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Re: Just Wear The Damn Mask

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2020 5:43 am
by rachelvarga
I think people have this belief that freedom means rebel against everything. If the law says don't eat your poop, someone will say it is their Godgiven right and eat it.

Individualism is good but it's really extreme sometimes. Look at how many nursing homes there are. I had never heard of anything like that until I got here. For extreme situations it's good but people hear treat old people like shit because they might interfere with their life. "okay boomer"  is a great example of how self centered people are.

Me me me and what "I" want. This hyper individualism breeds narcississm. I'm so important I don't need to do my part. This is actually a threat to American society. People spend too much time trying to be the badass outlaw.

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Re: Just Wear The Damn Mask

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2020 5:04 pm
by Mikey
Where I live you are required to wear a mask (Alameda county CA), if you enter a business or are in an enclosed area. Most businesses have signs on the front door saying you must wear a mask to enter, as well as marks on the ground indicating where you need to stand in order to maintain "social distancing".[/size]

Re: Just Wear The Damn Mask

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2020 9:12 pm
by rachelvarga
Not in Texas. Ridiculous.

Re: Just Wear The Damn Mask

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2020 5:25 pm
by 777
Offleash link wrote: I was just chuckling over how if I wore a mask a couple of weeks ago, I was a selfish asshole.

Today, if I don't wear one, I am a selfish asshole.

For some reason, watching adults trying to navigate the world sometimes brings to mind a bunch of three-year-olds running around on a soccer field.

I will admit that I was slow to make the switch myself, but at this point am fully on board with masking up in the store.

Which, a couple weeks ago, would get the cops called on me, instead of the other way around.



When you present it like that it does sound stupid.  But is that the whole story?  Wasn't the initial criticism against people who were wearing medical grade masks?

Re: Just Wear The Damn Mask

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2020 10:50 pm
by rachelvarga

I understand where you are coming from. Herd immunity may be a good thing but I can't chance giving it to someone elderly around me. I am going to visit family soon and they 89 and 93.

I know that wearing any homemade mask is not as useful as an N95 (which I wear)  but at least they keep people from coughing and sneezing on everyone.

Personally I like that people stay away from me now.

Re: Just Wear The Damn Mask

Posted: Fri May 01, 2020 3:44 am
by Cobia
Chuckar chaser link wrote: Do you remember where you hauled them to?

Oakland Army base.

250 lb. ers.

That was in 1969.  They went to Nam I bet.

Re: Just Wear The Damn Mask

Posted: Fri May 01, 2020 7:11 am
by Offleash
777 link wrote:
When you present it like that it does sound stupid.  But is that the whole story?  Wasn't the initial criticism against people who were wearing medical grade masks?
Thanks for the questions. Lots to think about.

Kinda remember there being so many negative and conflicting inputs (masks not available, others need them more, masks don't work, masks are too complicated for average humans to use, cloth masks can kill you, etc. etc. etc.) that I just simplified it down to "I won't be wearing a mask" and went about my day.

I think initially it felt like if I wore a mask it could be taken as a signal that I was sick. People actually seemed more relaxed and comfortable with me being mask-free, maybe because that was a sign that I was "normal" or something? Over time, and with more and more masks out and about, I gradually started to feel more of a "fuck you asshole" vibe for being mask-free. When I finally did hit the store sporting a face bandanna, it felt like the right thing to do, and that I was fitting in with the general expectations. Almost like going along with the crowd was of more importance in the decision than any mandate or technical info.

Definitely some irony in having what used to be good change to bad, and vice versa. I was thinking a lot about what it takes to change someone's mind and behavior--lots of subtle and unseen factors--and not always the easiest thing to do.

I think the soccer reference had to do with the ideas of individual effort, teamwork, and having a game plan. And the effect of exclusively employing one of those without the other two. Might have been a little harsh with that, sorry.

Mostly just started out to say hey Rachel I got me a damn mask now.

Re: Just Wear The Damn Mask

Posted: Fri May 01, 2020 9:03 am
by Nelspot
Mikey link wrote: Where I live you are required to wear a mask (Alameda county CA), if you enter a business or are in an enclosed area. Most businesses have signs on the front door saying you must wear a mask to enter, as well as marks on the ground indicating where you need to stand in order to maintain "social distancing".[/size]
Remember when stores would have a sign, "No shoes, No shirt, No service" ?  Now it needs to read, "No shoes, No shirt, No mask, No service" ! 

Re: Just Wear The Damn Mask

Posted: Fri May 01, 2020 3:53 pm
by AlexaWu
It's good seeing counties requiring people to wear the mask.. placebo effect.

Re: Just Wear The Damn Mask

Posted: Fri May 01, 2020 7:22 pm
by rachelvarga
Offleash link wrote:

I think initially it felt like if I wore a mask it could be taken as a signal that I was sick.
When I was the only in the store people looked at me funny but would walk right up to me to get what they needed. I guess they thought I was crazy. I remember this lady right next to me in a stroller. I looked down and felt bad for him or her. I thought if there is an even small chance I would not leave my baby uncovered. Also felt bad because it would grow up with parents thst wear atrocious clothes. ?

Re: Just Wear The Damn Mask

Posted: Sat May 02, 2020 2:14 am
by Prospector Bob
I went to the post office yesterday. While folks in line to see a clerk were maintaining social distancing, only about half of them wore masks. All the clerks had masks. At the stamp vending kiosk it was a different story. No one had masks (except moi  :) ) & folks were rather close together. None of them seemed to care how close the person next to them was or whether they wore a mask... or not.

When I first started seeing folks wearing masks, It never occurred to me they were the ones who might be sick. I always thought they were just protecting themselves.

Re: Just Wear The Damn Mask

Posted: Sat May 02, 2020 9:27 am
by G
I think it has much to do with where you live or go out.  Much of rural Nevada has zero cases and zero deaths. If you go into a store wearing a mask people will either think you are robbing the place or you have the virus.

Other parts of the country you would probably get tarred and feathered from not wearing a mask.

That is why I think the reopening plan is totally backwards.  It should start at the unincorporated towns up to city and county level.

Re: Just Wear The Damn Mask

Posted: Sat May 02, 2020 10:13 pm
by Prospector Bob
Went to the bank yesterday wearing my mask. No problemo! No one even batted an eye. All the tellers & the security guard had masks on too.  8)

Stopped at Smith's to get a bottle of vino on the way home from the bank. Had to wait in line (six feet apart) about 5 minutes before being allowed in. Inside almost everyone was masked. There were a few that weren't. At the self-checkout kiosks, even though there were "Wait Here" markers on the floor, it was pretty tight company waiting for an open kiosk. I backed out of there & thought, "Is there anything else I need?" MEAT! I needed to get a roast & some hamburger. When I got back to the self-checkouts the traffic jam was gone & got on an unoccupied kiosk right away.

There was a sign on the kiosk key-pad, "DO NOT SPRAY KEY-PAD WITH DISINFECTANT! STORE ASSOCIATES CLEAN THE KEY-PAD ON A REGULAR SCHEDULE." I guess some folks were bringing their own disinfectant sprays.  : :)

Re: Just Wear The Damn Mask

Posted: Sat May 09, 2020 4:42 pm
by Offleash
Rachel Varga link wrote: When I was the only in the store people looked at me funny but would walk right up to me to get what they needed. I guess they thought I was crazy. I remember this lady right next to me in a stroller. I looked down and felt bad for him or her. I thought if there is an even small chance I would not leave my baby uncovered. Also felt bad because it would grow up with parents that wear atrocious clothes. ?
Ha ha ha i just saw this.

Today I did a short 4 mile bike ride to pick up some takeout food. I've mostly only worn the mask for going to the grocery store, but just for the hell of it, I decided to put on a cloth mask that one of my housemates made for me for the outdoor ride. Obviously, I checked out peoples' reactions to the masked rider along the way, and also tried to keep a tally of others who were sporting the mask. I almost made it back home at Me 1 Others 0, but at the last minute I saw a couple others then a couple, so the final tally was 1 mask for me and 4 for the rest of the world. I was kinda bookin it on the way, so I didn't stop to interview anyone, but these are the reactions--at least as I perceived them--along the way:

Dude that is so last week
Must not have got the memo
Why are you out if you have Covid-19
Stay away from my children
You must love big government
OK boomer

Anyway, I made it back home safe and without incident, and my food was delicious. Stay safe everyone, and see y'all after the 2nd3rd wave.


Re: Just Wear The Damn Mask

Posted: Sat May 09, 2020 5:40 pm
by Dr. Who
I've been seeing the same thing as Offleash in my area too.  I didn't go out biking, but I went out for a walk today and only a few people were wearing masks outside.  Although, masks are optional if you're walking/jogging alone outside, but you still need to distance yourself from others who pass by.  I was wearing mine, since I ordered some takeouts from a local place a few blocks from my house and decided to pick it up myself instead of having it delivered. 

I also saw several groups of young folks crowded together not wearing masks or distancing.  What's getting bad is that we're hearing more incidents of violence when some covidiots refuse to wear a mask in stores where they are required.  They just don't give a shit for the store workers who are the more vulnerable ones having to deal with the crowds of shoppers everyday.  My neighborhood isn't too bad, but you hear about these things happening in the more depressed parts of the city, some of which are in the Covid hot zones too.

Re: Just Wear The Damn Mask

Posted: Sun May 10, 2020 5:20 am
by Florida Couple
Dr. Who link wrote: I've been seeing the same thing as Offleash in my area too.  I didn't go out biking, but I went out for a walk today and only a few people were wearing masks outside.  Although, masks are optional if you're walking/jogging alone outside, but you still need to distance yourself from others who pass by.  I was wearing mine, since I ordered some takeouts from a local place a few blocks from my house and decided to pick it up myself instead of having it delivered. 

I also saw several groups of young folks crowded together not wearing masks or distancing.  What's getting bad is that we're hearing more incidents of violence when some covidiots refuse to wear a mask in stores where they are required.  They just don't give a shit for the store workers who are the more vulnerable ones having to deal with the crowds of shoppers everyday.  My neighborhood isn't too bad, but you hear about these things happening in the more depressed parts of the city, some of which are in the Covid hot zones too.
The only time Mr isn't wearing his mask is when he goes running outside.  I sometimes cross the street back and forth to avoid people... See many retirees in groups of 6 or 8 talking and walking in a group... not budging when they see me coming.  WTF?

Re: Just Wear The Damn Mask

Posted: Sun May 10, 2020 6:04 am
by Ironman
The county I live in here in California covering your nose and mouth with a mask or a scarf is mandatory. When going into any of the few stores that are open.  If caught not wearing it face a fairly large fine.

Re: Just Wear The Damn Mask

Posted: Mon May 11, 2020 5:58 pm
by rachelvarga
I don't think anyone down here even cares.

Re: Just Wear The Damn Mask

Posted: Mon May 11, 2020 9:22 pm
by Prospector Bob
The last time I went out a large majority of folks I saw were wearing masks. On the late news last night they did a story on mask usage. According to the story, hardly anyone is wearing them anymore. I need to go to the bank again sometime this week. You can bet I'll have my mask on. Here in New Mexico there are 100 to 150 new cases of coronavirus every day! This ain't close to done yet but I guess folks are getting weary of this pandemic. A story in the newspaper that said masks weren't that effective didn't help much.

Re: Just Wear The Damn Mask

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2020 10:18 am
by Chicagobob
Being the responsible person that I am, I thought I'd post this pic showing the correct way to wear a mask.

Re: Just Wear The Damn Mask

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2020 5:43 am
by OldNick999
I want to find the scariest masks I can. The Heavy Metal Shop in SLC has some with a big 666 on them. Maybe I can grab one, possibly some scarier ones, and maybe, I can do my part to help this pandemic go away a little quicker. Not just for health reasons, but so I won’t have to go to the store with the number of the beast on my face.

If that doesn’t work, I’ll cosplay as Shredder in public.