Ladies online persona

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Ladies online persona


Post by SixT9er »

Does the way a Lady presents herself online play a part in your interest in her?

For me it does and has in both positive and negative ways.
I respect strong Ladies who stand up for themselves and have strong opinions whether I agree with them or not. Smart and strong are very sexy to me
On the opposite side are Ladies who come across as needy or money hungry. Ladies begging online for “gifts” or suggesting the only way you’ll get a good party is if you book VIP experiences like bungalow parties or outdates. I’ve gone on outdates and very much enjoy them but only after we have already had great parties that were not VIP.
Last edited by SixT9er on Fri Dec 21, 2018 2:08 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Duck11 »

Online persona plays a big part in drawing my interest. If I read posts about a lady constantly talking about bungalow, suite, or outdates it makes me less interested. The first thing I think is too rich for my blood.

I tend to look for ladies that joke around and can engage in playful banter.

I don’t write ladies off because of their online persona, but it makes me less likely to want to speak with them in person when I visit.
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Post by Cobia »

Reckon I am old school.  I pay a lot of attention to a ladies online persona.  Some scare me to death.
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Post by Cobia »

Chuckar chaser link wrote: I think there is only one that actually scares me.

LOL.....I might have to blackmail you on this one...... ;D ;D
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Post by Ironman »

SixT9er link wrote: Does the way a Lady presents herself online play a part in your interest in her?

For me it does and has in both positive and negative ways.
I respect strong Ladies who stand up for themselves and have strong opinions whether I agree with them or not. Smart and strong are very sexy to me
On the opposite side are Ladies who come across as needy or money hungry. Ladies begging online for “gifts” or suggesting the only way you’ll get a good party is if you book VIP experiences like bungalow parties or outdates. I’ve gone on outdates and very much enjoy them but only after we have already had great parties that were not VIP.

Not always, but there have been exceptions.

I have a petty good idea  how you came up with this topic. I will say there was only one lady I ever truly ruled out without meeting in person first, and that was simply because she was always picking a fight online with my retired ATF. There have been a few others based on there online persona I would approach with caution. But would not have ruled out assuming price could be agreed upon without meeting her in person first.
Last edited by Ironman on Fri Dec 21, 2018 5:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Dirk Diggler »

When I first began my foray into LPIN I would spend a good amount of time online looking at profiles/bio/posts to try to get a sense of what type of person she was and then that certainly factored into my decision making if I was going to try and meet her or not. In some cases my assumptions were correct and in some they were not.

Now, I prefer things to be more fluid and I don’t spend any time really trying to follow or analyze a lady’s online presence. I may take a cursory look at the brothel website beforehand just to get a sense of who might be there but that is it.

I arrive at the house with zero expectations and no preconceived opinions and let the chips fall where they may. It’s an approach that has worked well for me at least.
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Post by OlderPhart »

Does the way a Lady presents herself online play a part in your interest in her?

Yes, it DOES matter to me
Reviews only go so far - and - think about it....EVERY ONE is a review of a great party.
C'mon....NOBODY had a "just a so-so" party?
Or an "It was Okay" party?

Her on-line presence - plus her ability/willingness (or not) to interact is a HUGE component.....for me.

If I'm going to travel several thousand miles, I'd rather know ahead of time that she's not interested in my money.
That way I can (politely) blow her off at the bar, and not waste my time.
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Post by rachelvarga »

When people meet me they say I am very nice and sweet and not like online but that's not true. While I am a really giving caring affectionate person that does not like to fight. I will take up for the girls and defend those that are not able to.

People online sometimes think they can be mean or rude to me or others because they are behind a keyboard. They act mean and ask to have their ass handed to them.

In person people would never say what they say online to me or other girls.

I am the same person. I defend myself or friends when needed. If someone talked to me in person or to one of the girls they way they do online then they will get the online Rachel. It's the same me. Online people just get really big balls when they think they can shout an insult and run away.

If you wouldn't say something to someone in person then don't do it online. That makes you a coward.
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Post by Ironman »

Rachel Varga link wrote: When people meet me they say I am very nice and sweet and not like online but that's not true. While I am a really giving caring affectionate person that does not like to fight. I will take up for the girls and defend those that are not able to.

People online sometimes think they can be mean or rude to me or others because they are behind a keyboard. They act mean and ask to have their ass handed to them.

In person people would never say what they say online to me or other girls.

I am the same person. I defend myself or friends when needed. If someone talked to me in person or to one of the girls they way they do online then they will get the online Rachel. It's the same me. Online people just get really big balls when they think they can shout an insult and run away.

If you wouldn't say something to someone in person then don't do it online. That makes you a coward.

Actually I thought you were the same in person as you are online only difference your but looked a little better in person at least what I could see of it in the bar.?
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Post by OlderPhart »

>In person people would never say what they say online to me or other girls.

You're correct.  I've NEVER heard/overheard 90% of the topics/opinions discussed here (or anywhere else online) in a bar.

>If you wouldn't say something to someone in person then don't do it online.
Ah, but as you well know, online you aren't getting "The Rest of the Story"The facial expressions
The body language
On and on and on

So let me repeat - Her on-line presence - plus her ability/willingness (or not) to interact is a HUGE component.....for me.
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Post by rachelvarga »

OlderPhart link wrote: >In person people would never say what they say online to me or other girls.

You're correct.  I've NEVER heard/overheard 90% of the topics/opinions discussed here (or anywhere else online) in a bar.

>If you wouldn't say something to someone in person then don't do it online.
Ah, but as you well know, online you aren't getting "The Rest of the Story"The facial expressions
The body language
On and on and on

So let me repeat - Her on-line presence - plus her ability/willingness (or not) to interact is a HUGE component.....for me.
It is true that facial expressions don't always translate but all conversation can be expressed in a myriad of ways so with careful thought you can probably get it right. If in doubt then just don't say it.

Not all girls have an online presence. Many make plenty without even having Twitter. Also when a girl is NOT at work then she does not have to answer. Girls have private lives outside of the brothel. It is an unrealistic expectation that they will always be able to respond in a timeframe chosen by the sender. You write once and wait a few days, then you can write again. After one week then you move on.

Some people believe women should snap to attention when they want something. Doesn't work like that.
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Post by OlderPhart »

Rachel Varga link wrote: It is true that facial expressions don't always translate but all conversation can be expressed in a myriad of ways so with careful thought you can probably get it right. If in doubt then just don't say it.

Not all girls have an online presence. Many make plenty without even having Twitter. Also when a girl is NOT at work then she does not have to answer. Girls have private lives outside of the brothel. It is an unrealistic expectation that they will always be able to respond in a timeframe chosen by the sender. You write once and wait a few days, then you can write again. After one week then you move on.

Some people believe women should snap to attention when they want something. Doesn't work like that.

It isn't just facial expressions

It's body language as well - a LOT of it
- is she shaking with laughter at a joke or a pun?
- does she snort her drink?
- does she twitch her shoulders/shrug?

Obviously an immediate answer would be great.
But I don't expect an immediate answer - I hope for one....but I don't expect one.

Yeah.  After a week, move on.
This is a business.
I'm just the client.

The question was asked.

I answered.

I even expanded on my answer.

But....I can't help but keep referring back to a constantly repeated theme/phrase here:  "Communication is the Key"

I guess that communication is only a one-way street for some.
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Post by Mollyblythe »

Definitely interesting to read! People tend to show a different side of themselves online, but social media presence can tell you a decent amount. Not everything, but something, certainly.
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Post by MrTShirt »

Rachel Varga link wrote: When people meet me they say I am very nice and sweet and not like online but that's not true. While I am a really giving caring affectionate person that does not like to fight. I will take up for the girls and defend those that are not able to....
Note to self:  Be nice to Rachel all the time.  If not, my 26 incher might be history.
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Post by OlderPhart »

Mollyblythe link wrote: Definitely interesting to read! People tend to show a different side of themselves online, but social media presence can tell you a decent amount. Not everything, but something, certainly.

Perhaps I should explain/expand a bit more:

Her On-line presence isn't a _determnining_ factor.
It's more along the lines of her willingness to interact with me via eMail/IM/DM

I fully understand that 200+ emails in any given day (and/or EVERY day) is say the least.

Weeding out the scum vs guys like me, it's easy to make a mistake.

There are five "columns"  (for want of a better phrase) that I place the ladies in:

Column 1:  She Might Provide The Experience I'm Looking For - mostly based on her profile and/or posts
Column 2:  I'm Interested In Getting To Know Her Better - again, mostly based on her profile and/or posts
Column 3:  She's Willing To Chat/Explain/Discuss With Me Regarding The (Specific) Experience I'm Looking For
Column 4:  She's UN-Willing To Chat/Explain/Discuss With Me Regarding The Experience I'm Looking For - Except In Person
Column 5:  Pfagh....NOT worth it - no matter how highly rated she is.

But....if she _WON'T_ interact with me via eMail/IM/DM....she gets her name moved to both Columns 4 and 5

...and she will never know which column she's landed in - until I'm in the house & stare right thru her as if she's ____________
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Post by SixT9er »

OlderPhart link wrote:

Perhaps I should explain/expand a bit more:

Her On-line presence isn't a _determnining_ factor.
It's more along the lines of her willingness to interact with me via eMail/IM/DM

I fully understand that 200+ emails in any given day (and/or EVERY day) is say the least.

Weeding out the scum vs guys like me, it's easy to make a mistake.

There are five "columns"  (for want of a better phrase) that I place the ladies in:

Column 1:  She Might Provide The Experience I'm Looking For - mostly based on her profile and/or posts
Column 2:  I'm Interested In Getting To Know Her Better - again, mostly based on her profile and/or posts
Column 3:  She's Willing To Chat/Explain/Discuss With Me Regarding The (Specific) Experience I'm Looking For
Column 4:  She's UN-Willing To Chat/Explain/Discuss With Me Regarding The Experience I'm Looking For - Except In Person
Column 5:  Pfagh....NOT worth it - no matter how highly rated she is.

But....if she _WON'T_ interact with me via eMail/IM/DM....she gets her name moved to both Columns 4 and 5

...and she will never know which column she's landed in - until I'm in the house & stare right thru her as if she's ____________
I doubt she cares or will notice
Why spend your energy on her? Move on it obviously wasn’t a good fit
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Post by Vanityaffair »

I think meeting the Gill in person is the most important. Sometimes pictures don’t do a girl justice. Also some girls are not good on computers.
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