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Ladies age

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2019 5:20 pm
by SixT9er
I don’t get the point of having a Ladies age in her profile. Either you’re attracted to her or you aren’t.
Because of the ageism that exists in this business it forces many Ladies to feel they have to lie so they don’t lose out on a customer.
Just leave that off. If she’s Sexy to you why care?

Re: Ladies age

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2019 4:13 pm
by Dirk Diggler
Age has never mattered to me and I never pay attention to it on a bio or ask. I also have found no correlation between age and quality of a party in my personal experience and have enjoyed equally great parties with all age ranges. Bottom line generally speaking is that I'm physically attracted to the lady and that we are clicking, but in a few instances I've even had parties with ladies I wouldn't rate as high physically speaking but their personality was so kick ass I was still into them. I do think my tastes run contrary though to many other posters, but thankfully there are plenty of houses and ladies to choose from.

Re: Ladies age

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2019 2:03 am
by Lomez
I'm with Dirk on this. No correlation at all between age and party. I'd add that I have met ladies in their 20s who were far more mature than ladies in their 30s, more focused, more on their game, and hence more fun to be around. Personality is job one for me and the rest are the accoutrements.

Re: Ladies age

Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2019 3:36 pm
by The Toffeeman
I prefer the ladies to be younger than me, whether that is a few years or 20 years doesn't matter. I want the experience to be a fantasy and in my mind that is not with an older lady, at least as my preferences are at the moment. While I agree that skills and age do not correlate necessarily (from my less limited sample size). 

Re: Ladies age

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2019 10:48 am
by Vanityaffair
You see it took me a while to answer this post. I might be one of top cougars in Lpin. But you know what they say the older the wine the better the taste. All natural and well preserved.
XO Vanity

Re: Ladies age

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2019 7:18 am
by FumbleNutts
I've partied with all races, sizes, and age. But, if I think the lady's around my daughter's age I get creeped out  :o I partied once with a lady at Dove that I thought was 25 or better, but she happened to tell me in conversation at the bar afterward that she was 22 and was confirmed by Monica  :-\ I thought I was going to cough and choke up my Nutts  :-[

Re: Ladies age

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2019 7:25 am
by MrTShirt
Now Fumbles, I don't have your problem.
Given my age, all the girls are younger than me.  Really, really young.

(Hint, I am so old I was Abraham Lincoln's basketball coach.)

Re: Ladies age

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2019 3:15 pm
by Ironman
MrTShirt link wrote: Now Fumbles, I don't have your problem.
Given my age, all the girls are younger than me.  Really, really young.

(Hint, I am so old I was Abraham Lincoln's basketball coach.)
Still way younger than that cave man Cobia!???