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Re: Deposits, poor communication, hard feelings

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2019 6:55 am
by Duck11

What the hell is up with threatening a guy with showing a video to his wife through a legally obtained court order???
The legal system was not setup to blackmail somebody doing a perfectly legal act.

I’m glad the reviewer showed that email.

Re: Deposits, poor communication, hard feelings

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2019 3:02 am
by Midwest Couple
So, instead of a debate on who was at fault, we wonder who was "damaged" more in this situation? 

- The Customer, who is out $3,500 for an experience that did not live up to his expectation, but he did get a little.
- The working lady, who profited from the incident, however now has an extremely negative review floating out on the internet for her and her establishment. 

For us, it's easier to rebuild wealth than to rebuild reputation.  Even if you believe it's on the client to communicate his desire more - a good business person will be quick to make sure they leave satisfied enough NOT to write a negative review.... whether that's LPIN or Yelp or Zillow or....

Re: Deposits, poor communication, hard feelings

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2019 3:23 am
by SixT9er
Midwest Couple link wrote: So, instead of a debate on who was at fault, we wonder who was "damaged" more in this situation? 

- The Customer, who is out $3,500 for an experience that did not live up to his expectation, but he did get a little.
- The working lady, who profited from the incident, however now has an extremely negative review floating out on the internet for her and her establishment. 

For us, it's easier to rebuild wealth than to rebuild reputation.  Even if you believe it's on the client to communicate his desire more - a good business person will be quick to make sure they leave satisfied enough NOT to write a negative review.... whether that's LPIN or Yelp or Zillow or....
How much damage is a good question.
Only time will tell as it’s an unknown how much research a Brothel goer does on the internet prior to their visit. Years ago I’m sure it wasn’t much but these days I think it’s done much more. Message boards for communication etc are not huge As membership numbers tell but the info that can be accessed and is accessed by non members on these message boards can have an impact.
I would think that the info in that topic would turn away potential customers from even talking to her if their budgets were less than a third of the stated party price. This may be good for her, weed out the “riff raff”
You’d hope that it won’t affect the other Ladies in the house negatively but it may

Re: Deposits, poor communication, hard feelings

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2019 3:24 am
by Chicagobob
Dirk Diggler link wrote:
It came across as quite condescending to me, but hey it's the Internet and maybe it was an attempt at humor. Regardless of the reason, bad parties perceived or otherwise are bad for everyone as it can definitely affect how a client approaches future negotiations if they even go back to LPIN at all which could negatively impact multiple ladies. Of course it can cut both ways and there can be consequences for the client as well if they choose to make their feelings public. In the end, nothing changes how they feel and a person's character or personality doesn't really have anything to do with the situation.
That was said "tongue in cheek". We've ALL been there before!  I feel bad for both him and Lena.  Experience can be a brutal teacher, but we never forget the lessons learned. 

Re: Deposits, poor communication, hard feelings

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2019 5:13 am
by Ironman
roxanneprice link wrote: IIRC the client was requesting anal. Many ladies do charge a very high price for anal. The butthole is a fickle hole, and some people want to get compensated to the extreme for the inconvenience of using said hole.
That's what he asked for??. Maybe I should have read the review.? Although I am still going to blame how the system works more than the girl or the guy.

I only tried that once, and the price was under 1000. But that was with a lady that as she put not all the time but Occasionally liked taking it that way.  So yeah the only way you are going to get thwt kind of action at a reasonable rate is if its with a lady that actually likes that kind of actions.sure some ladies will offer that for the right price. But that doesn't mean they enjoy it.

So that brings it back to the system. If Ladies were allowed to discuss prices for certain types of services. He,would have known what to expect and showed around a little more. Maybe asking for a recommendation on a lady possibly willing to do that for a lot less.

Personally if I were to try that again it would
knew that was an option with the girl in front of me at the moment. I would only  have to discuss that in person with  her. Even then if that was  an option I probably would probably book one or two parties with her where we did it the for lack of a better term the traditional way.  There are a few ladies I have booked with still active. That in so many words said it is an option sometimes. It would come up in conversation. ? But I have never felt the need to find out what the actual price tag was or if it was something they liked doing sometimes. Or if its just something they offer sometimes. If you are willing to pay premium rates for it.

All that being said guys considering some ladies will quote 3000 or 4000 for an hour for a so called GFE party is 3,500 for anal which has always been a known specialty party is is a bargain from that point of view. Some ranches the ladies are not even supposed to legally even offer anal.

One last thing on that a friend of mine was trying to get anal at Sage back in 2011. He offered her 100 for anal?? I knew the girl so Just asked her what did he want and how short was he? Back in those days I at least had access to more cash I miss those days.? If it was a small enough difference he was a friend so I was going to  maybe makeup his shortage it was his birthday trip. One of the few times I was in that area on a trip that had nothing to do with a bowling tournament.

Anyway she said "he wanted anal and I was willing to do it for 500 for him he was 400 short." Nope he was on his own. That lady retired shortly after that 2011 trip. But she was an example of a lady willing to offer that at a reasonable rate, because sometimes she liked it that way.  But she had to be in the right mood for it.

Re: Deposits, poor communication, hard feelings

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2019 7:27 am
by Ironman
roxanneprice link wrote: Anyway, this is just my two cents so I'm probably wrong. lol[/size]
No not wrong. Miss Roxanne. I wouldn't make an appointment with you unless my intention was too keep it.?

As for the no climax thing Maybe I am weird I am cool ? if the lady in front of me lets me have fun trying doing a little while.

In my universe its more about making the journey then the end result but yes a big finish is always nice.?

Re: Deposits, poor communication, hard feelings

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2019 7:45 am
by SixT9er

Something that is a side note to this. In another thread he started he went to Sheri’s, partied, had a great experience etc. I’m not sure this happened on the same trip or not or within a short time frame even tho the posts are both new.

This goes back to how can you make an agreement on activities/price without discussing price? Bottom line you can’t.

There are numerous times this type of thing has happened. Guy contacts unknown Lady. Guy describes what he wants in a party, Lady says she provides that. Up to this point all is good & at this point the Lady being the one in control should then tell the client any further discussion regarding price needs to be done in person at the house. But more often than not a price gets put out there indirectly either by in this case the 10% deposit or as I’ve seen otherwise a “ballpark” figure that the Lady strongly implies is not just a “ballpark”. Then the guy shows up thinking he is set but then for what ever reason the price jumps drastically.

Result that I have witnessed. Guy goes ahead and parties because he had his heart set on this Lady, he’s horny or he’s already traveled a long distance & is basically not willing to go looking elsewhere because he’s tired or any number of reasons. Then is in a bad mood when he does it because now he’s feeling ripped off. In this state of mind has no way of having a good party then leaves disappointed, angry and regretful of the entire experience. Gets home and writes a negative review of the Lady.

Guilt for the bad party lays across both their laps but just as the Lady has final say in all things pertaining to the Party the guy has the final say with his wallet.


If you need to make a deposit only do minimal amt to secure the Lady being there but don’t take it as any indication of party cost.
Walk away if things don’t go a way you will be happy with the end result. Better to walk and regret a failed negotiation than to party and regret a bad party, much cheaper too
Never assume you have a set price with someone you haven’t negotiated with in person.
Remember there is no price set for the party until it is done in person at the house

Don’t discuss price anywhere except in person as this often leads to misunderstandings and ultimately a smear on you
Be prepared if you party with a guy after he’s had his fantasy shot down by you that he will not have a good party so maybe it would be better to pass on that party.
Stop this 10% of party deposit BS. Just if you need to require a set base amount to guarantee your availability. This will save a lot of confusion because how can you require 10% of a party amount that hasnt even been agreed to?

These are for first time meetings. Meetings with regulars fall into a different area but these are good to remember regardless

Re: Deposits, poor communication, hard feelings

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 12:22 am
by rachelvarga
I hope that's not on here.  Please send me the link.

Re: Deposits, poor communication, hard feelings

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 4:44 am
by wrb55roscojr
Just remember ,that the wife. Got his phone, and brought up the deleted pictures. And is planning to divorce him. Or so the screen shot ,that I saw says.

What a train wreck!

Re: Deposits, poor communication, hard feelings

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 8:02 am
by TheImpsDelight
Rachel Varga link wrote: I hope that's not on here.  Please send me the link.
It's not. ... #msg381208

Re: Deposits, poor communication, hard feelings

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 11:25 am
by wayne208
To Me it sounds like bad communication on Both Sides .. I have been Walked Once this Year and No I will not say By Who .. Like I have said I have been walked before and I have No Doubt I will be walked again .. And Guess What I can Live with that as can The Lady ..  8) 8)  .. No Vibe guess what There is the Door Leave and thank Everyone for their time on the way Out ..

Re: Deposits, poor communication, hard feelings

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 6:58 pm
by Ironman
TheImpsDelight link wrote: It's not. ... #msg381208
OK after clicking on that link and following the discussion.
Regardless of what all else went wrong the dude was not real bright. ?

Re: Deposits, poor communication, hard feelings

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 7:05 pm
by Vanityaffair
I don’t require  deposits. If you want to that’s a different story. I like when someone emails me and plans something with me. Or calls to plan something. This way I’m ready when they get there. Walkins are fine to.
XO Vanity

Re: Deposits, poor communication, hard feelings

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 2:03 am
by Cobia
I have had "several" appointments broken .  Never do a deposit !!