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Pricing perspective

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2020 5:50 pm
by SixT9er
My thought on why sharing prices, especially telling others what they should pay isn’t a good idea & in this case it has selfish undertones.

I’m no whale financially. I pay what my budget allows. Now if the Ladies all only saw guys in my budgetary class would that be enough for them to work at the Brothel?
I don’t know the answer but I am thankful to the guys who’s budgets are 2-10X higher than mine because they do provide enough income for the Ladies to be at the house when I’m able to visit.
Think of it like this if $Z is my budget & I make $Y income a client who makes 5X What I do isn’t spending anymore percentage wise if he’s paying 5X what I do.

But no matter what I say there will be guys who are sure the Ladies are all out to rip them off & all I can say to them is you have issues & maybe you should look elsewhere

Re: Pricing perspective

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2020 10:19 am
by rachelvarga
SixT9er link wrote: I do have to address this personally since you completely misunderstood the first part.
The selfish undertones I was referring to were for me not calling out others. As I stated I believe that the high paying guys make it so us guys who are not whales can afford to go. So I’m being selfish in that I don’t want these people of means to be told to pay a lower price because then the Lady I want to see May longer be there because she is no longer making enough.
Okay but we aren't hiding anything anyway.

They get a cheaper rate due to repeated business. So therefore they should not worry about anyone else's prices. Their parties are not a significant part of our income either so in reality if we didn't take any of them it would not really hurt us. They have it good so they should stay out of our business.

Some of you obviously don't like women because you never say anything positive. It's obvious to all of us that we are not respected as women by many of you. So find someone else to pick on, get a therapist and deal with your woman issues. We are not your punching bag.

You are not our partner, you are not smarter than us, you are not superior, if anything some of you are just plain mean assholes.

Now you know what most of us think.

Keep trying to convince the world that you are smarter than us, that we fuck people over all you want. I get enough emails to know that nobody cares or likes the ones that are assholes.

Re: Pricing perspective

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2020 11:13 am
by rachelvarga
Time to wrap up this thread. Get your say in before I do.

Re: Pricing perspective

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2020 11:37 am
by Slednx
Rachel Varga link wrote:

They get a cheaper rate due to repeated business. So therefore they should not worry about anyone else's prices. Their parties are not a significant part of our income either so in reality if we didn't take any of them it would not really hurt us. They have it good so they should stay out of our business.
Bingo! I have said numerous times as did my ATF's on the other board that I got my rate due to high repeat business. I left happy, proud to have stellar parties with top tier ladies for those rates. Never once did I think of their other clients or what they paid as part of the reason.

Thanks for proving just how wrong 69ers little "perspective" actually was. Lol

Re: Pricing perspective

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2020 12:37 pm
by Chicagobob
Fuck it!  I'm going to Tijuana!  8)

Re: Pricing perspective

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2020 12:39 pm
by rachelvarga
Go fight somewhere wlse. This price stuff is getting old.

Re: Pricing perspective

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2020 12:45 pm
by Chicagobob

Re: Pricing perspective

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2020 3:03 pm
by SixT9er
Rachel Varga link wrote: They get a cheaper rate due to repeated business. So therefore they should not worry about anyone else's prices. Their parties are not a significant part of our income either so in reality if we didn't take any of them it would not really hurt us. They have it good so they should stay out of our business.
For those with comprehension issues the guys who get a lower price due to repeat business isn’t enough income bump that if they stopped coming the Ladies would miss the $ because they make their real $ off the higher paying customers.
Confirms what I said, the higher paying customers allow for the Ladies to give lower priced parties...

Re: Pricing perspective

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2020 8:04 pm
by rachelvarga
SixT9er link wrote: For those with comprehension issues the guys who get a lower price due to repeat business isn’t enough income bump that if they stopped coming the Ladies would miss the $ because they make their real $ off the higher paying customers.
Confirms what I said, the higher paying customers allow for the Ladies to give lower priced parties...
Not exactly. Monger parties are just a small part of what we make. Customers that pay the regular rate are not allowing any cheaper parties to happen.

We don't take monger parties and make up the difference by charging others more. That would be wrong.

No way my other regulars are paying for someone elses party. A few get a little cheaper because they have been coming for years. I don't party with hardly any mongers. The headache of dealing with unreasonable expectations.

Oh and by the way guys. You are all trying to be the coolest and get the lowest price. Well I hate to break it to you but a ton of you are paying the regular price you just don't admit because the others will laugh at you.

Anyway. All this has gone and in. It started in another thread about some of you trying to sabotage our business but it gets turned around on us, like we are doing something wrong.

So goodnight to all. I'm taking some time off.