Sex's everywhere

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Sex's everywhere


Post by Mikey »

Last edited by Mikey on Fri Oct 19, 2018 4:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by MrTShirt »

Look at the Olympian gymnast doctor.  His supervisor was a pedophile.
In South Africa, a retired cop turned journalist was killed because of his investigations on sex abuse within the government.
In Australia, Child Protective Services was taking kids from families and "adopting" the children out to sex rings.
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Post by SixT9er »

Yes it’s everywhere unfortunately and it will continue. It’s nothing new and I believe 95%+ of the time it’s true.
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Post by Lee »

Yes it is a tragedy. It is compounded by the fact that a significant amount of it would never have to happen if Brothels and Courtesanship were accepted in all 50 states. I've minced no words and made it plain that people who support destruction of the Brothels and repression of a manageable human nature are to blame for most of the sexually related murders, rapes, child molestations, etc. When people, (especially men) have no outlet for their sex drive, they often become 'closet monsters' just waiting for what they see as their opportunity to attack. What will help the general population to understand this? Sadly I don't know, I just don't know. I wish I did and could share the answer.
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Post by FredT »

The sad fact is that everywhere in the world, with the exception of north america, Austyraslia/New Zealand,  and PARTS of europe sex abuse is everywhere, prevalent, and "unofficially" accepted and condoned.  To one extent or another South America, Africa and the mid (and Far east), women have far fewer rights than men, and are constantly treated that way. 

All I am trying (badly) to say here, is that as long as we are a nation of immigrants here in the USA,  we are going to have to deal with the issue on a continual basis..... 