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March for Our Lives

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2018 1:26 pm
by Chicagobob
In cities around the country next Saturday is the "March for Our Lives".[/size]
I have been asked to attend and I am truly honored! 
For info: #marchforourlives or #neveragain
It's time![/size]

Re: March for Our Lives

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2018 9:13 am
by Cobia
Chuckar chaser link wrote: Kitty if someone want to kill themselves they are going to kill themselves gun or not.

Bob do you really think the wakos will stop at the semi auto rifle. Next you will want handguns. Then shotguns and on and on until there is nothing left.

Exactly !!

Re: March for Our Lives

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2018 11:15 am
by Slednx
Chuckar chaser link wrote:
Bob do you really think the wakos will stop at the semi auto rifle. Next you will want handguns. Then shotguns and on and on until there is nothing left.

God, this is so true. I can tell tell you having dealt with the left on land issues that they are never happy with what they are given. Make a compromise with them one year only for them to return the next wanting more. They can't be trusted, they will only truly stop when they are given all and the opposition has nothing left.

Re: March for Our Lives

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2018 11:24 am
by Slednx
My take on the Marches.

I saw a lot of misguided anger. So many times with these mass shooting, no one knew, no one could have stopped the rampage. They pick the one incident where this is not the case.

Where is the rage for the FBI and their total lack of any type of response or investigation into the two reports to them. The same goes with the Sheriff's office. Law enforcement totally let those kids down, yet everyone is afraid to call them out or march in front of their offices. Then you have the coward cop assigned to the school who stood outside for twenty minutes while kids were being slaughtered inside. What a difference he could have made like the recent school cop who engaged and ended the most recent shooter.

Lots of blame to go around on this one,

Re: March for Our Lives

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2018 7:17 pm
by niceguy eddie
Chicagobob link wrote:
So you're saying that my little 38 Special is not effective against an AR-15? So you're saying that the AR-15 is a deadly war machine and my 38 Special isn't?  So you're saying by the time I pulled the trigger, somebody with an AR-15 is going to fire off 20 shots killing me 20 times over?  I AGREE!  That's the point!

Don't try to put words into my mouth.

While I will defend your choice to rely on a .38 Special, the.38 Special revolver has been phased out as a main sidearm by almost every police agency in the country decades ago because they found high capacity automatics to be more effective weapons for life and death use against dangerous criminals.

Likewise, many have replaced the shotgun in the patrol cruiser with an AR-15 because they have found it to be a more effective and capable weapon for life and death use against dangerous criminals. 

I only want the same effective safety equipment that the police have to defend myself against dangerous criminals if necessary, and besides, as I explained before I enjoy shooting them as do millions of Americans.  It's the most popular longarm sold in America and over 15 million are privately owned.  [/size]

As far as the proposed laws go, have you seen some of them?  Some are going after all magazine fed semi automatic firearms and that has gotten the attention of a millions of gun owners.  At times like these, gunowners who were previously complacent when it looked like their guns were safe join and pour money into progun organizations--like the NRA that has 5 million plus members

The marchers aren't the only people who are getting more active politically.  The NRA and other pro-gun organizations have always been big, but at times like this when rights are threatened, the memberships ranks swell and the dollars pour in from concerned gunowners. 

The NRA isn't the only organization.  Another group you might be familiar with is the Second Amendment Federation.  You should be familiar with them, Chicagobob, because in 2010 they filed a suit, known as McDonald v. Chicago, against the City of Chicago that forced it to overturn its handgun ban in 2010 that had previously banned new sales of all handguns since the late 1970s.  If you live in Chicago and own a .38 Special you can thank the Second Amendment Federation.

Re: March for Our Lives

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2018 7:23 pm
by niceguy eddie
Chicagobob link wrote:As I said before, I don't think we have a choice. 800,000 people marching in DC alone.[/size]
That number is according to the march's organizers. who like to exaggerate these things.[/size]

According to Virginia-based Digital Design & Imaging Service Inc., which uses aerial photos to calculate crowd sizes, reported the event’s peak crowd size was at 202,796.  [/size]
Chuckar chaser link wrote:Bob do you really think the wakos will stop at the semi auto rifle. Next you will want handguns. Then shotguns and on and on until there is nothing left.[/size]
Chicagobob link wrote:And if South Vietnam falls to communism, all Asian countries will fall like dominos @@  Sorry, I couldn't resist. [/size]
There are indeed examples of this.

A perfect one is laws about owning longarms in New York City.  In the late 1960s the Mayor, John Lindsey pushed to require all residents of New York City to register their longarms and get a license.  That license was something like $15.00 which was never supposed to go up, and the mayor swore that the registration information would never be used to confiscate or restrict legally owned and registered firearms.

Well, the license has gotten more expensive, more complicated, and more restrictive.  You can only keep the gun loaded at a range--which means you cannot technically use the gun in your home for home defense since you technically cannot keep it loaded.

The license is now $140 plus something like $90 for a fingerprinting fee for first time purchasers and needs to be renewed every 2-4 years.  In the early 1990s, NYC banned all semiauto military style firearms and anyone who had one registered had to sell them out of the area or turn them in.
Fast forward to around 2012.  They decided to ban all longarms that could hold more than 5 rounds in their magazines and sent out letters to registered license holders who had them and told them that they had to either get rid of them or have them modified.

Wait a minute--The Winchester and Marlin lever action 30-30s whose design date back to the 1800s hold six rounds in their magazines.  At one time these were the most popular deer rifles in the Northeast and much of the US. 

You guessed it--owners of these guns in New York City had to either get rid of them or get them modified by a gunsmith so that their magazines only held 5 rounds.

Also, people who lived in NY City who owned collectible firearms like the bolt action British Lee Enfield that dates back to the late 1800s had to get rid of their firearms because these guns magazines held 10 rounds.

Here you have one example of historic proof that antigunners will not be satisfied with this or that type of gun and will always keep moving to restrict and outlaw whatever firearms they can.[/size]

Re: March for Our Lives

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2018 7:51 pm
by niceguy eddie
You, know it occurs to me.  One thing I really hated about the other board was the Fight Club section where people wailed on each other about political disagreements.  I rarely looked there and when I did I was usually because the subject of the first thread that was displayed along with the title of the section caught my attention.

If there are going to be debates (which is fine) they should be about LPIN issues.

To me an LPIN board should be about discussing LPIN and getting to know the Ladies

It should be about our common interests and not our political differences.

This is just my thoughts as it isn't my board.

I realize that we all have things that we are passionate about, but when I find myself spending far more time debating politics than reading and posting about LPIN I think it is time to reconsider my participation in these boards. 

Re: March for Our Lives

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2018 1:51 am
by Chicagobob
I posted the March for Our Lives announcement as an invitation.  It was never intended to be a debate - you guys started that.

Re: March for Our Lives

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2018 2:16 am
by Cobia
Chuckar chaser link wrote:

I completely agree.

I agree also.  I was hoping this board would stay political free and troll free.

Re: March for Our Lives

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2018 2:57 pm
by Mikey
Way off topic is all non-LPIN topics. As long as it's a discussion and doesn't degenerate into name calling I can live with it. IMO the NRA doesn't care about people dying from guns, it just means they have to crank up the propaganda to discredit gun control advocates. ... li=BBnb7Kz