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BrothelLife Year One

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2018 12:48 pm
by rachelvarga
BrothelLife is a year old! Kind of crazy isn't it? A lot of people thought it would fail but it hasn't. It's steadily moving along. I can in no way take all the credit for it's survival, you guys did the hard work.[/size]

I have some plans for this year. I want to move the forum to BBPress which is part of Wordpress. There is so much more you can do with it. I already have it set up and was able to transfer all of the posts for testing. I will need some people to help me test things out at some point.[/size]

I want to thank SixT9er, MtTShirt, and KittiMinx because they were top three in both categories. Thank you to firefighter, elkogfe, Chuckar chaser, Chicagobob, FumbleNutts, Cobia, ashlynsparks, and Mikey for posting so much.[/size]

Oh, wait a minute there is one more. You thought I forgot didn't you. I want to give extra thanks to Vanity because she really does help me a lot. She gives me perspective when things are crazy and has been a good friend through all of this.[/size]

Top 10 topic starters[/size]

172 SixT9er[/size]
74  MrTShirt[/size]
54  KittiMinx[/size]
54  Vanityaffair[/size]
35  firefighter[/size]
31  elkogfe[/size]
31  Chuckar chaser[/size]
25  Chicagobob[/size]
24  ashlynsparks[/size]

Top 10 posters[/size]

931 SixT9er[/size]
425 MrTShirt[/size]
378 KittiMinx[/size]
356 FumbleNutts[/size]
356 Cobia[/size]
321 Chicagobob[/size]
303 Chuckar chaser[/size]
295 Mikey[/size]
262 Vanityaffair[/size]

Re: BrothelLife Year One

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2018 5:11 am
by rachelvarga
Lee link wrote: Thank You Rachel for breaking the monopoly!  ;D  It's great to have a site that comes from a Courtesan's point of view and not just one site only that requires submission to the paternalistic leader/perspective to be allowed to participate.
Thank you Lee. It's about to get worse for those paternalistic leaders.

Re: BrothelLife Year One

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2018 5:12 am
by rachelvarga
Funmonger link wrote: Rachel,

Congratulations! I'm glad I was one of the first on here, although not a big poster. I do enjoy it and appreciate having this board.
You are a smart, diplomatic sexy babe, what else can I say? Also, you have a great sense of humor.

Sled, sometimes you write some funny shit, man! I'm still laughing.
I think diplomacy just went out the window.