New or old Subject re Sex Accusations

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New or old Subject re Sex Accusations


Post by Funmonger »

With all of the current media attention to Washington DC, I was thinking about how hearing that "young men" are to be pitied today. Of course, at least one US Senator said "old white men" (that's one two three strikes on the discrimination chart, Madam Senator!) just need to "Shut up!" So what is my point? Well. not to start up the "he said, she said" that has been covering the media for the past two weeks. It is this irony. At at time like these days, where people are focusing on the "he said, she said" of the day, does any one think this is even more reason that men, especially "OLD WHITE MEN" like me ought to play it safe and go to LPIN rather than try to meet a woman that is not in LPIN? Why date a woman and then get falsely accused of something at a later date?

The thought occured to me that here is a real case in favor of legalized prostitution. Once again, though, I fear that groups of people would castigate (if not "castrate," I heard that word today) those of us who believe in legal prostitution. Of course, I am talking about us "OLD WHITE MEN." Other folks, I presume get a pass now and are thus, "victims." What does anybody else think about the idea that LPIN provides this safe outlet from false accusations of "sexual" related misconduct?
Last edited by Funmonger on Sat Nov 03, 2018 3:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by TC »

It certainly clears up consent when you have an actual receipt. You are probably more protected than the lady, who would be discredited because of the stigma against sex workers.

I know my opinion is not a popular one here so I won't go on and on. But from statistics and my own vast albeit anecdotal experience.....the majority of rapes go unreported and the ones that are reported are difficult to prosecute without DNA and evidence of a struggle. Not saying false accusations never happen (Aziz Ansari for example--he got raked over the coals for nothing), but your best protection is not being a rapist, not taking your dick out at work, that kind of thing. :) So I think you're fine, but when in doubt, party. LOL.
Last edited by TC on Wed Oct 03, 2018 1:38 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Broadhildt »

Where I stand on these issues:

The problem is the people in society with power and how they use it. For centuries, it has been men.

Women are the ones devising elaborate, sophisticated security strategies to protect themselves...from men.

Men can also devise elaborate, sophisticated security strategies to protect themselves from women.  Ask. Watch your language. Control your hands.

False accusations of rape are like plane crashes - lots of men are scared, but they happen so rarely it's not worth worrying about. Just buckle up, don't let your tray table stick out, and enjoy the ride.

Women, on the other hand...

I'll just say that the hashtags #whyIdidntreport and #yesallwomen are very revealing.

Sex work:

Am very thankful for sex work and for a place where I can feel free to be my sexual self (within limits) in the company of women.

If it ever seems in the real world that no woman is interested in sex, I know where I can go as long as I have a little jingle in my pocket.

For me personally, I'm not interested in dating. Not yet. I know what I want and I'm willing to pay for the convenience, fun, and no commitment / monogamy requirement.

There definitely is tension between feminists that see sex work as repression and those who see sex work as freedom. We should get behind the latter.
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Post by Funmonger »

The Mighty Peanut link wrote: It certainly clears up consent when you have an actual receipt. You are probably more protected than the lady, who would be discredited because of the stigma against sex workers.

I know my opinion is not a popular one here so I won't go on and on. But from statistics and my own vast albeit anecdotal experience.....the majority of rapes go unreported and the ones that are reported are difficult to prosecute without DNA and evidence of a struggle. Not saying false accusations never happen (Aziz Ansari for example--he got raked over the coals for nothing), but your best protection is not being a rapist, not taking your dick out at work, that kind of thing. :) So I think you're fine, but when in doubt, party. LOL.

Your opinion matters and thanks for sharing it. Sexual misconduct is never justified and i want to make clear that is not what I meant to imply with this post. Every client needs to follow the rules of the brothels and by doing so, they are extremely unlikely to have any repercussions of having visited a Brothel, especially when compared to the many other risks of the unknown. It is unlikely that someone will show up ten years later and say that "he touched me there" or whatever. He paid for it in a legal Brothel and she agreed to it and both were happy campers.
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Post by Dirk Diggler »

Obviously LPIN provides a safe outlet for a variety of things such as safe environment, opportunities to explore your sexuality, disease, free, relatively discreet, and yes less risk of being accused of doing something you didn't do.

If culturally this country comes to a place where LPIN is one of the only options to avoid being accused, then I will feel sorry for people here, both men and women. False accusations don't just hurt men, it hurts women as well and only increases the likelihood of them being ostracized in professional environments.

I'll agree that it is likely the number of rapes and assaults far outweigh false accusations. However, false accusations are more publicized and damaging when you see stories like the 4 dentists in Las Vegas falsely accused of rape grabbing national headlines.

Sexual assault can go both ways and in my experience women can be just as guilty of it as men if you go by the pure definition of the term. I can't say how many times I have been grabbed unexpectedly and even just a few weeks ago a female bartender came up behind me and grabbed my ass. Am I going to scream sexual assault? I could....but there needs to be some common sense applied, and that is something that is sorely lacking in this country lately. Everyone instead wants to run to court and hire a lawyer for almost everything instead of handling it like an adult.

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Post by Mikey »

Sexual abuse of women and children is the norm throughout the world, both in the civilized and uncivilized. As we've seen by the latest very public examples the victims rarely report it because of embarrassment and or fear, so most perps get away with it. The ones who do report it, especially if it's against someone rich or powerful, are going to be demonized. After all a supreme court justice or a priest would not do such a thing or lie about it. Only a small percentage of accusations are false, but it's always the first thing out of the perps mouth, "She made it all up!" Personally I don't share any concern about be charged with forcing myself on a woman, as I take "No" to mean "No!" Now when a guy on tape says, "I just grab them by the pussy", I take that as a confession.
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Post by Funmonger »

Spoken like a true "Never Trumper". That isn't my point and this has nothing to do with Trump. There will be men who listen to all of the hysteria on TV and the web and would rather just go to a "Safe" bet and go to LPIN rather than risk private dating. To say you understand that "no' means "no" is a given. So are I presume most people, especially ones who would spend money in LPIN, not everyone I am sure. But there are men who are victimized and falsely accused just as there are women who are victimized. My only point was that ithis seems to make a stronger case for LPIN? Of course, there are victims on both sides but that really wasn't the point. Do you disagree?
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Post by SixT9er »

One of the main benefits of LPIN is the safety factor. Safety from false accusations, safety from disease and safety from getting caught by SO or work. This safety is for both the client and the Ladies benefit.

That’s the beauty of the “L” is Legal
A Lady can ask any price and the client can always walk. If you accept her offer it's on you so don't bitch about it!