Those That Suffered

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Those That Suffered


Post by rachelvarga »

I just heard that Dennis is dead.

I don't feel sorry for him or anyone that enabled him or cheered him on while he was abusing and traumatizing girls. People like Suzette who for years said nothing and let it all happen. Girls that promoted him on television and in media I have no pity for.

My feelings are with those that suffered. Girls assaulted, raped,  and put out in the night when they said no. Those are the ones that I feel for. I know they will never have closure but I hope they have some relief knowing that the monster is gone.
Last edited by rachelvarga on Sat Nov 03, 2018 3:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Ironman »

The Mighty Peanut link wrote:

It seems for a few the grief has subsided as arguments arise regarding who slept with Hof more times, who was the last (ever) to sleep with him, and who among them was "daddy's one true love". There's also a debate over who is talking to the press and if the exclusive gossip was recorded without permission. (Source: twitter)

So I guess for those who hate him, this is his legacy. And for those who love him, this is his legacy.
I never met the guy, but I had dealings with more than one lady that couldn't stand him. Those feelings won't fade now that he is gone.

I am sorry, but even if they were never proven true my gut tells me the allegations of rape were true. Just because some were willing to play the game and call him Daddy whixh made my skin crawl every time I saw a girl call him Daddy in social media or what not.

Doesn't mean there weren't a lot of unwilling partners in his game

God in theory forgives all. Hopefully for the sake of Hof's soul this is true.

This little tune by my buddy and his bandmates kinda fits Hof.
Someday when he is in the right mood I will ask him during bowling league if they were inspired to record this song because they knew someone who had to live through the hell. But you don't want to open a can of worms or possibly old wounds. So while Derek has always been real good about telling stories behind the music. I am a little hesitant to ask where the inspiration behind this particular song may have come from.

His up coming blues solo effort should be interesting. With more back stories to tell.
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