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LPIN Bitch thread

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2018 12:20 pm
by SixT9er
What are your complaints about the business or houses?

Mustang Ranch: Put a working lock on the men’s room door or at least a screen wall between the toilet and urinal!

Love Ranch North, Mona’s and any other houses this applies to: Make the parlor/bar non smoking!

Please share your complaints or refute mine

Re: LPIN Bitch thread

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2018 11:21 pm
by inezsdd
Actually our girls post about anything they want whenever they want.  Way off base Dirk.  However,  they haven’t posted much here yet.  We keep pushing them.

And it is pretty odd you would even say that when you can easily see lots of girls posting on Sin board. 

Further, Kitti does not have her info correct about Elko that is obvious.

Re: LPIN Bitch thread

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2018 3:00 am
by Midwest Couple
SixT9er link wrote:
“Monas is one person at a time”
One too many
Yes - but it's an improvement from smokum if you gottum.  Steps in the right direction are valuable steps. 

Gabriel, needs more recognition and respect. He's a super cool dude. No dreams of grandeur. And treats Ladies and customers with dignity and respect. I'd argue Desert Rose should be considered the best house in Elko. For one thing it doesn't give off hole in wall urban "massage parlor" vibes nor are they seen recruiting Ladies in the same places using the same lingo and tactics as illegal escort agencies. I like to give props where they are due. But apparently this is an unpopular opinion.” - Kitty

We've never heard of Gabriel/Gabe or much at all from anyone in Desert Rose.  We'd heard some not so attractive things about DR from a handful of experienced Mongers.  It's a shame he doesn't come on any of the boards to market himself and DR more if it's as good as you say.  As for the "massage parlor" crack - we LOVED our experience at Inez DD.  We were treated wonderfully, enjoyed the vibe there, had an amazing party - and although it was our FIRST experience, we'd go back often if we could.  I guess we are just the type who likes "hole in the wall urban massage parlors". 

“And I still have no idea why brothels are so dimly lit. It's full of beautiful Ladies.” - Kitty
- Maybe it's FOR the ladies, to hide us less attractive clients.  ;)  

“I'm mad at Elko for being too inconvienient to travel to.  Damn you Elko!!” - Quest4Tail
- Agree, 100%

“I do think it’s ironic that as much as you tout other boards and establish posting requirements for certain rates, you don’t allow your own ladies to post much other than to respond to reviews or they simply don’t care to because they know the reality of things.” - Dirk
- This doesn't seem ironic at all.  If business owners have a strong, supportive clientele in one place, where their employees feel welcomed and appreciated, they SHOULD encourage their employees to frequent those environments. We are curious what the comment: "they know the reality of things" implies however.

We like to give props when they are due also, and have enjoyed both the experiences we've had in and around Elko as well as the work the management and ladies of the brothels from Battle Creek to Wells put into the boards we frequent. 

Re: LPIN Bitch thread

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2018 3:36 am
by SixT9er
inezsdd link wrote: Actually the smoking rule works perfectly.

Someday we may make it non smoking but for now this rule works everytime.

Of course some customers may Bitch but so what they can always go outside and smoke.
If it’s no big deal for them to go outside now why not just implement a full non smoking policy now? The Mustang doesn’t lack for traffic being smoke free. Seems going from one to zero would be very easy, just hang a “No Smoking” sign and you’re done

Re: LPIN Bitch thread

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2018 4:45 am
by rachelvarga
That whole hundreds of applications a day at the BR is just media hype. I'm sure they get some but not hundreds like the say.

Re: LPIN Bitch thread

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2018 4:48 am
by SixT9er
Chuckar chaser link wrote: While I don't see why one of the brothel couldn't be non smoking. There is no way for A rural brothel to run like the Mustang and be successful. It sounds to me like  Inez and Mona's are ran pretty successfully maybe how they recruit is not real classy but they have to do something I am sure they do not get the mass applications for employment like Bunny Ranch and Mustang do.
Inez is smoke free so yes one of the two is.
I didn’t say they should be run like the Mustang just that they should be smoke free like the Mustang. Mona’s now only allows one smoker at at time, why not cut it to zero? In the majority of public buildings smokers can’t smoke in them so smokers will smoke outside so why don’t all houses follow this?
I actively avoid houses with smoking and I know of others who do also

Re: LPIN Bitch thread

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2018 6:05 am
by Sonja
Hmmm.  Our bathrooms aren't locked.  Music isn't loud.  Smoking is allowed just outside the bar door on the patio... with exceptions if the only people in the bar are client smokers.

Rather than criticize someone else's brothel - I can tell you what I'd like to see improved at mine (and btw - I'm working on it) ... Beefed up Spa, a broader array of party options via specials and theme rooms, more video of ladies and a virtual tour on-screen in the bar, more enticements & games for social activity in our parlor and bar ... just for starters

Re: LPIN Bitch thread

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2018 6:29 am
by inezsdd
Thank you all for the feedback.

And we don’t recruit from other brothels it is quite the opposite.

Many owners would back me up on this.

Re: LPIN Bitch thread

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2018 8:06 am
by MrTShirt
Sonja link wrote: Hmmm.  Our bathrooms aren't locked.  Music isn't loud.  Smoking is allowed just outside the bar door on the patio... with exceptions if the only people in the bar are client smokers.

Rather than criticize someone else's brothel - I can tell you what I'd like to see improved at mine (and btw - I'm working on it) ... Beefed up Spa, a broader array of party options via specials and theme rooms, more video of ladies and a virtual tour on-screen in the bar, more enticements & games for social activity in our parlor and bar ... just for starters
Maybe some day re-activate the now livestream like in the past.  However, you may be constrained due to poor internet in the area.

Re: LPIN Bitch thread

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2018 11:09 am
by adrianfromfl
As has been addressed already, Inez's is completely smoke free.  I have seen Peter ask guys to step outside if they wish to smoke.  Mona's does allow it but I have never felt it be a problem for me.  I do have some minor respiratory issues and really can't stand smoking but it's never been enough of a problem for me.  The bar area is big enough that someone smoking on the opposite end would not really affect me BUT I understand that not everyone is the same and some folks might be more sensitive than me.

As far as Desert Rose goes, they are alright.  I haven't been there since January 2016.  The girls are gorgeous but the value proposition just wasn't there.  It wasn't just the monger rate either, the two girls I did party with there had a lot of little rules that turned me off.  At one point, Desert Rose may have had a monopoly on gorgeous young women in Elko but that is certainly no longer the case.  I would put the Inez's/Mona's ladies on par with the hottest ladies anywhere else.  I live in Miami and see* gorgeous women everyday so I know of what I speak.  This is not to say that DR is bad, it's just that I get treated like a rockstar at Mona's and Inez's by everyone (Louis, Peter, Mike, Anna, and all the ladies).  Seriously, it's everything my fragile little ego needs.  ;D  I know some of my friends have a favorite at the Rose so I am not slamming it.  I'm just saying I didn't really like it.  As far as Sue's goes: the pricing is great, the ladies always give it their all, and they are the only Elko city brothel open 24/7 , but they have some issues with how they handle guests in the parlor.  I won't rule them out on a trip, but I no longer have to visit them either.

I can't speak to their hiring practices since I am not privy to them, but if they are hiring for a legal job why is it a problem that they use backpage or the like?  It is sex work afterall.  Where should they advertise?  As long as it is clear that it is for legal sex work, I don't see the problem.

There seems to be a good mix of veterans and newbies there so they must be doing something right.  Sapphire has been there since at least 2015, Julie longer than that, and even Emily has been there for about 2 years.  Abby has worked at a few places before Elko but she keeps going back to Mona's.

I'm not saying that anyone's perfect.  I can sort of agree on the smoking issue to a point but as I said it's never been a problem to me.  I know that I get treated well, the ladies aren't on lockdown or being chased by a horny boss and a few of them have been there an eternity in LPIN years.

*I mean see in the very literal sense unfortunately  :o

Re: LPIN Bitch thread

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2018 12:42 pm
by Cobia
Chuckar chaser link wrote: If there is a brothel that has gay men in it I ain't going. I don't care if they offer free parties with miss America. Maybe others or younger folks see that different.

I'll drink to that.

Re: LPIN Bitch thread

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2018 1:10 pm
by SixT9er
I’ve been around gay guys all my life so it wouldn’t bother me if they were there. I’d avoid them as I’d avoid any Lady I wasn’t interested in.

That being said I think Chuckar and Cobia’s response is very prevalent among Brothel goers and therefore gay men in the house would most likely be a financial drain vs money maker

Just my opinion

Re: LPIN Bitch thread

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2018 2:39 pm
by SixT9er
KittiMinx link wrote: Younger folks do see it differently. A common question I get from younger people is  "where is the male equivalent?" like Chippendales is to Hustler.  The closeted gay community values discretion very highly, something that is never guaranteed seeing independent providers. People have their things. If it's not hurting anyone I fail to see how one place existing would do any damage. If it's not your thing it's not your thing. But there's millions of other people in the world with differing tastes.
Don’t you think if the owners thought it would bring in more money they’d already be doing it?

I still think it will have to first prove viable in a dedicated “gay” house before the owners of the existing houses will jump on board

Re: LPIN Bitch thread

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2018 5:30 pm
by Dr. Who
Donna's Ranch in Well posted an announcement over on SIN not too long ago, and were looking to hire both male and female sex workers.  So, there is one brothel taking a chance.  Although, Donna's hasn't posted any updates, so I have no idea how things are progressing.

Re: LPIN Bitch thread

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2018 5:55 pm
by SixT9er
Dr. Who link wrote: Donna's Ranch in Well posted an announcement over on SIN not too long ago, and were looking to hire both male and female sex workers.  So, there is one brothel taking a chance.  Although, Donna's hasn't posted any updates, so I have no idea how things are progressing.
Maybe Vanity could give us an update on this since she’s been there working?

Their website makes no mention of it

Re: LPIN Bitch thread

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2018 7:22 pm
by Vanityaffair
Vanity to the rescue here. I am at Donnas right now. I don’t see any post dudes here and penisis on line up. No 26inchers running around.
Just 3 lovely girls vanity rose and Emily all pretty with great personalities.
I also don’t see any males on the schedule. So you guys should come over and check us out. We will make sure to put all the girls pictures up on brothel life real soon. We have no  Penisis maybe a strap on.
XO Vanity

Re: LPIN Bitch thread

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2018 8:07 pm
by wayne208
I agree with Kitti about 95% of the Time .. This Time I disagree . Sorry Hon I am Old and While I do have Gay friends it is a Vibe Killer for me at the House's .. To Each there own

Re: LPIN Bitch thread

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2018 8:38 pm
by Mikey
The smoking inside is a Nevada thing, it's how I know in there, whether it's casinos or brothels, it's noticeable. On the issue of gay men, some of the best people I've ever worked with were gay, so I say live and let live.

Re: LPIN Bitch thread

Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2018 9:25 am
by Space Duck
SixT9er link wrote: Don’t you think if the owners thought it would bring in more money they’d already be doing it?

I still think it will have to first prove viable in a dedicated “gay” house before the owners of the existing houses will jump on board

If they thought it would work, sure. One of the problems with LPIN in general is that model and laws used actively prevent innovation. I don't have any real issues with the man, I don't know enough about him, but one guy owns a large percentage of the physical brothels. When you factor in the number of ladies present at each of his owned brothels (correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe all of them are on the larger side), his percentage of LPIN skyrockets.

Monolithic entities do not encourage innovation.

On another note, I have no problem with brothels with sex workers of all genders. Only thing I care about is the lady I'm looking to party with. Everything else at the brothel is a distraction from the wonderful time I could be having with my lady of choice.

Re: LPIN Bitch thread

Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2018 2:39 pm
by rachelvarga
Space Duck link wrote:
If they thought it would work, sure. One of the problems with LPIN in general is that model and laws used actively prevent innovation. I don't have any real issues with the man, I don't know enough about him, but one guy owns a large percentage of the physical brothels. When you factor in the number of ladies present at each of his owned brothels (correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe all of them are on the larger side), his percentage of LPIN skyrockets.

Monolithic entities do not encourage innovation.

On another note, I have no problem with brothels with sex workers of all genders. Only thing I care about is the lady I'm looking to party with. Everything else at the brothel is a distraction from the wonderful time I could be having with my lady of choice.
Brothels have plenty of room to innovate. They just won't.

Re: LPIN Bitch thread

Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2018 2:46 pm
by Goldie
This thread is pretty entertaining!

I just don’t see men in brothels working out for a few reasons.

First, most male prostitutes service men...and it’s so easy for a man to get sex with another man in pretty much any town anywhere. I don’t see them planning a trip to Nevada and then paying hundreds (easily at least four figures overall for the trip) for it. I mean you are usually talking about getting your dick sucked through a glory hole for a few minutes, you know? There may be a few men who will travel to Nevada and pay more...maybe a few, but not enough to sustain a house. And men who pay men for sex are usually for one reason or another keeping their sexuality close to the bone (no pun intended) so I don’t see them going to a brothel where most of the customers are men paying women.

For those women who pay men (I speak with some experience here) it’s not the same. We don’t line em up, pick one, and go fuck for an hour. At least I genuinely believe not enough do to sustain a business.

I really think the biggest untapped market is women who want to experiment or have sex with other women. It’s def a little bit better as compared to when I started going to brothels, but still a long way to go. Lol Sheri’s wouldn’t let me sit at the bar, and I had to have monger escorts to go to the Sagebrush.

Anyhoo...I’d bet the farm it’s just never gonna work for male prostitutes in brothels. I’d never take that bet...and this from the girl who bet the Eagles to win the Super Bowl back in the 2017 preseason! :)
