rachel Varga link wrote: No,  of course not.  No one in here needs to leave.  It is meant for those bad apples out there.

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Yes there are bad apples, and that's unfortunate. Wish I knew what to do with those that talk about a woman as a piece of meat. Lord knows a time or two that I've wanted to grab a knucklehead by their short hairs while hearing comments during a line up, but don't want to put any lady or business in an uneasy position. Saying these types of things is wrong, and most of us know it.
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Post by SixT9er »

Been thinking about how to address this subject without being a hypocrite.

When I was younger as in highschool when with the guys a lot of vulgar comments were made regarding girls/women and I’m sure I made my share. Not sure I ever got that graphic but as I get older I find I have a selective memory. I know a comment that I did make regarding a woman’s breast was “I’d like to get lock jaw on those” and I’m sure I’ve said much worse back then. Is it ok to demean women or anyone in this manner? Of course not but it happens we’re human, immature. At times and ultimately imperfect. What matters more is you learn and grow and stop doing it hopefully as you mature.

As I said I made similar comments when I was in highschool and then only with a few friends. I left comments like that I believe (as I said I’ve gotten selective memory) when I was in my late teens. The comment that Q made on a public board in a public forum is rude, crass, classless, immature and degrading to say the least and has no business being posted. To make matters worse is he's The owner of the board and should be setting an example as to what type of posts should be put on his board an not what should never be allowed.

Perhaps I should have called Q out on his post, went to war and got banned over it. Honestly the reason I didn’t is I’m doing my best to hold my end of my agreement I have with him to not fuck with him, not because I’m afraid of him, that comment wasn’t personal enough to me to break my agreement. I have no doubt that one day I will go off and get banned but when that day comes it will be because he went after myself or someone I care about greatly. Until he crosses my personal line I choose to try and ignore him the best I can and hope that others see who he really is and decide they don’t want to be part of his world and find their way here.
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Post by rachelvarga »


Everyone has done things as a teenager that were inapprpriate so there is no reason to  worry about that. If you spent most of your life being a jerk that's fine. You are older and have more knowledge and wisdom I would think so you changed..

Any business that society does not cinsider moral attracts the worst because they can get away with it. Look at Dennis.  He is an extreme narcicist with sociopaathic tendencies. He takes advantage of the fact that girls do not want to be outed and he was protected by Lyon County Law Enforcement because he puts so much into the county coffers. County Investigators wrre told he was off limits.

Q for example is someone that needs control for whatever reasons. Either he has bad relatiinships with women, was rejected by them, or some childhood events. He was able to get a platform in a worid where he can say offensive things and other guys cheer him on. He abuses his position because he does mot like women.  He has no qualms trying to ruin a girl that doesn''t bow to him.

These kind of people love places like LPIN,  because it is secretive. No one knows who he is,  as in real life, (I do) so he can say what he wants.

The worst two things in LPIN are Dennis Hof and Q/cookiemonster.

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Post by firefighter »

I believe that Q (Cookie Monster & TheMod) has a total lack of respect for the Ladies or anyone else for that matter.  Guys with good common sense wouldn't normally make vulgar or disgraceful comments about their wives or girlfriends; therefore, gentlemen shouldn't degrade their Courtesans with dishonorable comments either.  Clients shouldn't make inappropriate comments or state in great detail what occurred in their parties, because that should be private and confidential; furthermore, reviews or comments need only state that the client had a wonderful time or that their Courtesan was fabulous. 

The comment that Q made about Belle was inappropriate and apparently designed to appeal to the old school mongers who think sex is dirty or nasty; I don't like the word "monger" because it's associated with that other rogue board and short for the "w" word.  I believe Hoser and Hoserette or maybe more appropriately Ladies and gentlemen should be used instead. 

Q's comment might be said by intoxicated immature teenage degenerates in private, but the adult administrator of a message board should have the common sense not to post it on the Internet.  It's surprising that there are any members remaining on that other board considering Q's unprofessional, offensive and abusive demeanor; if a member attempts to post well written comments that are opposed to Q's beliefs, those posts will usually be edited or removed. 

When Interested bystander operated that other board, he welcomed other opinions because he believed the board belonged to the members; conversely, Q will not allow posts that contradict his opinions because he believes the board belongs solely to him. 

I'm proud to be banned from that other board where my approximately 2500 posts have been removed!
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Post by rachelvarga »

Yes,  now that you think about it, the word monger is rarely used in the English language. When you see it used,  it is usually used like this "________ monger". The most used word like this is "whoremonger".

There is no denying that. You can't use the word monger without associating it with prostitution. No one uses the word monger and it hasn't been a part of commonly used English for probably 50 years. That's what I have found when looking at it's history. It is almost always in association with the word whore.

It is time for it to be removed from legal prostitution entirely. I have heard that it is a historical part of legal prostitution but so is the "n word" and it is farely used in history books.

Fictional literature should not remove it. That is a piece of art and we should never censor art. History books are not art.

Whore and monger should be put in the past.

Another reason is that,  the newer generation is offended by that and although it can be annoying they are right on things like this. By continuing to use this word it will hurt the overall business. We are striving for respect and this must change.

The LPIN awards also should let this go. CWMC is over and it should not be used at all anymore.

Hoser and hoserette have no meaning to us women and the general public. It is time for a total break from the past. We should pick something inline and modern.

I call on Q to remove the word monger from his site name and for it to be totally removed from the awards.

On a second note, the word "cyber" is used to describe phone sex, so in essence, it looks like it says Phone Sex Hoarders.  Lol.

Oh I forgot.  SIN is a truly ridiculous acronym. Thank you for associating what we do with sin. As religious groups are attempting to wipe out the industry let's make it easy for them by asociiating sin with SIN.

I chose BrothelLife because it represents those that live the brothel life. Working girls, owners, employees, and customers that spend a lot of time with us.

I know a lot of old timers are thinking, "Who the hell does she think she is? "
Well I am representative of working girls that are doing all the work. Without us there is nothing.

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Post by rachelvarga »

I could write a whole post on his ignorance over security.

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Post by Belle »

People are just too dang sensitive days! Everyone gets so offended over everything... just stop it. I am in the sex industry. People view me, and talk about me as a sexual being, and can describe me any way they want. People can love or hate any of my body parts, personality, etc...and can say whatever they want about me or my parts. I am not going to get offended, or condemn people for their opinions. I encourage people to say and write exactly how they feel or think, whether it’s gonna offend any one or not.

I am friends with Q, and didn’t know about all this until he reached out to me last night. He wrote a whole page of apologies to me and only meant it as a compliment. I am not offended. I did not need an apology.

There are so many a*holes in this life that are gonna say and do stupid a*hole stuff... I choose to laugh it off and move on.
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Post by FumbleNutts »

I love it! It's just like a family or a community should be - differing opinions  :)

Lord knows I'd be condemned for an eternity with what my sister's, brother's, and including myself in the Army said to each other  :o Didn't matter if we were red, white, black, or yellow. We dogged each other out! But you know, if it came down to defending each other, we had each other's back!

I guess when it comes down to it, we really don't know what's in someone's heart? Only our actions, how we conduct ourselves in these establishments, can one really tell. Love ya Belle, and hope to see those pyrotechnics again sometime  ;) Promise I'll blow it out on time  ;D
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Post by firefighter »

Rachel Varga link wrote: Yes,  now that you think about it, the word monger is rarely used in the English language. When you see it used,  it is usually used like this "________ monger". The most used word like this is "whoremonger".

There is no denying that. You can't use the word monger without associating it with prostitution. No one uses the word monger and it hasn't been a part of commonly used English for probably 50 years. That's what I have found when looking at it's history. It is almost always in association with the word w***e.

It is time for it to be removed from legal prostitution entirely. I have heard that it is a historical part of legal prostitution but so is the "n word" and it is farely used in history books.

Fictional literature should not remove it. That is a piece of art and we should never censor art. History books are not art.

w***e and monger should be put in the past.

Another reason is that,  the newer generation is offended by that and although it can be annoying they are right on things like this. By continuing to use this word it will hurt the overall business. We are striving for respect and this must change.

The LPIN awards also should let this go. C*MC is over and it should not be used at all anymore.

Hoser and hoserette have no meaning to us women and the general public. It is time for a total break from the past. We should pick something inline and modern.

I call on Q to remove the word monger from his site name and for it to be totally removed from the awards.

On a second note, the word "cyber" is used to describe phone sex, so in essence, it looks like it says Phone Sex Hoarders.  Lol.

Oh I forgot.  the other forum is a truly ridiculous acronym. Thank you for associating what we do with the other forum. As religious groups are attempting to wipe out the industry let's make it easy for them by asociiating the other forum with the other forum.

I chose BrothelLife because it represents those that live the brothel life. Working girls, owners, employees, and customers that spend a lot of time with us.

I know a lot of old timers are thinking, "Who the hell does she think she is? "
Well I am representative of working girls that are doing all the work. Without us there is nothing.

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I didn't intend to hijack this topic, but I was a little off track. 

Yes, that other board could easily be renamed the "S I N Forum" because of the common reference and their url.

The LPIN Awards committee plans to eventually eliminate the cwmcawards.net website too.  There’s a problem with the C*MC acronym, since it should actually be C**C which is confusing.  Fortunately, the LPIN Awards website coordinates the current contests which resolves the issue going forward.

The awards committee, with Rachel Varga’s assistance and direction, initially had cwmcawards.net constructed to preserve the history of the awards, direct Internet searches, provide name recognition in the absence of a cwmcawards.com to lpinawards.com transition period, and appease the old-time members.  The lpinawards.com website was developed to coordinate future awards contests.

The cwmcawards.net website served the initial purpose of referring C*MC Awards Internet searches to cwmcawards.net and finally to lpinawards.com.  The only board members who confirmed their cwmcawards.net pre-registrations were the awards committee, and the cwmcawards.net topic views are limited compared to lpinawards.com; consequently, there isn't the interest that was initially expected.  The History of the Awards including Finalists and Winners is included in the lpinawards.com Announcements Forum, so cwmcawards.net is a costly and unnecessary duplication.  Therefore, the LPIN Awards committee will eventually terminate cwmcawards.net, since it has fulfilled its usefulness. 
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Post by Chicagobob »

Very nice of you Belle to take the high road... you're a very classy lady!  8)

I do, however, still believe that crude comments have no place on a LPIN discussion board - intended or not.  With all the cyber bullying today (and suicides), we should really think before we speak.  Words DO matter!
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Post by rachelvarga »

Funmonger you don't have to change your name.