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Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2018 4:36 am
by SixT9er
Not a new subject I know but in the past week or so I’ve noticed on twitter a couple ladies asking guys opinions on nose piercing, the “Bull Ring” type.

I admit I’m on the more conservative side of the piercing issue. For me I really draw the line at face piercings. Ears whatever, belly button fine, vagina area as long as it doesn’t get in my way I’m good. But please not the face! Not lip or nose in any form, eyebrow, cheek or anywhere on the face. It never adds to the beauty of a Lady imo it only distracts and takes away from that beauty and same goes for tattoos on the face.

Please leave your beautiful faces alone

Re: Piercings

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 3:03 pm
by Cobia
No thanks.  A party breaker for me.

Re: Piercings

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 3:09 pm
by FumbleNutts
CB, that lady would get the little guy excited in a country second  :) Regardless of what expression of art is on a lady's body, if they're cool and cool with me......let's have some fun  ;D

Re: Piercings

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 12:32 pm
by billwh
Interesting, because I had read about a particular well-reviewed lady, and someone mentioned that she had piercings in an area of her body that was not specifically named, but I had the impression they might be in "intimate" areas. I actually emailed her and asked her where they were located. I was interested in partying with her, but needed to know, because as I put it, I did not want to get "a mouthful of metal".

It took her a few days to answer, and in the meantime, I'm thinking, well, I won't be hearing from her ever again. LOL But she finally did answer, and described the piercings, which WOULD have gotten in the way, but she said she could remove them.

It's taken me a while to get used to tattoos and piercings on women (and for men also, for that matter), and some I can handle, some I can't. I see piercings in the nose, and the first thing I think of is what it would be like if that person had a cold and was blowing snot on those piercings. Piercings in the lips, I would not want to kiss.

I am getting more used to the idea of tattoos. Lily is an Asian lady working at Inez's, I really like her tattoos, someone else described them as "tasteful", I think that's pretty accurate. There are such things as nice-looking tattoos.

Times change and styles change along with them.

Re: Piercings

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 12:36 pm
by HD
Clit rings. Nuff said.

Oh ok fine I’ll say it
Cock rings
Nuff said lol

Re: Piercings

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 1:11 pm
by Goldie
I probably see things differently than most if the guys here...but I’m not really a “like piercings and/or tats” or “I don’t like piercings and/or tats.”

I think like many other features, it doesn’t take long at all before you don’t even see those superficial things. I have had lots of piercings over the years, including my nose...and have several tats on back, abdomen, and neck. Somehow most people don’t even realize it. I’ve had a few boyfriends over the years who, in the course of conversation, would comment on how cheap/unattractive tattoos made a it would take a few minutes of me looking at me before they remembered I had them too.

Of course everyone is entitled to pursue what attracts them and avoid what doesn’t...but labeling us as “cheap” is kind of an unfair insult.  Some tattoos are very expensive!
