Deferring Mortgage and Other Bills

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Re: Deferring Mortgage and Other Bills


Post by Prospector Bob »

Rachel Varga link wrote: 50% of IRS workers surveyed said they would turn in a family member. Ouch. But I guess if you know and you don't they will get you too.

Collection companies. Did you know they make more money when economy is bad than when it is good. That is ruthless.

HOA - Assholes. That's all I need to say.
A HOA here had a conniption fit when a home owner erected a flag pole in his front yard to fly "Old Glory." They levied a heavy fine on the owner when he refused to take it down. The home owner sued the HOA & won in court. Now several homes in that association have flag poles. They can fly the flag in their front yards but still can't have outdoor clothes lines in their backyards.  : :)
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Post by Prospector Bob »

Drew_Ryan link wrote: Lol, I bet you would but my cats are very protective of their mommy. They have been known to bite my cuddle buddies.
Back in the 1980s I had a Siamese tom cat who was a protective little beast. He would chase dogs out of the yard if they dared to wander in. It didn't matter how big they were either. He was fearless!  :o
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Post by Drew_Ryan »

Well Bruce, I took your advice and restricted their Netflix access. I tried to restrict it to "Kung-flu" movies and surprisingly several movies came up. The same titles include but not limited to: Attack of the Measles: Shanghai, Nurse Ninja, and several others.
MABretAF link wrote: Just be sure to keep them away from any "kung-Flu" movies; they might start a pussy pandemic! Come to think of it, that might not be an entirely terrible idea, at least in one sense [which is where my mind goes, of course].  ;)

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Post by Underground Farmer »

I love a beautiful sexy girl with a sense of humor, you are amazing Drew. I have nothing but respect, I'll try to lay off the hairless pussy jokes. (Well maybe).
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Post by Drew_Ryan »

Well, all great things must come to an end. You have a better faith then Pompeii, but I’ll be the first to initiate the pussy drowning.

MABretAF link wrote: Woman! What have you done?! I said keep them AWAY from kung-flu movies, not restrict them to a diet of them. Now we'll have a pussy pandemic for sure! I'm liable to drown in pussy! Oh what a fate.  ;)

Last edited by Drew_Ryan on Mon Apr 06, 2020 8:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Drew_Ryan »

Well thank you very much, you are a sweet heart. But, that doesn’t mean I’m not going to beat you-up for making fun of my cats. A momma has to protect her cubs.

tkoss link wrote: I love a beautiful sexy girl with a sense of humor, you are amazing Drew. I have nothing but respect, I'll try to lay off the hairless pussy jokes. (Well maybe).
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Post by Drew_Ryan »

    Maybe one day, but I’m going to make you beg.
MABretAF link wrote: And I will be the first in line to willingly submerge myself in whatever pussy drowning you initiate. (I'd put a 'praying and hopeful' emoticon here if that was on option.)

Take care, Drew.

Drew Ryan