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Re: Does writing a review "OUT" a girls pricing?

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2020 4:38 pm
by rachelvarga
I don't think I have seen anyone listing a price. Id someone says it's a good deal or that they felt it was expensive that is a valid part of the review. I don't think there is a problem there. In my opinion.

Re: Does writing a review "OUT" a girls pricing?

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2020 2:19 pm
by Cobia
I took a friends advice yrs. ago and it turned out to be 1 of the worse parties I have ever had but it has gone the other way several times so......

Like they say YMMV.

Re: Does writing a review "OUT" a girls pricing?

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2020 6:05 pm
by rachelvarga
Dirk Diggler link wrote: My post probably came off a bit harsh but it’s in our nature to dissemble, even if it’s to protect our own psyche, so sometimes a reality check is a good thing.

I don’t doubt that reviews make you feel good Rachel and have possibly helped your business on occasion. However, you and a minority of other ladies are the exception due to your success and longevity in the business. I don’t know the stats, but I would bet ladies last only 1 year at most or likely 6 months or lower on average, especially in some houses. Most ladies simply aren’t around long enough for reviews to have much effect and again those reviews don’t reach a large audience if just left to forums.

Overall I just don’t see much value in reviews other than as an emotional transaction for the reviewer much like posting on FB or IM’s for likes or attention. Nothing wrong with that of course, but the reality is that most likely the only person that really cares about a “good” review is the one who posted it.
When you first start out reviews actually help you a lot and if you want really outstanding reviews you have to work at it. I think you under estimate the effect they can have.

Re: Does writing a review "OUT" a girls pricing?

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2020 7:05 pm
by Dirk Diggler
Rachel Varga link wrote: When you first start out reviews actually help you a lot and if you want really outstanding reviews you have to work at it. I think you under estimate the effect they can have.

Guess we will agree to disagree, but I'll keep waiting for the day that the majority of ladies are heavily involved on forums (house or otherwise) and pushing reviews since they are essential to business. Maybe someday it will happen; I guess either way it really isn't my concern.

I just have different views on things and on occasion post them. In most instances I don't bother though as my thought process is clearly quite different than most of the posters here. Maybe its a generational thing in part, who knows. You can go back to your regularly scheduled programming now...I think I've scratched my itch enough  8)

Re: Does writing a review "OUT" a girls pricing?

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2020 7:10 pm
by Dirk Diggler
Chicagobob link wrote: Oh, I wouldn't say that!  8)

I would and did, and that is speaking from personal experience. Nothing personal meant by it though....different strokes for different folks that's all.

Re: Does writing a review "OUT" a girls pricing?

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2020 2:25 am
by SixT9er
I think for better or worse the reviews that get the most attention are the reviews on the house boards under the Ladies profile/pictures not either of the independent forums. A potential client is surfing a house board that he is looking at visiting. Clicks a Ladies pic he’s interested in & reads her reviews attached to it. I think these are the reviews that benefit the Ladies the most.

Re: Does writing a review "OUT" a girls pricing?

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2020 3:36 am
by Cobia
I think it " matters " who posted the review too.

Re: Does writing a review "OUT" a girls pricing?

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2020 4:48 am
by Ironman
Cobia link wrote: I took a friends advice yrs. ago and it turned out to be 1 of the worse parties I have ever had but it has gone the other way several times so......

Like they say YM
I never ever take recommendations even from friends. I wait till I meat them in person myself.  I rarely even read reviews. I don't give recommendations either.  My likes may not be the same as someone else. If someone asks which they do. I will say sure go ahead meet her and make up
Your own mind I don't want it biting me in the ass if the person doesn't like the girl.

I do think some of the guys over the years that would watch my nutty little productions would mistake them as an endorsement for whatever girl I put in the story. Nope they were simply me telling a story. It was  not my fault if the viewers of  my whatever you want to call them forgot to read the disclaimer before hitting the play button. If a viewer took a shine to one of the ladies I used in my stories. The viewer went off and met the lady, and the two of them were a bad match that was all on them for not reading the disclaimer before hitting the play button.??

Anyway guys never ever give recommendations it will just bite you in the ass. If you want to seek out the opinion of someone you trust that is all fine and dandy. Just remember it is their personal opinion of the girl. If you go off and meet the girl, and she doesn't live up to expectations you built up In your mind, or you too are just a bad match. At the end of the day its on you. Not the other person. Just because girl X is a great match with guy A doesn't necessarily mean she will be a good match with guy B. Always read all reviews. Take all so called recommendations and opinions with a heavy grain of salt. My 10 Might be your minus 2.  Your treasure might  be my week old trash.?

Re: Does writing a review "OUT" a girls pricing?

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2020 12:50 pm
by Chicagobob
I think my reviews reflect ladies that are a bit less inhibited.  I tend to seek out the PSE style parties with a little extra kink.  To each his own though...  we all have our own tastes and preferences.  Spit, swallow, or gargle!  ;D

Re: Does writing a review "OUT" a girls pricing?

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2020 3:56 pm
by VeraBliss
If you are looking to have a real genuine PSE then look no further as I am a pornstar and have a ton of experience with shooting pornos, multiple positions, as well as role playing!! ?

You can check out all of my full length pornos on my

Re: Does writing a review "OUT" a girls pricing?

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2020 5:02 pm
by sgtaliin9150
Dirk Diggler link wrote: While we say we post reviews to show appreciation for a lady (myself included), the real truth is that it's mostly self-congratulatory.
I would say self serving. Some of them are full on short porn novels. A general experience is more helpful to me as a client looking for a Courtesan.
Rachel Varga link wrote: All I can say is this. A good review makes me feel good. It does help business.
In my opinion, this is the main reason to leave a review for a Courtesan you had an enjoyable time with.
Dirk Diggler link wrote: I don’t doubt that reviews make you feel good Rachel and have possibly helped your business on occasion. However, you and a minority of other ladies are the exception due to your success and longevity in the business. I don’t know the stats, but I would bet ladies last only 1 year at most or likely 6 months or lower on average, especially in some houses. Most ladies simply aren’t around long enough for reviews to have much effect and again those reviews don’t reach a large audience if just left to forums.

Overall I just don’t see much value in reviews other than as an emotional transaction for the reviewer much like posting on FB or IM’s for likes or attention. Nothing wrong with that of course, but the reality is that most likely the only person that really cares about a “good” review is the one who posted it.
I think you seriously undervalue reviews. One of the major reasons for purchasing the truck I did was based on weeks of reading others opinions and reviews. From tech things, to getting parts for my truck, reviews have a big influence on what I purchase.

As Rachel said, reviews can be a boon to new Courtesans as well.
SixT9er link wrote: I think for better or worse the reviews that get the most attention are the reviews on the house boards under the Ladies profile/pictures not either of the independent forums. A potential client is surfing a house board that he is looking at visiting. Clicks a Ladies pic he’s interested in & reads her reviews attached to it. I think these are the reviews that benefit the Ladies the most.
I did zero research before my first visit. I regretted at first, but after quite a bit of reflection, I am glad I didn't. I did a great deal of research after. It allowed to me to figure out exactly what type of party I want. It became clear pretty early on that I wanted to avoid the house boards. I like it here, and I appreciate the ladies that participate.

Re: Does writing a review "OUT" a girls pricing?

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2020 4:19 am
by Lee
To answer the original question: Other than directly saying what was paid, it would require 'heavily alluding' to a particular price window to cause that. That then would be pricing post, not a review (imho)

Re: Does writing a review "OUT" a girls pricing?

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2020 10:44 am
by Chicagobob
As a guy, I enjoy reading reviews.  Inquiring minds want to know...  ;)