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Starting on Sunday, we're once again in lockdown

Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2020 3:25 pm
Doesn't surprise me. I don't know how much it will help with people refusing to modify their behavior and take the virus seriously. 

Lockdown means no travel other then local for such things as going to the store or doctor or to work and back. Of course there's no way they can really enforce it.  Looks like long lines once again waiting to get into stores with nothing left on the shelves once you do get in. Hopefully, they'll start doing senior hours again  making it easier for us old farts.

Re: Starting on Sunday, we're once again in lockdown

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2020 7:21 am
In normal times, Renown is big enough to handle Reno. There is also St Mary's hospital plus the hospital in Carson City. These are not even close to normal times. 

Re: Starting on Sunday, we're once again in lockdown

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2020 7:46 am
by Dirk Diggler
georoc01 link wrote: Cancer isn't keeping the Brothels closed. COVID is. So yes, we talk about COVID because its the reason we can't talk about the brothels right now.

And Heart Disease is going to be going back up as COVID does significant damage to vascular health.

Wrong. Politics is keeping the brothels closed, not COVID. The same as how politics is keeping schools closed despite overwhelming evidence that children are not at any real risk of getting COVID or spreading it which is why almost every other developed country in the world reopened schools. Stop buying into the lies.

Re: Starting on Sunday, we're once again in lockdown

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2020 2:18 pm
I kind of get your thinking as to why politics could play a role in keeping the brothels closed even if I disagree with it. However, I don't see how politics is keeping the schools closed. You're going to have to explain that one to me.

Re: Starting on Sunday, we're once again in lockdown

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2020 5:51 pm
by rachelvarga

Re: Starting on Sunday, we're once again in lockdown

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2020 3:01 am
by G
When a politician makes a decision it's political based on definition. The brothels would be open now if it was their decision to choose.

Re: Starting on Sunday, we're once again in lockdown

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2020 5:35 am
by Underground Farmer
I think everybody else is so wrapped up in the politics that they missed the most important thing, I would be happy to come and watch porn with you Rachel. :D

Re: Starting on Sunday, we're once again in lockdown

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2020 3:19 pm
G link wrote: When a politician makes a decision it's political based on definition. The brothels would be open now if it was their decision to choose.
Perhaps you're not that old but I was around  during the brothels  BC era.  That's before condoms.  I remember the aids epidemic which was spreading like crazy. For those who said it was a gay disease, they were wrong because it was attacking everyone.  It was either making condoms mandatory or else closing the brothels. There was noting political about it.  I see this as being no different except for a condom not being able to stop the transmission of Covif-19 and the reason for closing the brothels. Now if anyone knows of a way to make the brothels safe to reopen, I'm just like a basset hound.  That is all ears!

Re: Starting on Sunday, we're once again in lockdown

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2020 3:30 pm
by Dirk Diggler
SIDEWINDER link wrote: Perhaps you're not that old but I was around  during the brothels  BC era.  That's before condoms.  I remember the aids epidemic which was spreading like crazy. For those who said it was a gay disease, they were wrong because it was attacking everyone.  It was either making condoms mandatory or else closing the brothels. There was noting political about it.  I see this as being no different except for a condom not being able to stop the transmission of Covif-19 and the reason for closing the brothels. Now if anyone knows of a way to make the brothels safe to reopen, I'm just like a basset hound.  That is all ears!

So now your comparing Aids in the 80's to COVID...Aids being a virus estimated to have killed 25-35 million worldwide and unlike COVID it was clearly determinable as being the primary cause of death and was untreatable at the time. Give me a break.

Re: Starting on Sunday, we're once again in lockdown

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2020 6:08 pm
by rachelvarga
Break me off a piece of that Kit-Kat bar.

Rachel Varga

Re: Starting on Sunday, we're once again in lockdown

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2020 12:42 am
Dirk Diggler link wrote:
So now your comparing Aids in the 80's to COVID...Aids being a virus estimated to have killed 25-35 million worldwide and unlike COVID it was clearly determinable as being the primary cause of death and was untreatable at the time. Give me a break.
Actually I was trying to show you, it has nothing to do with politics. just not wanting to spread a deadly virus.  Like I said, if you have an idea how to open the brothels safely, please let us know. ... d=msedgdhp

Re: Starting on Sunday, we're once again in lockdown

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2020 12:48 am
by Banginit
Rachel Varga link wrote: Break me off a piece of that Kit-Kat bar.

Rachel Varga
Kit-kat my fav bar n not talking about the one outside carson city.  Lol but have been there

Re: Starting on Sunday, we're once again in lockdown

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2020 3:28 am
by Dirk Diggler
SIDEWINDER link wrote: Actually I was trying to show you, it has nothing to do with politics. just not wanting to spread a deadly virus.  Like I said, if you have an idea how to open the brothels safely, please let us know.

Well that's easy. You open the brothels, do temp checks, and any IC's or clients who don't feel safe going there should stay home, no different than going to a grocery store or anywhere else and likely far more "safe" as I doubt you have 1K+ people rotate out of brothels in less than an hour unlike your big stores. When the recovery rate is over 99.5% for people 69 years old or younger the virus is simply not "deadly" for the vast majority of people.

If there were not any restrictions you better believe most of the brothels would be open and people would still be going just like any other business that has not been forced to close.

Re: Starting on Sunday, we're once again in lockdown

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2020 4:28 am
You do know many people come down with Covid 19 and never run a temperature?  Or that some people like me run a naturally low temperature so if I had a temperature, it would look normal to most people?  Or that many people are carriers and never show any signs of having Covid 19. You also mentioned grocery stores. Would you be alright with both you and the working woman wearing a mask as required in a grocery store?  Or maintaining a 6 Foot distance from each other if even possible as required in grocery stores? 

BTW:  I think the only safe way to open a brothel right away is if you can find a Covid test that is reasonable in price, accurate and simple to use and then test everyone. the working women are once a day and every customer gets tested every time they enter the brothel. 

BTW: I'm certainly not the sharpest knife in the drawer so if anyone has any better ideas, I would like to hear them. 

Re: Starting on Sunday, we're once again in lockdown

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2020 5:27 am
by rachelvarga
Dirk, do you wear a mask when you go outside of your home?

Rachel Varga

Re: Starting on Sunday, we're once again in lockdown

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2020 6:47 am
by G
The horse is dead and we are still beating it!

The problem I see is that no one wants to take responsibility.  We live in a society full of victims unwilling to look into core issues.  Maybe if we talked about the core problems of an unhealthy population and poor health care system instead of all the people ruining our lives, the next virus in 100 years from now wont be such a problem.  Never mind we don't care about the next generation because we are a bunch of narcissist.  Maybe that is our biggest issue and we are unwilling to accept that because we can blame everyone else for our problems.

By the way, this post is not directed at anyone, just some food for thought.

Re: Starting on Sunday, we're once again in lockdown

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2020 7:01 am
by Dirk Diggler
SIDEWINDER link wrote:You do know many people come down with Covid 19 and never run a temperature?  Or that some people like me run a naturally low temperature so if I had a temperature, it would look normal to most people?  Or that many people are carriers and never show any signs of having Covid 19. You also mentioned grocery stores. Would you be alright with both you and the working woman wearing a mask as required in a grocery store?  Or maintaining a 6 Foot distance from each other if even possible as required in grocery stores? 
If you think social distancing is being maintained in grocery stores, bars, restaurants, or most any other places you are very naive or haven’t left your house much.
Again, if you are concerned about a virus that the vast majority of people recover from then take whatever steps you feel are necessary or stay home.

If brothels opened today with no restrictions I would go and I know there would be ladies there happy to party. I honestly don’t care if you would want to go or not, it’s not my problem, and you shouldn’t care that I do want to go.

To Rachel’s question, I just want to be clear that I’m not responding to any questions or comments you direct towards me from this point on.
I only enter into discussions with people based on good faith that they are being open and objective, even if we have different views, and when/if a person resorts to name calling and personal attacks that obviously is not the case and I have nothing more to say to them. It’s nothing personal, just indifference as I value my time and have better things to do.

Re: Starting on Sunday, we're once again in lockdown

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2020 9:14 am
by rachelvarga
Dirk, In my post "Wear the Damn Mask" you pretty much said everyone here despises America. People have different viewpoints and I don't think anyone despises America. We all see things that are good and bad. America is the most successful country to have ever existed and part of that is being able to say things you feel. I believe I have a unique point of view in that I have lived under two opposing systems of government and being European most of my life I do believe that sometimes we have to set aside what is good for ourselves and help the group.

This seems to have started when I said it was a citizen's civic duty to their country to not spread covid. I said that because I believe protecting the country is more than the military. The economy and welfare of the people are important so to be stemming the tide of infection seems the most important thing and it can only be done if we work together. Something that is seemingly impossible in America right now.

When you said. "You all do you though.... continue to despise fellow Americans because they don't think or act like you or because they value their religious beliefs or other god given freedoms that you clearly don't."I felt you were making me out to be less of an American. Maybe not intentionally but it is how it made me feel. I am sure that I said something that started it for you too. There probably is no exact trigger point because neither of us is omnipotent so we really don't know each other's intentions or feelings.

You have been just as complicit in this fight as I have so neither of us are angels by any means. Maybe we should be putting ourselves aside and trying to do what is best for the group by letting all of this go. I am totally okay with doing that if you are.

Re: Starting on Sunday, we're once again in lockdown

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2020 1:01 pm
Dirk said:  If brothels opened today with no restrictions I would go and I know there would be ladies there happy to party. I honestly don’t care if you would want to go or not, it’s not my problem, and you shouldn’t care that I do want to go.

It's not that simple Dirk. If it were,  I would care less how you act or what you do. However, with a pandemic,  what you do can have an affect on everyone you come in contact with.  It's not just about you. It's about all the other lives you can endanger.  Guys just like you are the reason this pandemic is spreading so fast.  Not everyone can recover or you wouldn't see the escalating deaths every day.  You seem to think its your right to do whatever you want and if you get the Virus, oh well but what about everyone else you put at risk with your careless actions?
BTW: This will be my last post as if the increasing number of virus  infections and deaths hasn't  made you realize this is serious--nothing will.

Re: Starting on Sunday, we're once again in lockdown

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2020 4:15 pm
by Dirk Diggler
SIDEWINDER link wrote: Dirk said:  If brothels opened today with no restrictions I would go and I know there would be ladies there happy to party. I honestly don’t care if you would want to go or not, it’s not my problem, and you shouldn’t care that I do want to go.

It's not that simple Dirk. If it were,  I would care less how you act or what you do. However, with a pandemic,  what you do can have an affect on everyone you come in contact with.  It's not just about you. It's about all the other lives you can endanger.  Guys just like you are the reason this pandemic is spreading so fast.  Not everyone can recover or you wouldn't see the escalating deaths every day.  You seem to think its your right to do whatever you want and if you get the Virus, oh well but what about everyone else you put at risk with your careless actions?
BTW: This will be my last post as if the increasing number of virus  infections and deaths hasn't  made you realize this is serious--nothing will.

And there it is....See people like you (and you're not the only one) seem to think you have some kind of moral authority and that one life outweighs another. You stand on a pedestal and try to tell others that if they aren't fully onboard with all these different restrictions that they simply are selfish and don't care about others. The sad reality is that the shoe is actually one the other foot and with your words you're demonstrating you really only care about the few rather than the majority.

Here are the facts again that you keep ignoring. COVID 19 is not fatal for over 99.5% of people 70 years old or younger that get it. COVID 19 is not fatal for over 94% of people 71 years or older that get it. The total number of deaths in the U.S. in 2020 have not risen significantly compared to previous years with the elderly or any other demographic. The truth of the matter is that COVID is negatively impacting far more people (in many cases devastatingly so) from these ascnine and draconian restrictions than from the virus itself.

So why don't you address the other side of the coin that you and others ignore while you demand full compliance with every restriction and imply that anyone who doesn't support restrictions lacks empathy for others. Tell the millions of children that are struggling and not receiving a quality education now that they don't matter. Tell their parents who can't afford online learning/internet or can't work because they don't have a child caregiver that they don't matter. Tell parents and families that have kids who have committed suicide due to the social isolation that they don't matter. Tell thousands of high school athletes who are losing scholarships and future opportunities that they don't matter. Tell the millions out of work and hundreds of thousands of small business owners that their dreams and their careers don't matter. Tell all the people relying on state government health and human services that they don't matter as those services dry up because states are facing a severe budget crisis due to their own inept policies. Tell all the kids and spouses being battered and abused because they are cut off from everyone else that they don't matter.

Oh that's right, you don't really care about them. All that matters to you is that nobody gets a virus that the vast majority of people recover from anyways. What a shame. 

Re: Starting on Sunday, we're once again in lockdown

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2020 7:09 pm
by rachelvarga
Okay, I am done with this shit. STOP NOW! Everyone. This is not Fight Club and everyone is guilty of trying to tear each other down. We all know everyone's position so now we can all stfu and talk about something else. No more of this covid nonsense. I will just delete covid topics if this continues.