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Do Courtesans Like Sex?

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2018 5:27 pm
by SixT9er
I know sounds like a stupid question but I have to wonder sometimes.

Here’s why I wonder.

So if you like sex and that’s basically why you got into the business as in get paid to do something you like why are there so many price walks?

Isn’t making the same in 2-3 parties as you would in one just as good especially if you aren’t booking that 1 party at 2-3X’s the price?

Again if it’s something you love doing and you’re still getting paid very well isn’t something equal to what you’d like to get but for a little more effort better than nothing?

I’ve been very fortunate over the years to be able to see Ladies who feel this way but have run across a few that would rather sit and do nothing and not make money than party and make money doing what they supposedly like doing

If this is too close to pricing talk I apologize it’s just something that makes me scratch my head!

Re: Do Courtesans Like Sex?

Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2018 5:13 am
by Ironman
Cobia link wrote:

To answer your question....$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$  ;D
Well yeah of course, but you would think if she hated sex the money would not be enough. Did she hate sex in general or just with men?

Re: Do Courtesans Like Sex?

Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2018 10:39 am
by rachelvarga
Yeah you're right. Some come because they think it's easy money. I guess they figure, "How hard can it be? It's just sex." Cathouse did that. I liked the show but as with all television it's partly make believe.

We come to make money but we like sex. It's something I am good at among other things. It's not hard for me because I can like someone I just met. I have never been a girl that cares about looks,  dick size, physical traits. I always like big guys because they are like teddy bears but I can appreciate a nice body too.

If a girl doesn't like sucking cock then she is in the wrong business.

Re: Do Courtesans Like Sex?

Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2018 10:42 am
by SixT9er
Rachel Varga link wrote: If a girl doesn't like sucking cock then she is in the wrong business.
I think we have a winner for best quote of the month!

Re: Do Courtesans Like Sex?

Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2018 2:55 pm
by Slednx
niceguy eddie link wrote:
Wait a minute.  You wrote a thread on SIN that got deleted?

Get out of town. :P

Haha- today's SIN board has more editing, deleting than any house board ever did. Sad that guys like Over da hill (Borg 1) has nothing better to do with his day that be the principal or cop he always wanted to be.

Re: Do Courtesans Like Sex?

Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2018 4:21 pm
by Just Another Guy
Every lady I ever paid to have sex with said it was fantastic and she thoroughly enjoyed it. 
And with one exception, it always led to lowering the price for further parties because they enjoyed it so much.

One or more of the above statements is completely true.

Re: Do Courtesans Like Sex?

Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2018 6:00 pm
by ColtsFan
Slednx link wrote: I started a thread on SIN last year that got deleted (Borg 1) about a popular working girl telling me "that 95% of the time she doesn't enjoy the sex".

I just find it interesting when the guy writes the review and the lady responds, especially knowing what I knew. Haha.

Oh well, as long as you enjoyed your time, right?
I've heard something similar from another popular working girl.  It might be more common than some would think.

Re: Do Courtesans Like Sex?

Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2018 5:20 am
by Ironman
Slednx link wrote:
Haha- today's SIN board has more editing, deleting than any house board ever did. Sad that guys like Over da hill (Borg 1) has nothing better to do with his day that be the principal or cop he always wanted to be.

? I don't think I have ever had post edited on SIN unless it was by me, or past the time I could do it myself and I had a reason for needing one of the mods to do for me so it was per my request.True I tend to steer clear of drama related topics or only chime in if I know I am right.,?? As for post being deleted only if the whole topic disappeared. Should I feel left out? ?

As for the lady not enjoying Sex?
Honestly Ladies  I really don't give a shit if you enjoy sex with me or not.I know I ain't good at it. If I was good at it and some stud you all would be lining up with money in hand to pay me!?

As long as you are cool with what I can pay you at the moment and you can put on a convincing performance that you are not rupulsed by fuggliness or my clumsy awkward approach to sex. We is cool.?

I was not born yesterday. I ain't dumb enough to think the ladies actually enjoy sex with me.

But I do know some of them at least the ones that I booked at least twice or more a certain now retired brunette in particular cared about me in their own way. All of them also would put on Oscar winning performances.?

Re: Do Courtesans Like Sex?

Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2018 4:35 pm
by SexyLexieJames
I know there are some girls that don't necessarily like sex... and some that love it. I think once girls learn this isn't just easy money, the ones that don't really enjoy it weed themselves out over time. [/size]

Re: Do Courtesans Like Sex?

Posted: Sat Jan 13, 2018 12:04 pm
by Sable Renae
I Like sex. I really like sex A LOT! And like Kitti I have a pretty short recovery time from most parties. I also try to work inside someones budget. That being said I know, and forgive me on this one, sometime the money being offered doesn't add up to what I even need to make a dent. Since at current I tend to have more down time than active time( which is why I spend SO much time on the boards) I have to weigh out whether giving someone the "Sun, stars, moon, constellations and everything in between for an amount that will not even make a dent in the accumulated expenses..i.e. debt. When some girls like myself find Zero's on their books 14 days in a row, price walking is really not an option but we cannot always take whatever is offered and provide everything on the list of desires the guest has in mind. Even though, YES I want to have sex, I want to get paid, and even a little will help sometimes the restrictions of simple finances make that impossible. So the guest get walked, not because I said no. Not because I wasn't willing to provide some service. It is because I couldn't provide everything for the amount offered. Would I like to get my set rate? Of course. It isn't just that I like and Love sex. I also have to invest in my skills. Think of it as continuing education.Outside of that I still have to provide for the Doctor and the Room and board. Let alone supplies. Everyone goes to work and some folks love the work they do but it doesn't mean they do it for free. My brother is a Master Electrician and he LOVES his Job. But if the foreman called him tomorrow and asked him to do that job for 1/4 of what he would normally get paid....... ??? ??? In my case 9 out of 10 times I am lucky enough to get picked from line up what the Guest offeres and wants for that offer isn't even 1/4 of what I need to cover expenses let alone put anything let alone a dollar in my pocket. The fact that I do love what I do and the people who are actually willing to give me the opportunity to prove that to them are the reason I am still here. [/size]

Re: Do Courtesans Like Sex?

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2018 1:07 pm
by rachelvarga
Lexie James link wrote: I know there are some girls that don't necessarily like sex... and some that love it. I think once girls learn this isn't just easy money, the ones that don't really enjoy it weed themselves out over time. [/size]
Yep, they are gone real quick.

Re: Do Courtesans Like Sex?

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2018 1:56 pm
by Lee
                                                                    I don't know
                                                                    I'm not One

I really hope They do though, because I really like Them, and I want Them to be happy.    :)

Re: Do Courtesans Like Sex?

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2018 10:11 am
by Sonja
In my brothel experiences I found that MOST of the ladies freakin' LOVE sex.  I did run across a couple of ladies that were not into it.  One was a good negotiator, though, and often recruited a 2nd female to do the sex "work" during a party.  She was the most successful of the ladies who hated sex but even she didn't last. They generally wash out before you get a chance to memorize their name. Being a courtesan was the easiest, most natural, fulfilling thing I ever did to make a living but it's a horrible job for girls who don't enjoy sex. 

If it's important to you to be positive your lady is on board and as excited as you are about getting down and dirty --choose someone who's been around awhile.

Re: Do Courtesans Like Sex?

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2018 2:57 pm
by Lee
Sonja link wrote: In my brothel experiences I found that MOST of the ladies freakin' LOVE sex.  I did run across a couple of ladies that were not into it.  One was a good negotiator, though, and often recruited a 2nd female to do the sex "work" during a party.  She was the most successful of the ladies who hated sex but even she didn't last. They generally wash out before you get a chance to memorize their name. Being a courtesan was the easiest, most natural, fulfilling thing I ever did to make a living but it's a horrible job for girls who don't enjoy sex. 

If it's important to you to be positive your lady is on board and as excited as you are about getting down and dirty --choose someone who's been around awhile.
Once again Sonja, You really 'knocked it outta the park' with Your simple and honest answer. Where You said "Being a courtesan was the easiest, most natural, fulfilling thing I ever did to make a living but it's a horrible job for girls who don't enjoy sex" was a joy to read. Your husband is a lucky fellow.  :)