Consensual coerced sex

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Consensual coerced sex


Post by SixT9er »

Kind of an oxymoron isn’t it?

If a Lady agrees to have sex with her boss, doesn’t matter if CEO, Brothel owner or whatever if the person in power uses that power to coerce the Lady into sex isn’t that really rape?

The coercion could be stated or implied but it could include but not limited to the following:
Withholding promotions
Losing job
Reputation ruined
Physical harm
On and on

Technically the Lady agreed to the sex but it was under duress. Like if a criminal points a gun to your head and says “give me your money or I’ll shoot you” technically you’re choosing to give the money but it’s under duress. Isn’t coercion a form of distress?

Just something that’s been rattling around in my brain and a prime reason why an employer or person in power should not get involved with people under them at their place of business
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Post by Chicagobob »

The rooster should never be in the hen house...  : :)
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Post by MrTShirt »

The whole MO always has been "Have sex with me and I will see you get most of the business".
Pretty much self incrimination.
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Post by FredT »

So what about the opposite?      Telling a lady that if she has sex with you she will get a BIG raise or promotion?  No down side, no threat, just the carrot.  Is THAT  rape?
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Post by rachelvarga »

No but it's sexual discrimination.
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Post by Aubrey Huff »

SixT9er link wrote: Kind of an oxymoron isn’t it?

If a Lady agrees to have sex with her boss, doesn’t matter if CEO, Brothel owner or whatever if the person in power uses that power to coerce the Lady into sex isn’t that really rape?

The coercion could be stated or implied but it could include but not limited to the following:
Withholding promotions
Losing job
Reputation ruined
Physical harm
On and on

Technically the Lady agreed to the sex but it was under duress. Like if a criminal points a gun to your head and says “give me your money or I’ll shoot you” technically you’re choosing to give the money but it’s under duress. Isn’t coercion a form of distress?

Just something that’s been rattling around in my brain and a prime reason why an employer or person in power should not get involved with people under them at their place of business
As you know my man, I am pretty high up in my company.  You would be surprised when I whip out my business card how it catches women's attention, even if they were once disinterested.  Granted, I am not actively dating any women in my company.  But, in the past, have I?  Yes.  Did I need to do anything you described? No.  Was anything promised?  No.  I have honestly found that many women that I have been involved with looked for the prestige of being with someone who was in my position or simply they were looking to get ahead.

Have I had any problems with this in my career? No.  But it is definitely a fine line to watch.  You can't be seen as to show any favoritism and you have to be very upfront with people that there are no promotions or compensation tied to being involved with you. 

Honestly, probably why I like working girls the most.  Despise gold diggers and I can work much harder when I don't have a girlfriend. I can get on a plane and just walk away with dreams of debits and credits in my head.  :o :D
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Post by SixT9er »

FredT link wrote: So what about the opposite?      Telling a lady that if she has sex with you she will get a BIG raise or promotion?  No down side, no threat, just the carrot.  Is THAT  rape?
Good question but I’d say no but I’d agree it’s a form of discrimination and sexual harassment. It would have to be threatening to be coercion thus rape. This is incentive based so no rape, if she accepts is she prostituting herself?
What if she accepts and he doesn’t follow thru? Breach of illegal contract?

If she offered for the raise/promotion is that prostitution?
Last edited by SixT9er on Mon Sep 10, 2018 4:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by FredT »

Or more to my question....  Is it sexual harassment if SHE INITIATES THE CONVERSATION, AND MAKES THE OFFER?

(This situation is playing out at a large corporation a friend works at...  The lady is not denying she made the offer, is not saying she did not get the promotion, but is now suing for sexual harassment because the guy in question ACCEPTED her advances and "consummated" the deal...)

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Post by SixT9er »

FredT link wrote: Or more to my question....  Is it sexual harassment if SHE INITIATES THE CONVERSATION, AND MAKES THE OFFER?

(This situation is playing out at a large corporation a friend works at...  The lady is not denying she made the offer, is not saying she did not get the promotion, but is now suing for sexual harassment because the guy in question ACCEPTED her advances and "consummated" the deal...)

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If she initiated it then I don’t know how she can sue for sexual harassment. If the guy didn’t take her up on it he could have sued her! Obviously he shouldn’t have ever put himself in that position but that’s like backing your car into someone and suing them for rear ending you.
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Post by MrTShirt »

In some cases it isn't sex.  Rather, it is how can I get back on someone. 
They will use sex, or a gun or extortion or whatever to harm someone else.

There is all kinds of situations and details that can be argued.

However, bottom line, someone is trying to "get even" against someone else.
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Post by Chicagobob »

FredT link wrote: Or more to my question....  Is it sexual harassment if SHE INITIATES THE CONVERSATION, AND MAKES THE OFFER?

According to my HR department it is!  Working in higher education, we have a policy for all faculty called "Its NEVER okay"

It's really tempting sometimes when a female student is looking for an "easy A".  Sometimes they sit in the front row, smiling sexy, with a flirting look in their eyes. 

I have to say that some of my colleagues don't follow the rules though.  As a matter of fact, one was asked for his resignation after he met with a sophomore girl at his home!  These guys don't realize that even the accusation of inappropriate behavior is an early retirement. 
Last edited by Chicagobob on Tue Sep 11, 2018 12:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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