Want to know what's really wrong in LPIN? Rich, meaty, pussy.

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Re: Want to know what's really wrong in LPIN? Rich, meaty, pussy.


Post by rachelvarga »


It's not about you. I knew before you wrote that you probably didn't care. I doubt that most girls want to be talked about like that though. When people have a large platform like Q or I, our words are spread to a large amount of people. He is setting an example to new people that this is acceptable and a lot of girls are tired of being viewed like that. If being sexual is rich meaty pussy then I must be asexual.

Just because this is a sex industry it doesn't negate the fact that we are women. Laugh it off and move on is exactly why we have absolutely no say in this industry.

You can defend cookieshitter but guys like him show other guys its okay to be an asshole. People are not too sensitive, that is a weak argument for those that accept the status quo. Some women are just tired of being marginalized and treated like shit.

This site is pro women and I will not stand by and not say something. You are always welcome to say what you want. You will find that he is not liked by many here. I won't censor opinions like Cookieshitter. I have the guts to fight for what I believe in. He can join and speak his mind. He doesn't have the balls to unblock me and let me defend my opinions on his site.

Like I said, you are welcome here. I don't agree with you but I have no issues with you.

The only person ever banned was Pat because he has pictures of customers posted and that's against the rule.
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Post by Crappie1 »

When I first started looking into LPIN, I reached out to a couple old heads for advice. Most of what was shared was common sense, or so I thought. I wondered why they would even be including things like respect, and discretion in the replies. It did not take long following the boards to see why.

Six, an attempt to convince him otherwise would be a waste of time. Save your breath!

In my short time, I have already seen and heard some things first hand in the brothels that have me convinced that you cannot fix stupid. Some people just need choked, but alas, I'm not sure they would even understand why it was happening.

Belle, you need no defending. Just saying the comment made me cringe when I read it. 
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Post by SixT9er »

Crappie1 link wrote: Six, an attempt to convince him otherwise would be a waste of time. Save your breath!

Believe me I know. I’ve been dealing with him and his other incarnations for 8 years and you’re absolutely right. I just know one day it will go too far and when that day comes I’ll not be able to keep myself in check! Lol
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Post by MrTShirt »

One thing that is being glossed over in this discussion is Rachel's effort to upgrade the impression by outsiders of a courtesan (and to upgrade the image of the whole brothel industry).

If courtesans were treated as star athletes, doctors, airline pilots, massage therapists and radio personalities would there ever have been a petition to ban the houses in a couple of counties?  But when the average person thinks of a courtesan as a drug addicted street walker who steals from "johns", you get the attitude that they can be used, abused and discarded.

What it shows that both girls and guys are sometimes good at the image and sometimes good in the bedroom, but often not both places.  However, there is no reason that they can't be good both places.

If in doubt, look at me and my 26 incher.  :P :P
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Post by rachelvarga »

Women come into this industry and over time they start accepting how they are treated and then if they are here long enough they buy into it and start defending sexism and misoginy. They lose their self respect and start to think these assholes are their friends. They just say,  it is what it is.

No,  it is what you make it.

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Post by wayne208 »

Rachel I am a Lover of History . I studied it for a while in College until I ran out of Money . I had 2 Great Teachers that were as Different as Night and Day .. 1 was a Big Fan of Washington and Lincoln . The other teacher was Proud of his Heritage and tried to teach Us about the Rich history Of Africa .. 1 was White the Other was Not White and Taught Me a little about African History and The Proud History Lost their and Not taught Here .. Rachel I like the Name of this Board as Brothel Life has a Good ring to it . But I also think about the history of the other Board . It Has a long and rich History in it's own right . Thank You for Your time in reading this Long Post . :-\
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Post by Lee »

Since I don't even look at that "other site" (much less post), I'm happily clueless about what goes on there. Since I started posting/participating here, I've never been "urinated on". I have seen where Rachel intervened a time or two in "elevating dis-agreements" between members (Thanks). This is the only site where I see Ranch ads, Ladies schedules, Ladies profiles, etc. Of course, with so many options (Discussion, Off-topic, PM, Ladies, Ladies, Ladies!) what more could I possibly want?  :)
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Post by Goldie »

I don’t read or post so much anymore....I saw the reference here a week or two ago about “rich and meaty” and I just rolled my eyes and shook my head thinking that with 6 billion plus people on the planet, assholery is inevitable.

But today, lying on my pool floatie with my Rombauer, I decided to check in...and now I see that it was Q who wrote that!!!! I swear I started laughing so hard I almost fell off my floatie and drowned my iPad. Not to mention the unspeakable horror of spilling my Rombauer.  NOT because I think the rich and meaty phrase was funny. I think it smacks of classless jerk. It’s all so clear now.....

I started laughing so hard at the IRONY. Q is the person who claimed to be so offended by the word “w***monger” that he closed the old awards board. He is the one who was so offended, and thought “w***monger”was so horribly disrespectful, that he started crap at breakfast this year with IB during the first breakfast of July weekend.

To quote Richard Shatner in Airplane II...”irony can be pretty ironic sometimes.”

Love Sled’s living metaphor of the difference between the two boards. One taking a giant stinky dump at the MR contrasted with the beautiful blonde with the gracious smile....

Back to my salvaged Rombauer...

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Post by rachelvarga »

wayne208 link wrote: Rachel I am a Lover of History . I studied it for a while in College until I ran out of Money . I had 2 Great Teachers that were as Different as Night and Day .. 1 was a Big Fan of Washington and Lincoln . The other teacher was Proud of his Heritage and tried to teach Us about the Rich history Of Africa .. 1 was White the Other was Not White and Taught Me a little about African History and The Proud History Lost their and Not taught Here .. Rachel I like the Name of this Board as Brothel Life has a Good ring to it . But I also think about the history of the other Board . It Has a long and rich History in it's own right . Thank You for Your time in reading this Long Post . :-\
Is that a rich meaty history?

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Post by rachelvarga »

Goldie link wrote: I don’t read or post so much anymore....I saw the reference here a week or two ago about “rich and meaty” and I just rolled my eyes and shook my head thinking that with 6 billion plus people on the planet, assholery is inevitable.

But today, lying on my pool floatie with my Rombauer, I decided to check in...and now I see that it was Q who wrote that!!!! I swear I started laughing so hard I almost fell off my floatie and drowned my iPad. Not to mention the unspeakable horror of spilling my Rombauer.  NOT because I think the rich and meaty phrase was funny. I think it smacks of classless jerk. It’s all so clear now.....

I started laughing so hard at the IRONY. Q is the person who claimed to be so offended by the word “w***monger” that he closed the old awards board. He is the one who was so offended, and thought “w***monger”was so horribly disrespectful, that he started crap at breakfast this year with IB during the first breakfast of July weekend.

To quote Richard Shatner in Airplane II...”irony can be pretty ironic sometimes.”

Love Sled’s living metaphor of the difference between the two boards. One taking a giant stinky dump at the MR contrasted with the beautiful blonde with the gracious smile....

Back to my salvaged Rombauer...

That was savage.  Hahaha

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Post by rachelvarga »

Apparently a few people are up in arms because of what I said about the word monger. It is my opinion and I am entitled to that. If that upsets you so much you don't want to talk to me then that is fine. I don't kick people off for an opposing opinions, I don't warn people for their opinions, I don't do any of the shady stuff that goes on over on the other forum. I may not agree with someone's opinion but I respect their right to it. I hope you will respect my right too.

Also, no one has to change their name and no it doesn't make me think less of them.
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Post by wayne208 »

Rachel  Love your sense of Humor and the Fact that You let people have a different Point of View .. I have Never agreed with anyone 100% of the time . But Your opinion I do Respect . I have no problem with Monger as a Word for Me Or anyone in this group .. After My Divorce I felt that going to a House and Meeting a sweet Lady was Great ..  But then again I thought I was the only One that had this Hobby ..
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Post by FumbleNutts »

Rachel Varga link wrote: Apparently a few people are up in arms because of what I said about the word monger. It is my opinion and I am entitled to that. If that upsets you so much you don't want to talk to me then that is fine. I don't kick people off for an opposing opinions, I don't warn people for their opinions, I don't do any of the shady stuff that goes on over on the other forum. I may not agree with someone's opinion but I respect their right to it. I hope you will respect my right too.

Also, no one has to change their name and no it doesn't make me think less of them.
The only thing I'm up in arms about is that I'm hornier than a Woodpecker  :o October can't come quick enough! HEY, btw, I noticed the other board changed the name now to "SIN Forum."
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Post by Chicagobob »

Jake, we got you covered.  You're going to be carried out on a stretcher!  8)
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Post by firefighter »

Rachel Varga link wrote: Yes,  now that you think about it, the word monger is rarely used in the English language. When you see it used,  it is usually used like this "________ monger". The most used word like this is "whoremonger".

There is no denying that. You can't use the word monger without associating it with prostitution. No one uses the word monger and it hasn't been a part of commonly used English for probably 50 years. That's what I have found when looking at it's history. It is almost always in association with the word w***e.

It is time for it to be removed from legal prostitution entirely. I have heard that it is a historical part of legal prostitution but so is the "n word" and it is farely used in history books.

Fictional literature should not remove it. That is a piece of art and we should never censor art. History books are not art.

w***e and monger should be put in the past.

Another reason is that,  the newer generation is offended by that and although it can be annoying they are right on things like this. By continuing to use this word it will hurt the overall business. We are striving for respect and this must change.

The LPIN awards also should let this go. C*MC is over and it should not be used at all anymore.

Hoser and hoserette have no meaning to us women and the general public. It is time for a total break from the past. We should pick something inline and modern.

I call on Q to remove the word monger from his site name and for it to be totally removed from the awards.

On a second note, the word "cyber" is used to describe phone sex, so in essence, it looks like it says Phone Sex Hoarders.  Lol.

Oh I forgot.  the other forum is a truly ridiculous acronym. Thank you for associating what we do with the other forum. As religious groups are attempting to wipe out the industry let's make it easy for them by asociiating the other forum with the other forum.

I chose BrothelLife because it represents those that live the brothel life. Working girls, owners, employees, and customers that spend a lot of time with us.

I know a lot of old timers are thinking, "Who the hell does she think she is? "
Well I am representative of working girls that are doing all the work. Without us there is nothing.

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Rachel Varga link wrote: Apparently a few people are up in arms because of what I said about the word monger. It is my opinion and I am entitled to that. If that upsets you so much you don't want to talk to me then that is fine. I don't kick people off for an opposing opinions, I don't warn people for their opinions, I don't do any of the shady stuff that goes on over on the other forum. I may not agree with someone's opinion but I respect their right to it. I hope you will respect my right too.

Also, no one has to change their name and no it doesn't make me think less of them.
The acronym C * M C originally meant Cyber Wh*reMongers Club.
However, wh*remonger is one word; nonetheless, the founders designated two letters "WM" for "Wh*reMongers". 

The Urban Dictionary defines "monger" as short for the word wh*remonger. 
Also, monger has been used separately to describe a person who frequents wh*res. 
In addition, monger has been used to denote a dealer or trader, but in LPIN it means wh*remonger.

Personally, I prefer to be called a client or friend rather than a monger.

Yes, I notice that other forum has changed their name to S I N Forum.
Last edited by firefighter on Mon Sep 03, 2018 6:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Crappie1 »

Chicagobob link wrote: Jake, we got you covered.  You're going to be carried out on a stretcher!  8)

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Post by rachelvarga »

The whole thing turned into talk about the word monger, which is the least of my worries. No one has to change their name. Please I'm done with it. This wasn't about me and whether or not I like the word monger.

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Post by rachelvarga »

With so many views I want to thank SIN members for the traffic.
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Post by Aubrey Huff »

Rachel Varga link wrote: With so many views I want to thank the other forum members for the traffic.

2 of the 4 most viewed topics on the front page are about "the other board". Starting to see a trend.
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Post by Ironman »

Rachel Varga link wrote: With so many views I want to thank the other forum members for the traffic.

There are a lot that actually hold membership on both. I still read both almost daily. I look at the MR forum almost daily as well.

I just don't post as much on any forum anymore for my own reasons.

Anyway a lot of the people that post on here still hold membership there as well even if they are not actively posting on there. ?
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Post by rachelvarga »

I'm locking the forum because it's off topic. It wasn't about the word monger, it was about the way women are portrayed. I personally find it sad that the thing people are worried about their club word. If you would like to finish this debate about the word monger open a new thread.